Android Question Problem working with JavaFX Scene Builder


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Hello Erel, I'm new to JavaFX Scene Builder, I tryed to follow exactly the tutorials but I'm facing to a strange (to me) problem.
I've the following code in the Upload Class from your FileServer, which was Not-UI. I wanted to have an UI so I created a new one with UI and copied and adapted yours.

Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
   If req.Method <> "POST" Then
     resp.SendError(500, "method not supported.")
   End If
   'we need to call req.InputStream before calling GetParameter.
   'Otherwise the stream will be read internally (as the parameter might be in the post body).
   Dim In As InputStream = req.InputStream
   Dim reqType As String = req.GetParameter("type")
   If reqType = "" Then
     resp.SendError(500, "Missing type parameter.")
   End If
   Select reqType
     Case "text"
       Dim tr As TextReader
       Label1.TextColor = fx.Colors.Black
       'Msgbox.Show (tr.ReadAll,"")
       txtUser.Text = tr.Readall
       'Log("Received text message: " & CRLF & tr.ReadAll)
       resp.Write("Message received successfully.")
     Case "file"
       Dim name As String = req.GetParameter("name")
       Dim out As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(Main.filesFolder, name, False)
       File.Copy2(In, out)
       Log("Received file: " & name & ", size=" & File.Size(Main.filesFolder, name))
       resp.Write("File received successfully.")
   End Select
End Sub

I created txtUser and label1 with JavaFX Scene Builder. When I run the server nothing is sent to the txtUser or the label1 which remain blank. But if I check the Watch pane on the bottom it looks it receives the text sent by the client side app: (TextField) TextField@2ae7a162[styleClass=text-input text-field], Text: mytextsent,.
Any idea on what I missed? thank you
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