Android Question Send mail in http format with images

Filipe Ferreira

Licensed User
Longtime User
Good afternoon,

is it possible to send mail with images inside a table?

like this:
tabela_com _imagens.png

here is my code:
    SMTP.Initialize("", 587, "", "###########", "SMTP")
    SMTP.StartTLSMode = True
    SMTP.Subject = "Encomenda Fornecedor : " & (FORNECEDOR)
    Dim corpo,corpo1,corpo2,corpo3,corpo4,corpo5,corpo6,corpo7 As String
    corpo="<html><body><style>p{font-family:verdana;display: block;margin: 8px;font-size:12px } table{border: 1px solid black;    border-collapse: collapse;}th {    border: 1px solid black;    padding: 10px;    font-family:verdana;    font-size:13px;    background-color:#c2c2c2;}td {    border: 1px solid black;    padding: 10px;    text-align: left;    font-family:verdana;    font-size:10px;    vertical-align: midlle;} .invisivel {    border: 0px solid white;    padding: 0px;}</style>"
    corpo1= "<p>Boa tarde,"&  "<br/><br/>"
    corpo2= "Segue os dados da encomenda do Fornecedor:" & FORNECEDOR &  "<br/><br/><br/></p> "
    corpo3 =  "<table id=t01>"
    corpo4 = "<tr><th>Fotografia</th><th>Referencia</th><th>Nome</th><th>Designação</th><th>Ref. Fornecedor</th><th>Preço Custo</th><th>Quantidade</th><th>Observações</th><th>Estado</th></tr>"
For i = 0 To lista_artigos_mail.size-1
    Dim partir() As String=Regex.Split("\|",lista_artigos_mail.Get(i))
        corpo5 =corpo5 & "<tr><td><img src=???????????????? & partir(0).Trim&"0.jpg"& "></td><td>" & partir(0) & "</td><td>" &  partir(1) & "</td><td>" &  partir(2) & "</td><td>" &  partir(3) & "</td><td>" &  partir(4) & "</td><td>" &  partir(5) & "</td><td>" &  partir(6) & "</td><td>" &  partir(7) & "</td></tr>"
        SMTP.AddAttachment(File.DirRootExternal,"############/imagens/" & partir(0).Trim&"0.jpg")
    corpo6  = "</table><br><br/><br/><p>Com os melhores cumprimentos/best regards," &  "<br/><br/>"
    corpo7 =  "Filipe Ferreira"&  "<br/></p> "
    corpo=corpo & corpo1 &corpo2 &corpo3 & corpo4 &corpo5 & corpo6 &corpo7

the mail is sent with the images attached, but they don't show on table like the next picture

any ideas?

thanks in advanced.


Licensed User
Longtime User
<img src=???????????????? & partir(0).Trim&"0.jpg"& ">
this will not work. Upload the image to a public webspace and reference the imageurl then.

Or convert the image to base64 string and then you could try something like...

<img src="*base64-data-string here*/" />

In fact you are adding a second copy of the image. inside the html. The attachment itself is not needed (you can stop adding it if you dont want the attachment in the mail.)
It´s your decision.
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Filipe Ferreira

Licensed User
Longtime User
this will not work. Upload the image to a public webspace and reference the imageurl then.

Or convert the image to base64 string and then you could try something like...

<img src="*base64-data-string here*/" />

In fact you are adding a second copy of the image. inside the html. The attachment itself is not needed (you can stop adding it if you dont want the attachment in the mail.)
It´s your decision.

Thank you DonManfred for the quick response.
I used the first option and it worked.
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