ODBC.Net provider for Windows7?


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I need to install ODBC on Windows 7 64bit for Connect Basic 4ppc With Mysql server. I followed the guide "How to use MySQL in Basic4PPC" writed by Sistemas, but I can't find the ODBC.net data provider, can somebody help me?

Thanks in advance


Licensed User
Longtime User
I found on the Mono site the following
Microsoft did not add System.Data.Odbc to the System.Data.dll assembly until Dot NET 1.1 (Visual Studio.net 2003). For Dot NET 1.0 (Visual Studio.net 2002), ODBC was available as Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll as a separate download from MSDN
The download, as you have found, seems to have been removed by Microsoft, presumably because it is now very out of date. I have checked and System.Data.Odbc is available in System.Data in .NET 2.0.

I have taken the original pachODBC source and recompiled it under .NET 2.0 to use System.Data.Odbc so no external dll is now required. I do not do database work so I cannot test this but as the original source code compiled without error then I guess it should work if you follow Sistemas guide.


  • ODBC1.0.zip
    6.7 KB · Views: 220
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