Android Question MailParser still in html (SOLVED)


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Longtime User
In my application the body of the email is still in html. Meaning my application cannot read it. I have used the MailParser to parse it. The subject of the email is a normal string but the body is in html?


'Code module
Sub Process_Globals
    Type Message (FromField As String, ToField As String, CCField As String, BCCField As String, _
        Subject As String, Body As String, ContentType As String, Attachments As List)
    Dim index As Int
    Dim boundary As String
    Dim multipart As Boolean
    Dim dir As String
End Sub
'Parses a raw mail message and returns a Message object
'Mail - The mail raw text
'AttachmentsDir - Attachments will be saved in this folder
Sub ParseMail (Mail As String, AttachmentsDir As String) As Message
    index = 0
    multipart = False
    boundary = ""
    Dim msg As Message
    ParseHeaders(Mail, msg)
    If multipart = False Then
        ParseSimpleBody(Mail, msg)
        dir = AttachmentsDir
        ParseMultipartBody(Mail, msg)
    End If
    Return msg
End Sub
Sub ParseMultipartBody (Mail As String, Msg As Message)
    'find first boundary
    index = Mail.IndexOf2("--" & boundary, index)
    Dim headers As StringBuilder
    Do While index < Mail.Length
        Dim line As String
        line = ReadNextLine(Mail)
        If line.Length > 0 Then
            headers.Append(line).Append(" ")
        Else If index < Mail.Length Then
            Dim nextPart As Int
            nextPart = Mail.IndexOf2("--" & boundary, index)
            If nextPart-4 > index Then
                HandlePart(headers.ToString, Mail.SubString2(index, nextPart-4), Msg)
            End If
            If nextPart = -1 Then Return
            index = nextPart
        End If
End Sub
Sub HandlePart(Headers As String, Body As String, Msg As Message)
    If Regex.Matcher2("Content-Transfer-Encoding:\s*base64", _
        Regex.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Headers).Find Then
        'we are dealing with an attachment
        Dim filename As String
        Dim m As Matcher
        m = Regex.Matcher2("filename=\s*q([^q]+)q".Replace("q", QUOTE), Regex.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Headers)
        If m.Find Then filename = m.Group(1) Else filename = "attachment" & (Msg.Attachments.Size + 1)
        Dim su As StringUtils
        Dim out As OutputStream
        out = File.OpenOutput(dir, filename, False)
        Dim data() As Byte
        data = su.DecodeBase64(Body)
        Log("file saved: "  & filename & " (" & data.Length & " bytes)")
        out.WriteBytes(data, 0, data.Length)
    Else If Regex.Matcher2("Content-Type:\s*text/", _
        Regex.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Headers).Find Then
        Msg.Body = Body
    End If
End Sub

Sub ParseSimpleBody (Mail As String, Msg As Message)
    Msg.Body = Mail.SubString(index)
End Sub

Sub ParseHeaders (Mail As String, Msg As Message)
    Dim line As String
    line = ReadNextLine(Mail)
    Do While line.Length > 0
        Dim parts() As String
        parts = Regex.Split(":", line)
        If parts.Length >= 2 Then
            Dim first As String
            first = parts(0).ToLowerCase
            Select first
                Case "from"
                    Msg.FromField = parts(1)
                Case "to"
                    Msg.ToField = parts(1)
                Case "cc"
                    Msg.CCField = parts(1)
                Case "bcc"
                    Msg.BCCField = parts(1)
                Case "subject"
                    Msg.Subject = parts(1)
                Case "content-type"
                    Dim second As String
                    second =  parts(1).ToLowerCase
                    Msg.ContentType = parts(1)
                    If second.Contains("multipart/") Then
                        multipart = True
                        If FindBoundary(line) = False Then
                            line = ReadNextLine(Mail)
                        End If
                    End If
            End Select   
        End If
        line = ReadNextLine(Mail)
End Sub

Sub FindBoundary(line As String) As Boolean
    Dim m As Matcher
    m = Regex.Matcher2("boundary=\q([^q]+)\q".Replace("q", QUOTE), Regex.CASE_INSENSITIVE, line)
    If m.Find Then
        boundary = m.Group(1)
        Return True
        Return False
    End If
End Sub

Sub ReadNextLine (Mail As String)
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    Dim c As Char
    Do While index < Mail.Length
        c = Mail.CharAt(index)
        index = index + 1
        If c = Chr(13) OR c = Chr(10) Then
            If c = Chr(13) AND index < Mail.Length AND Mail.CharAt(index) = Chr(10) Then
                index = index + 1
            End If
            Exit 'break the loop
        End If
    Return sb.ToString
End Sub

m.Body looks like: <div dir="ltr">Max</div>
m.subject looks like: Max


Licensed User
Longtime User
Found the problem, when I sent an email from the same email account as the one that was receiving it (sending an email to itself) the body was in html. When I sent the email from another address still from the same provider and application it didn't have the html. Strange ey?
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