B4R Question MCP23017 Interrupt usage


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Hi All,

Has anyone had any success in getting the Interrupt functions working on the MCP23017 port extender chip?

I am trying to use the interrupt functions on a MCP23017 with 12 push buttons as inputs, attached to a WEMOS D1 R2 controller.

I would like one of the MCP23017 interrupt pins (INTA, INTB) to change when one of the push buttons are pressed.

I have tried Erel's examples in https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/posts/461711/.

At this stage I have the device address set to 0x20, the IO set to Inputs using IODIRA & B set to 0xFF which set all IO's to Inputs and GPPUA & B to use the internal pull-up resistors for each Input.

From research I have found that once an Input changes state the interrupt flag INFTFA & B needs to be read to indicate which input was triggered.

In Erel's example.
master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x12 + PortIndex)) 'will be either 0x12 or 0x13
Dim result() As Byte = master.RequestFrom(0x20,  1)
I assume that master.Write sets the device (0x20) and the address (0x12) to read from while the master.RequestFrom then reads the data back.

I have setup Interrupt pins with listeners but not able to get to work.

Does anyone have any ideas?



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Hi All,

For anyone who is interested I was able to get the interrupt functions working on the MCP23017 port extender.
I built a 4x3 key pad using keyboard push buttons to replace a faulty device which is no longer available.
All the keys switch to ground and all the inputs are held high with the MCP23017 internal pullup resistors.

For this project I needed to know when a key was pressed or released.

The attached code is not complete but the interrupt setup and key press/release is working.

Hope this is of use to someone.


'    Microchip - MCP23017 - 12C Port extender
#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region

'    wemos pin    |    header board pin#
'        D7        |         D9        (GPIO13) Serial 2 (Rs232 to Motion Board) - Transmit
'        D6        |        D8        (GPIO12) Serail 2     "        "        "      - Recieve
'        D5        |        D7        IRQ for B channel MCP23017
'        D4        |        D6       
'        D3        |        D5       
'        D2/SDA    |        D4
'        D1/SLC    |        D3
'        D0        |        D2        IRQ for A channel MCP23017
'        TX        |        D1       
'        RX        |        D0       
'    Note: the IRQ channels need to be on D5 & D0 otherwise they interfere with the boot and program update functions

Sub Process_Globals
      Public Serial1 As Serial
      Private master As WireMaster
'     Private PortState(2) As Byte
    Private D1 As D1Pins
    Private IntA As Pin            ' MCP23017 Interrupt - A channel Buttons 0 to 7
    Private IntB As Pin            ' MCP23017 Interrupt - B channel Buttons 0 to 3
'    setup keys - Bank A - Middle row
    Private setRef As Int = 0        'A-16
    Private leftArrow As Int = 0    'A-32
    Private fast As Int = 0            'A-64
    Private rightArrow As Int = 0     'A-128
'    setup keys - Bank A - Bottom row
    Private cancel As Int = 0        'A-1
    Private downArrow As Int = 0    'A-4
    Private start As Int = 0        'A-8
'    setup keys - Bank B - Top row
    Private Plot As Int = 0            'B-1       
    Private upArrow As Int = 0        'B-4
    Private home As Int = 0            'B-8
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
'    IODIRA & B - IO Direction - 1 is input - 0 is output
'    Use 0xFF to set all A to Inputs or 0x00 to set all A to outputs
'    use other Hex value to set a combination of Inputs and Outputs
       master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x00, 0xFF)) 'Set all A to inputs
      master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x01, 0xFF)) 'B inputs
'    IOPOLA & B - IO polarity - set to 0xFF so that inputs = 1 when activated
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x02, 0xFF)) 'Invert all A inputs
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x03, 0xFF)) 'B input
    Delay(100)    'not sure if delays are needed but there was some earlier issues
'    GPPUA & B -    set all pullup resistors to 'ON' - Inputs are held 'High' 
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x0C, 0xFF))    'Set all A Pull ups on
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x0D, 0xFF))    'Set all A Pull ups on
'    INTCONA & B - Interrupt configuration
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x08, 0x00)) 'doesn't work if set to FF ??
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x09, 0x00))
'    GPINTENA & B - Interupt on change -    set interrupt status =
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x04, 0xFF))
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x05, 0xFF))
'    DEFVALA & B - Default comparison for interrupt (interrupts on opposite)
'    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x06, 0xFF))
'    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x07, 0xFF))
'    INTCON - IO Configuration
'    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x0A, 0x00))
'    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x0B, 0x00))
'    Setup listeners for interrupts
    IntA.Initialize(D1.D0, IntA.MODE_INPUT)
    IntB.Initialize(D1.D5, IntB.MODE_INPUT)

End Sub

'Keys from Bank A are 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 & 128
'Keys from Bank B have 255 added to thier value so 1 becomes 256, 2 = 257, 4 = 259, 8 = 263
'Each key 'Press' has 2 read operations and key 'Release' has 2 int operations.
'State 0 is when the key is pressed or released. State 1 is when the interrupt is read
 Sub IntA_StateChanged (State As Boolean)
'    Log("Int A Called - State = ",State)
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x0E))    ' read the interrupt flag register to see which key set the interupt
    Dim result() As Byte = master.RequestFrom(0x20, 1)
    Dim keyCode As Int = result(0)
'    Log ("Int A Flag = ",result(0))
    If State = False Then
        master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x12))    ' read IO and reset the interupt
        Dim result() As Byte = master.RequestFrom(0x20, 1)       
    End If
End Sub

Sub IntB_StateChanged (State As Boolean)
'    Log("Int B Called - State = ",State)   
    master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x0F))    ' read the interrupt flag register to see which interupt was set
    Dim result() As Byte = master.RequestFrom(0x20, 1)
    Dim keyCode As Int = result(0) + 255    ' add 255 to so I know this key is from bank 'B'
'    Log ("Int B Flag = ",keyCode)
    If State = False Then
        master.WriteTo(0x20, Array As Byte(0x13))    ' read IO and reset the interupt
        Dim result() As Byte = master.RequestFrom(0x20, 1)
    End If   
End Sub

Sub keyPressed(key As Int)
    Select key
        Case 1    'CANCEL key
'            Log("key = CANCEL")
            If cancel = 0 Then
                cancel = 1
                Log("cancel - Key Down")
                'send key down command
                cancel  = 0
                Log("cancel - Key Up")
                'send key up commands
            End If
        Case 4
            Log("Key = Y-")
        Case 8
            Log("Key = START")
        Case 16
            Log("Key = SET REF")
        Case 32
            Log("Key = X-")
        Case 64    'FAST key
'            Log("Key = FAST")
            If fast = 0 Then
                fast = 1
                Log("FAST - key down")
                'send key codes
                fast = 0
                Log("FAST - key up")
                'send key codes
            End If   
        Case 128
            Log("Key = X+")   
        Case 256
'            Log("Key = PLOT")
            If Plot = 0 Then
                Plot = 1
                Log("PLOT - key down")
                'send key codes
                Plot = 0
                Log("PLOT - key up")
                'send key codes           
            End If
        Case 259
            Log("Key = y+")
        Case 263
            Log("Key = HOME")       
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub
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