Android Question setCornerRadii, Again


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Longtime User
Hi to everyone.
It has been a while since my last post.

I am having what appears to be an unusual problem with "setCornerRadii"

The following code is an extract from the Sudoku program I have been working on, (on and off) for years.
I use "setCornerRadii" to change the shape of cells which can be swapped.

What I have just discovered is that if you try to run "setCornerRadii" on Cell(80), the program will crash but, if you comment out line 118 in the following code, the program runs perfectly.
I have been trying to figure out what the devil is happening for two days, with no success and no idea.

Any help greatly appreciated.

I hope I have posted the code correctly or, should I have included the code as an attached .zip file.

setCornerRadii Example:
#Region  Project Attributes
    #ApplicationLabel: Set Corner Radii
    #VersionCode: 1
    'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
    #SupportedOrientations: portrait
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen: True
    #IncludeTitle: False
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Type CellData (Security As String, RCC As String, Row As Int, Column As Int, Group As Int, LastEntry As String, _
                   Klicked As Int, HighLighted As Boolean, Following As String, Swapable As Boolean, SwapWith As String, _
                   SwapShape As String, ReadyToSwap As Boolean)
    Dim CellInfo(81) As CellData
    Type CellPanel_Data(FirstCell As Int, Completed As Boolean, HighLighted As Boolean, Correct As Boolean)
    Dim CellPanel_Info(9) As CellPanel_Data

End Sub

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Dim lblCell(81)     As     Label
    Dim GridPanel(9)     As     Panel
    Dim su                As     StringUtils

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    Dim TextSizeBasedOnWidth    As     Int
    Dim CalculatedTextSize        As     Int
    Dim RowHeight                 As     Int    = 10%x

    Dim pnlDisplayPanel         As Panel
    'Add the Display Panel to Activity
    pnlDisplayPanel.Color = Colors.Black
    Activity.AddView(pnlDisplayPanel, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
    'Add the Nine Grid Panels to the Display Panel
    For Qty = 0 To 8
        GridPanel(Qty).Color = Colors.Black 'ColorInfo.Cell_Panel_Background
    Dim TitleBarHeight As Int
    TitleBarHeight = 20%x
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(0), 3.5%x,  TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 00%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(3), 3.5%x,  TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 31%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(6), 3.5%x,  TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 62%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(1), 34.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 00%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(4), 34.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 31%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(7), 34.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 62%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(2), 65.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 00%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(5), 65.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 31%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(8), 65.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 62%x, 31%x, 31%x)

    'Add a Corner Radius to the Eighty One Cells, if desired
    Dim SmallColor(81)    As     ColorDrawable
    Dim    CornerRadius    As    Int
    CornerRadius = 2    'radius goes here
    For Qty = 80 To 0 Step -1
        SmallColor(Qty).Initialize(Colors.RGB(255, 140, 0), CornerRadius)    '(ColorInfo.Cell_Unprotected, CornerRadius)
    'Add the Eighty One Cells, Nine each the Nine Grid Panels
    For Qty = 80 To 0 Step -1
        Dim JO As JavaObject = lblCell(Qty)
        JO.RunMethod("setPadding",Array As Object(0,0,0,0))
        lblCell(Qty).Background = SmallColor(Qty)
        lblCell(Qty).Tag = Qty
        lblCell(Qty).Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.Center_Vertical, Gravity.Center_Horizontal)

    For Amount = 0 To 2
        For Kount = 0 To 2
            For Count = 0 To 2
                For Qty = 0 To 2
                    GridPanel(Amount*3+Kount).AddView(lblCell(Amount*27+Kount*9+Count*3+Qty), Qty*10%x+1%X, Count*RowHeight+1%x, 9%x, 9%x)
                    CellPanel_Info(Amount*3+Kount).FirstCell        = Amount*27+Kount*9
                    CellInfo(Amount*27+Kount*9+Count*3+Qty).Column    = Kount*3+Qty
                    CellInfo(Amount*27+Kount*9+Count*3+Qty).Row     = Amount*3+Count
                    CellInfo(Amount*27+Kount*9+Count*3+Qty).Group     = Amount*3+Kount
    TextSizeBasedOnWidth = Width_Of_Text("9", lblCell(80))
    CalculatedTextSize = Height_Of_Text(lblCell(80), "9", TextSizeBasedOnWidth, "S")
    lblCell(80).TextSize = CalculatedTextSize
    'If you leave the following instruction uncommented, the application will crash.
    'If you comment out the following instruction, the application will run but Cell(80) will remain Square.
    'I have no idea why. PLEASE HELP.
    For Qty = 79 To 0 Step -1
        lblCell(Qty).TextSize = CalculatedTextSize

End Sub

Sub SER(V As View)
End Sub

Sub SCR(v As View, Rx_TopLeft As Float, Ry_TopLeft As Float, Rx_TopRight As Float, Ry_TopRight As Float, Rx_BottomRight As Float, Ry_BottomRight As Float, Rx_BottomLeft As Float, Ry_BottomLeft As Float)
    Dim jo As JavaObject = v.Background
    If v.Background Is ColorDrawable Or v.Background Is GradientDrawable Then
        jo.RunMethod("setCornerRadii", Array As Object(Array As Float(Rx_TopLeft, Ry_TopLeft, Rx_TopRight, Ry_TopRight, Rx_BottomRight, Ry_BottomRight, Rx_BottomLeft, Ry_BottomLeft)))
    End If
End Sub

