Scalling problem Live wallpaper


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I give you my Scalling test app if someone could help.

I explain my problem :

- The pictures are always 720 x 1280 (manga pictures) . One is in Files folder in the project zip

There a lot of devices :
320 x 480
480 x 800
720 x 1280
720 x 1184 (nexus)
800 x 1280

And in this sample app you will see that the live wallpaper not have the complete screen for every devices. (a gray background appear)

Actually for my release app i must do that but the designer is getty crazy xD

Sub img_Click
   'Vérife que c'est bien notre wallpaper

   Dim iv As ImageView
   iv = Sender
   Dim tempUrl As String = iv.tag
   Select Case GetDeviceLayoutValues.Width
      Case 320
         tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace("thumb", "images320")
      Case 480
         tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace("thumb", "images480")
      Case 720
         If GetDeviceLayoutValues.Height = 1184 Then
            tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace("thumb", "images7201184")
            tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace("thumb", "images720")
         End If
      Case 800
         tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace("thumb", "images800")
      Case Else
         tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace("thumb", "images800")
   End Select
   Dim realSizeJob As HttpJob
   realSizeJob.Initialize ("realSizeJob", Me, "")
End Sub

it's bad coding but the image are well display

You can dw the Project here

If someone have time to resolve this terrific scalling ... i could have only one pictures for every devices

Thx a lot
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