SpecialButtons Library


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Longtime User
Basic4ppc "fills in" all your event variables with a reference to its event handler that handles events from external libraries. This handler is of type EventHandler and so that is what your event variables must be declared as

public event EventHandler Click;
private object[] eventObject;
public event EventHandler MouseDown;
private object[] eventObject1;
public event MouseUp;
private object[] eventObject2;
Might be as well to check all your other event declarations in the other buttons as well.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Version 1.7 corrected the mousedown and mouseup events for all buttons.
Thank you! This is quick... very quick. Incredibly quick... and it works.

A simply question: is it possible, for the transparent part of the buttons, not to draw anything? Actual there is the background (color or image) drawn...
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