Sub    Width_Of_Text(Text_to_Size As String, TestLabel As Label) As Int

    Dim    TextSizeBasedOnWidth     As Int
    Dim CVS         As Canvas
    For Qty = 60 To 0 Step -1
        TextSizeBasedOnWidth = CVS.MeasureStringWidth(Text_to_Size, TestLabel.Typeface, Qty)
        If TextSizeBasedOnWidth < TestLabel.Width Then
        End If

End Sub

Sub Height_Of_Text( TestLabel As Label, Text_to_Size As String, TextSizeBasedOnWidth As Int, SorM As String) As Int

    Dim CalculatedTextHeight As Int
    For Qty = 60 To 5 Step -1
        TestLabel.TextSize = Qty
        CalculatedTextHeight = su.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(TestLabel, Text_to_Size)
        If SorM = "S" Then
            If CalculatedTextHeight < TestLabel.Height Then
                If TextSizeBasedOnWidth < Qty Then
                    Qty = TextSizeBasedOnWidth
                End If
            End If
        Else If SorM = "M" Then
            If CalculatedTextHeight < TestLabel.Height Then
            End If
        End If

End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Thank you

I originally used the following code to set the Cell Background.

    Dim SmallColor    As     ColorDrawable
    Dim    CornerRadius    As    Int
    CornerRadius = 2    'radius goes here
    'Add the Eighty One Cells, Nine each the Nine Grid Panels
    For Qty = 80 To 0 Step -1
        Dim JO As JavaObject = lblCell(Qty)
        JO.RunMethod("setPadding",Array As Object(0,0,0,0))
        lblCell(Qty).Background = SmallColor
        lblCell(Qty).Tag = Qty
        lblCell(Qty).Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.Center_Vertical, Gravity.Center_Horizontal)

The result is the same regardless of the way "SmallColor" is dimensioned.


Licensed User
Longtime User
You have neglected to mention, or provide the log text of, what error is occurring.

Sorry Jeffrey, you are correct.
Here is the complete log of the error.

Logger connected to: 015d3f18d134200e
--------- beginning of system--------- beginning of main
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
Error occurred on line: 134 (Main)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: setCornerRadii not found in:
at anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JavaObject$MethodCache.getMethod(
at anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JavaObject.RunMethod(
at b4a.SetCornrRadiiExample.main._scr(
at b4a.SetCornrRadiiExample.main._ser(
at b4a.SetCornrRadiiExample.main._activity_create(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at anywheresoftware.b4a.ShellBA.raiseEvent2(
at b4a.SetCornrRadiiExample.main.afterFirstLayout(
at b4a.SetCornrRadiiExample.main.access$000(
at b4a.SetCornrRadiiExample.main$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
** Activity (main) Resume **

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Jeffrey Cameron

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
In the future, please use the code tags when posting logs.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: setCornerRadii not found in:
Here is the problem. The radii method only exists for color and gradient drawables, not bitmap drawables. At some point you either used the ".Color" property or set a bitmap to the background.
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Licensed User
Longtime User

Jeffrey, thank you for the advice when posting logs.

Yes, I was aware that setCornerRadii only worked for color and gradient drawables.
Now, with you help, I understand the that the error message was telling me that I had used a bitmap, BUT WHERE?

If you look at the code posted in the PS of my first posting, you can see where I set the "ColorDrawable" and in the For/Next loop, set the backgrounds.

All looks fine to me but, if I add the line "lblCell(80).Background = SmallColor" just above "SER(lblCell(80))", then the program runs without crashing so, Where is this .color or bitmap sneaking into the works. (LOL)

Got me beat,(for the moment).

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Well, it has me stumped.

The following code is almost identical to the code posted above with the exception that I now set the Background, TextSize, etc "AFTER" I add the labels to the "GridPanel".
Now, the program does not crash.
I have modified the original program in the same manner with the same result, no crash.

This, I can not explain.

At this point in time, I do not wish to declare this problem solved.

As requested in the above, any ideas greatly appreciated.

setCornerRadii Example:
#Region  Project Attributes
    #ApplicationLabel: Set Corner Radii
    #VersionCode: 1
    'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
    #SupportedOrientations: portrait
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen: True
    #IncludeTitle: False
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Type CellData (Security As String, RCC As String, Row As Int, Column As Int, Group As Int, LastEntry As String, _
                   Klicked As Int, HighLighted As Boolean, Following As String, Swapable As Boolean, SwapWith As String, _
                   SwapShape As String, ReadyToSwap As Boolean)
    Dim CellInfo(81) As CellData
    Type CellPanel_Data(FirstCell As Int, Completed As Boolean, HighLighted As Boolean, Correct As Boolean)
    Dim CellPanel_Info(9) As CellPanel_Data

