B4J Question RPI I2C Read register in UBlox GPS


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Try to pass register adress in Pi4j.I2C as in I2c_tools "i2cget" but dont understand how.
I use this code:
Sub GetBus(BusNumber As Int) As JavaObject
    Dim factory As JavaObject
    Return factory.InitializeStatic("com.pi4j.io.i2c.I2CFactory").RunMethodJO("getInstance", Array As Object(BusNumber))
End Sub
'Bus methods
Sub GetDevice(bus As JavaObject, Address As Int) As JavaObject
    Return bus.RunMethodJO("getDevice", Array As Object(Address))
End Sub

Sub CloseBus (bus As JavaObject)
    bus.RunMethod("close", Null)
End Sub
'Device methods
Sub Read(device As JavaObject) As Int
    Return device.RunMethod("read", Null)
End Sub

Sub Read2 (Device As JavaObject, Buffer() As Byte, Offset As Int, Size As Int) As Int
    Return Device.RunMethod("read", Array As Object(Buffer, Offset, Size))
End Sub

Sub Write(Device As JavaObject, b As Byte)
    Device.RunMethod("write", Array As Object(b))
End Sub

Sub Write2(Device As JavaObject, Buffer() As Byte, Offset As Int, Size As Int)
    Device.RunMethod("write", Array As Object(Buffer, Offset, Size))
End Sub

But where/how do i pass the reg adress, in this case Device adress 0x42, register 0xFF

Johan F
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