OPC server developement


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I am searching a solution to integrate an OPC server to my jfx hmi builder and I realise if I do not ask and open thread I will not find solution .
I am not found of OPC and do not now how it realy works , have only implemented plug and play solution from already build servers .

From what I know an opc server makes availlable for data to any opc client speaking the same language the goal is get b4j variables and publish them to the driver opc server.

I am interested to know if anybody is interested in developing an opc server ... and what would be the fees for developing such driver.
Thank you in advance


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Here is a track and since java is availlable maybe someone can wrap the code and help me build a b4j library !

Utgard - pure Java OPC library

Utgard is an open source project offering an OPC library written in pure native Java, i.e. with no dependency on JNI or other DLLs. It is licensed under the GPL.

Support is currently provided for DA 2.0 client development, with server enumeration now implemented. DA 3.0 client and DA server side are planned to follow.

Utgard is a contributor to the larger OpenSCADA project, and uses j-Interop (see below) for DCOM interoperability.


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I guess it is based on the same OPC DA client .
I have lose interest in searching further solutions to this OPC . If I would have known java maybe I would have found a solution but I stick to what I know.

I might have to come up at work with something like mtconnect and opc , we have a system but it is not what we want
I looked into the mtconnect it is quite simple to a point since there are lot of how to in c++, once you have the connection
to the machine you can jump to b4j for database and other stuff, that is what I will try to do.
I was able to find something for android for mtconnect

i will let you know AH


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Nice to find out others that are interested in these automation services ...good luck ..and tell me when you have made something out of your tests
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