End Sub

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Dim lblCell(81)     As     Label
    Dim GridPanel(9)     As     Panel
    Dim su                As     StringUtils

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    Dim TextSizeBasedOnWidth    As     Int
    Dim CalculatedTextSize        As     Int
    Dim RowHeight                 As     Int    = 10%x

    Dim pnlDisplayPanel         As Panel
    'Add the Display Panel to Activity
    pnlDisplayPanel.Color = Colors.Black
    Activity.AddView(pnlDisplayPanel, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
    'Add the Nine Grid Panels to the Display Panel
    For Qty = 0 To 8
        GridPanel(Qty).Color = Colors.Blue'Black 'ColorInfo.Cell_Panel_Background
    Dim TitleBarHeight As Int
    TitleBarHeight = 20%x
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(0), 3.5%x,  TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 00%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(3), 3.5%x,  TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 31%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(6), 3.5%x,  TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 62%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(1), 34.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 00%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(4), 34.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 31%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(7), 34.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 62%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(2), 65.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 00%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(5), 65.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 31%x, 31%x, 31%x)
    pnlDisplayPanel.AddView(GridPanel(8), 65.5%x, TitleBarHeight+1.0%x+ 62%x, 31%x, 31%x)

    'Add a Corner Radius to the Eighty One Cells, if desired
    Dim SmallColor        As     ColorDrawable
    Dim    CornerRadius    As    Int
    CornerRadius = 2    'radius goes here
    SmallColor.Initialize(Colors.RGB(255, 140, 0), CornerRadius)    '(ColorInfo.Cell_Unprotected, CornerRadius)
    'Add the Eighty One Cells, Nine each the Nine Grid Panels
    For Qty = 80 To 0 Step -1

    For Amount = 0 To 2
        For Kount = 0 To 2
            For Count = 0 To 2
                For Qty = 0 To 2
                    GridPanel(Amount*3+Kount).AddView(lblCell(Amount*27+Kount*9+Count*3+Qty), Qty*10%x+1%X, Count*RowHeight+1%x, 9%x, 9%x)
                    CellPanel_Info(Amount*3+Kount).FirstCell        = Amount*27+Kount*9
                    CellInfo(Amount*27+Kount*9+Count*3+Qty).Column    = Kount*3+Qty
                    CellInfo(Amount*27+Kount*9+Count*3+Qty).Row     = Amount*3+Count
                    CellInfo(Amount*27+Kount*9+Count*3+Qty).Group     = Amount*3+Kount
    TextSizeBasedOnWidth = Width_Of_Text("9", lblCell(80))
    CalculatedTextSize = Height_Of_Text(lblCell(80), "9", TextSizeBasedOnWidth, "S")
    For Qty = 80 To 0 Step -1
        lblCell(Qty).Background = SmallColor
        lblCell(Qty).TextSize = CalculatedTextSize
        lblCell(Qty).Text = Qty Mod 9 + 1
        Dim JO As JavaObject = lblCell(Qty)
        JO.RunMethod("setPadding",Array As Object(0, 0, 0, 0))    '(15,15,15,15))
        lblCell(Qty).Tag = Qty
        lblCell(Qty).Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.Center_Vertical, Gravity.Center_Horizontal)

End Sub

Sub SER(V As View)
End Sub

Sub SCR(v As View, Rx_TopLeft As Float, Ry_TopLeft As Float, Rx_TopRight As Float, Ry_TopRight As Float, Rx_BottomRight As Float, Ry_BottomRight As Float, Rx_BottomLeft As Float, Ry_BottomLeft As Float)
    Dim jo As JavaObject = v.Background
    If v.Background Is ColorDrawable Or v.Background Is GradientDrawable Then
        jo.RunMethod("setCornerRadii", Array As Object(Array As Float(Rx_TopLeft, Ry_TopLeft, Rx_TopRight, Ry_TopRight, Rx_BottomRight, Ry_BottomRight, Rx_BottomLeft, Ry_BottomLeft)))
    End If
End Sub

Sub    Width_Of_Text(Text_to_Size As String, TestLabel As Label) As Int

    Dim    TextSizeBasedOnWidth     As Int
    Dim CVS         As Canvas
    For Qty = 60 To 0 Step -1
        TextSizeBasedOnWidth = CVS.MeasureStringWidth(Text_to_Size, TestLabel.Typeface, Qty)
        If TextSizeBasedOnWidth < TestLabel.Width Then
        End If

End Sub

Sub Height_Of_Text( TestLabel As Label, Text_to_Size As String, TextSizeBasedOnWidth As Int, SorM As String) As Int

    Dim CalculatedTextHeight As Int
    For Qty = 60 To 5 Step -1
        TestLabel.TextSize = Qty
        CalculatedTextHeight = su.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(TestLabel, Text_to_Size)
        If SorM = "S" Then
            If CalculatedTextHeight < TestLabel.Height Then
                If TextSizeBasedOnWidth < Qty Then
                    Qty = TextSizeBasedOnWidth
                End If
            End If
        Else If SorM = "M" Then
            If CalculatedTextHeight < TestLabel.Height Then
            End If
        End If

End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

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