Working with screen resolutions


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for your help RandomCoder and Erel. I'll give that a go. Erel, I tried the code you posted, and it *almost* works, but the spacing between widgets is a bit wrong sometimes.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Sub App_Start
'check and adjust the screen resolution ---------------
key = "drivers\display\gpe"
If CPPC Then
logicalpixelsX=reg.GetValue(key, "logicalpixelsX")
logicalpixelsX=reg.GetValue(key, "logicalpixelsY")
If logicalpixelsX = 96 Then resX = 1 Else resX = logicalpixelsX/96
If logicalpixelsY = 96 Then resY = 1 Else resY = logicalpixelsX/96
Else 'PC
resX =1
resY =1
End If
'change controls
AdjustControls ("frmMain")
End Sub

Sub AdjustControls (FormName)
controls() = GetControls(FormName)
For i = 0 To ArrayLen(controls())-1
name = controls(i)
Control(name).Top = resY * Control(name).Top
Control(name).Left = resX * Control(name).Left
Control(name).Width = resX * Control(name).Width
Control(name).Height = resY * Control(name).Height
'Control(name).FontSize = Control(name).FontSize - seems Windows sets fonts properly itself.
End Sub


Licensed User
VGA screen issues

Yes I have an AXIN x51v and have the same problem when optimized compiled.

I have read the many posts dealing with this topic and the various workarounds, but haven't tried them myself as the app' that I am working on at the moment uses the Calendar control for which these "workarounds" don't help.

I'll will be interested to hear hows the workarounds work for others.

For the moment, I noticed Erel put a tutorial up on the forum recently that summarises the situation well. Have a look at

Erel notes that the Calendar control issue with VGA screens will be fixed in the future, so I'll just have to wait until then.:sign0148:



Active Member
Licensed User
When I opt comp. i got half screen I turned off opt. comp. and it was full screen This is with a X51v I now use an Ipaq 111 6.0 which has no problem.


Active Member
Licensed User
No. But it is clear and bright. I don't think I used the vga on my X51v or X50v. Which I still have


Licensed User
same problem

I'm running into the same problem on my x51v. Glad it's not just me.
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