Urgently need some help with B4S programming


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Urgently need some help with B4a programming


I have an application that i have tried to make during a few weeks.
Through my journey to learn B4S i have succeeded some and some not.

Now i think i have been stuck too long to see the obvious errors in my code.
I would aprecciate some help to get a few functions running, and at the same time ill learn to do it right ahead :sign0085:

If someone could help me with working code for a few things, i think i will make it

I need to read an old textmessage from a specific user, search the text for a specific word with two alternatives and take the following text to inject to Google Maps.

I have managed to fetch the textmessage and present it on screen and also open GoogleMaps pointed to an adress, but it isn't clean as there are raw technical data there too. I need help to only show the incoming text on screen, and do the wordsearch and place the text following the word into a temp string and further to open GoogleMaps with the string.

Example: "My house is at adress cityroad 2 in New York", this would give me the tempstring "Cityroad 2 New York" to inject and open in Google maps.

I would be happy to pay something through PayPal to anyone helping me to solve this and at the same time i would learn alot about doing it

Thanks in advance
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I am trying to accomplish the same thing presently as well. I have been at it for a day so will have more to mention in the next couple.

Thx R


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Longtime User
Hi there

I am using google for another project.
This is the string I'm sending to google:

Temp = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=" & StreetName.Trim & "&zoom=15&size=512x512&maptype=roadmap&scale=4&markers=size:medium%7Ccolor:green%7Clabel:F%7C" & StreetName.Trim & "&sensor=false"


Hope this is helping you out for now!
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