[Wish] MsgBox2 centered text


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If there isn`t already a simple method, (I have looked), could the MsgBox2 function have the option to center text?

It would make my coding a lot easier, instead of padding out with spaces for each eventuality.

Maybe someone will tell me there is already a way, I would be happy with that too :)

Thank you!


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Check out NJDude's custom msgbox class in the following link. I am pretty sure it will do what you want:

If you want to center the msgbox text there, add the line below to the CLASS module sub: Public Sub ShowMessage(BoxMessage As String)

Public Sub ShowMessage(BoxMessage As String)
Dim su As StringUtils
Message.Text = BoxMessage
Message.Gravity=Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL  'Add this line Mahares


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Thank you Mahares, I will try that.

Erel, is it possible, in a future release, that the msgbox2 could have a Boolean option to say centered or not?