Android Question Smart Watch


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I have a Smart Watch Q18 and no Wifi but only bluetooth and USB connexion, is it possible to connect in some way to be able to program something on that watch, it is installed with android, but don't know the version, and i don't know if i can connect without b4aBridge since there is no wifi on that watch, but seems to have enought memory and i isntall a 4gb sdcard

Is there a way to connect to that watch using B4A or do i have to rely on google studio to be able to do something with that watch ?
Anybody got an idea ???


Licensed User
Longtime User
1. What is Google Studio?
2. Does the Manufactorer provide any SDK for this device?

There is no SDK specific to that device it use android but can't tell wich version is installed, i guess it must be a smaller version or stripped down version cause there is not really all the menu that we have when we look at the parameters.

I'm just wondering if it is possible to develop something with B4A for that device and install the app on that device using USB or bluetooth.

Any Idea ???
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Longtime User
Yes but when they build the software that is included in the Q18, they must have used some sort of compiler like Google Studio of some sort since it is based on android OS, there must be a compiler available to build the apps that are on the Smart Watch, That's why i was wondering if the B4A could be used to compile some simple app that can be put on that watch, I won't try to build complex app but trying to build a better app to communicate with the smart phone, there must be a way, since they have made those app in the first place. and mostltly to install it on the device..

Any idea where to look for such a thing..
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Well at least i know now that these things SMART Watch are not so smart after all.
Any way thanks for the clarification maybe someday they will make something intelligent and not just so dummy after all.
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