Android Question Outgoing call question


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I am not sure I understood your problem but you might want to to use intent filter

Add this to your manifest :
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" />

And add this inside service_start

    If StartingIntent.HasExtra("state") Then
        If  StartingIntent.GetExtra("state") ="IDLE" Then
            Log("Call has ended")
        End If
    End If
If that is not what you wanted , you might want to modify the code and or check for other extras .

It is called twice and I do not know why .
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Longtime User
Thanks for the answer, but that is not exactly what I need. I may have written the original post ambigiously.
I would like to interrupt the outgoing call after the user has pressed the dial button so that I can display a message box to give the user a choice. If the user selects 'Yes' the app dials the called number.
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Longtime User
I can catch the outgoing call and abort it with the SetResultdata(null). But the call process in that case is already created with a false number but not interrupted.
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