Android Question MSDynamicGridView with viewpager


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I am trying to programmaticaaly create grids and load them in a viewpager (

I have created the grids as shown below
For k = 0 To dynamicgrid2.Length - 1

    DynamicAdapter2(k).Initialize("DAK",NumCols, 90%x/NumCols, 100%x/NumCols)

The grids are created. How do i get the current grid in the below event (i.e grid at position k). The sub below only returns the event for one grid but i have 4 grids.

Sub DAK_GetContent(Position As Int, ItemID As Long, ItemTag As String, ContentPanel As Panel) As Panel
'    Log("Pos: " & Position & " ItemID: " & ItemID & " ItemTag: " & ItemTag)
    Dim lbl2 As Label= ContentPanel.GetView(1)
    lbl2.textColor = Colors.White
    Return ContentPanel
End Sub
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