B4R Question Using variables outside of "inline c"


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Longtime User
Is it possible to utilise the variables that are used in "inline c" outside , in B4R ?
Can I pass a variable into "inline c" as well ?
An example would be of great help,


Licensed User
I don't have B4R installed but assuming that it operates similarly to B4J:

I would look under the project's Objects directory for the compiled output C file.

With luck, there should be clues in that about how to access B4R variables from C.

It might be that you can only access global variables.
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in B4R variables can be byte, int, uint, Long, Ulong double, String and ArrayByte. ( but also ArrayInt, ArrayUint, ArrayLong, ArrayUlong, ArrayDouble)

between B4R and inline C we can use only one variable "Object" and an Object can support Long, Ulong, Double and a pointer. Long, Ulong, double and Pointer are inside Object.
Pointer is used to Const char* from B4RString or char* from Arraybyte
Pointer can be a pointer to an array of Objects if you go to inline C with an array of Object

conversion to Object is done automatically .
in inline C, you have to recover your variable :
first you can check o-> type to know what are parameters in this Object and after you can recover variables sent.
an example below where in your inline C you can recover Long, Ulong, Double, String or arraybyte :
#if c
void myobject(B4R::Object* o) {
    byte Type = o->type;
    Serial.print("Object1 type : ");Serial.println(Type);  
    Long Long1; ULong ULong1; Double Double1; const char* cchar1; char* char1; B4R::Array* ar1;B4R::Array* ar2; B4R::Object** arrayOfPointers;
//case RunNative("myobject",-25)      
    if (Type == 5) { //Long
        Long1 = o->toULong();  
        Serial.print("content : ");Serial.println(Long1); }
//case RunNative("myobject",25)      
    if (Type == 6) { //ULong
        ULong1 = o->toULong();  
        Serial.print("content : ");Serial.println(ULong1); }
//case RunNative("myobject",25.32)      
    if (Type == 7) { //Double
        Double1 = o->toDouble();  
        Serial.print("content : ");Serial.println(Double1); }  
//case RunNative("myobject","inline C tests")      
    if (Type == 101) { //case string in const char*
        cchar1 = (const char *)B4R::Object::toPointer(o);  
        Serial.print("content : ");Serial.println(cchar1); }

//case RunNative("myobject","inline C tests".getbytes)
    if (Type == 100) { //case array direct
          ar1 = (B4R::Array*)B4R::Object::toPointer(o);
          char1 = (char*)ar1->data;
          Serial.print("content : ");Serial.println(char1); }
#End If

it is my understanding of Object used from B4R to inline C.
i hope i don't make mistake...

if you have several variables array, String, byte, etc... to send to inline C, you can create an array of Objects in B4R and send it to inline C
//example with :
Dim xx as Double == 25.678
Dim tsts() As Object = Array(xx,"azerty",1000,"next".getbytes,105.00,"last","10")
#if c
void myobject(B4R::Object* o) {
    byte Type = o->type;
    Serial.print("Object1 type : ");Serial.println(Type);  
    Long Long1; ULong ULong1; Double Double1; const char* cchar1; char* char1; B4R::Array* ar1;B4R::Array* ar2; B4R::Object** arrayOfPointers;

// first you have to recover Array of Objects
    if (Type == 100) { //case array of Objects      
        ar1 = (B4R::Array*)B4R::Object::toPointer(o);      
        Serial.print("Array length : ");Serial.println(ar1->length);                 
        arrayOfPointers = (B4R::Object**) ar1->data;       
        B4R::Object* c[ar1->length];int i;
        for(i = 0; i <ar1->length; i++)
          c= arrayOfPointers;    
          Serial.print("Object c[");Serial.print(i);Serial.print("] type : ");Serial.println(c->type);
          switch (c->type) { //test Object type
            case 5 : // Long
               Serial.print("value Long: "); Serial.println(c->toLong()); 
            case 6 : // ULong
               Serial.print("value ULong: "); Serial.println(c->toULong());
            case 7 : // Double
               Serial.print("value Double: "); Serial.println(c->toDouble());     
            case 100 : //Pointer to char*
               ar2 = (B4R::Array*)B4R::Object::toPointer(c);
               char1 = (char*)ar2->data;
               Serial.print("content : ");Serial.println(char1); 
            case 101 : //pointer to const char*        
               char2 = (const char  *)B4R::Object::toPointer(c);    
               Serial.print("content : ");Serial.println(char2);       }    }            
#End If
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Also you can reference b4r variables directly from in-line c code
Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Dim myVar As Int
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
End Sub
#if c
void myTest(B4R::Object* o){
    b4r_main::_myvar = 6;  // this is defined in b4r code
#End If
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Gerardo Tenreiro

Active Member
Licensed User
Hello, how could I access a PIN from C?
for example I have a pin defined in B4R

and I want to activate or deactivate it from C
This code do not work

Thank you so much
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Licensed User
Longtime User
The code works for simple variables int long etc

For more complex variables like String for example, you have to mimic what the variable needs.
' b4r code
    Dim strVar As String

'c code
    b4r_main::_strvar->data = "Hello";
    b4r_main::_strvar->stringLiteral = true;

The above code will put Hello into strVar
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Gerardo Tenreiro

Active Member
Licensed User
I don't see it clear about imitating the variable.
How can I imitate a Pin

My problem is that I need to deactivate a pin of the ESP32 some time after I activate it, it is for a very critical RS485 communication.
Thus in B4R I activate the EN_TX and queue the sending of the telegram, 2100us later I have to download it to be able to read the equipment's response. The telegram takes 2000us to come out through the RS485, the device responds in 500us, so I have 2100 to 2600us to lower the pin and go to reading.
Right now it is working because I am continually checking this time, this means that the ESP32 dedicates many of its resources to this task.
So the idea is to use the other core with a function in C that compares the moment where I activate the pin, which I leave it in a variable and the time later set the pin to False

I know it's very critical, but I can't think of any other solution.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
After a quick search in your case you probably need something like (not tested)
digitalwrite(b4r_main::_pin_led->PinNumber , false);
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