B4X Booklets
B4X Getting started
Copyright: © 2024 Anywhere Software Edition 2.5
Last update: 2024.10.05
Table of contents 2 B4X Getting started
1 B4X platforms .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 B4A Android ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 B4i Apple iOS ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 B4J Java / Windows / Mac / Linux / Raspberry PI ............................................................. 8
1.4 B4R Arduino / ESP8266 ..................................................................................................... 8
1.5 B4XPages ............................................................................................................................. 8
2 Getting started .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Installation of the platforms ................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 B4A .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 B4i .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 B4J ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Setup for Additional Libraries ........................................................................................... 10
2.3 Configure paths .................................................................................................................. 11
2.3.1 B4J ................................................................................................................................. 11
2.3.2 B4A ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.3.3 B4i .................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4 Select the IDE language ..................................................................................................... 13
2.5 Connect to a real device ..................................................................................................... 13
3 My first program ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Project setup ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 B4J version ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Set the Package Name .................................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 Set the Form size ............................................................................................................ 19
3.2.3 Create the layout ............................................................................................................ 20
3.2.4 Write the code ................................................................................................................ 33
3.3 B4A version ....................................................................................................................... 38
3.3.1 Set the ApplicationLabel ................................................................................................ 39
3.3.2 Set the Package name ..................................................................................................... 40
3.3.3 Create the layout ............................................................................................................ 41
3.4 B4i version ......................................................................................................................... 47
3.4.1 Set the ApplicationLabel ................................................................................................ 47
3.4.2 Set the Package name ..................................................................................................... 48
3.4.3 Create the layout ............................................................................................................ 49
4 SecondProgram .......................................................................................................................... 55
4.1 B4A version ....................................................................................................................... 56
4.2 B4i version ......................................................................................................................... 72
4.3 B4J version ......................................................................................................................... 76
5 Getting started B4A................................................................................................................... 80
5.1 Installing B4A and Android SDK ...................................................................................... 80
5.2 B4A Configure Paths in the IDE ........................................................................................ 80
5.2.1 Configure Additional libraries folder ............................................................................. 81
5.3 B4A Choice of the language .............................................................................................. 82
5.4 B4A Connecting a real device............................................................................................ 83
5.4.1 Connection via USB ....................................................................................................... 83
5.4.2 Conneting via B4A-Bridge ............................................................................................ 84 Getting started with B4A-Bridge ........................................................................... 84 Run B4A-Bridge on your device............................................................................ 85 Wireless connection ............................................................................................... 86
5.5 My first B4A program (MyFirstProgram.b4a).................................................................. 88
5.6 Second B4A program (SecondProgram.b4a) .................................................................. 112
6 Getting started B4i .................................................................................................................. 127
6.1 Installing B4i .................................................................................................................... 128
6.1.1 Installing B4i ................................................................................................................ 128
Table of contents 3 B4X Getting started
6.1.2 Mac Builder installation ............................................................................................... 129
6.1.3 Hosted Mac builder service (optional) ......................................................................... 130
6.2 Configure Paths in the IDE .............................................................................................. 131
6.2.1 Configure Additional libraries folder ........................................................................... 132
6.3 Creating a certificate and provisioning profile................................................................. 133
6.3.1 UDID ............................................................................................................................ 133
6.3.2 Certificate and Provisioning Profile ............................................................................. 134
6.4 Installing B4i-Bridge and debugging first app ................................................................. 135
6.5 Install the B4I certificate .................................................................................................. 135
6.6 Install Build B4i-Bridge ................................................................................................... 135
6.6.1 Load B4i-Bridge........................................................................................................... 136
6.6.2 Install B4i-Bridge and run it ........................................................................................ 136
6.7 My first B4i program (MyFirstProgram.b4i) ................................................................... 137
6.8 Second B4i program (SecondProgram.b4i) .................................................................... 161
7 Getting started B4J .................................................................................................................. 176
7.1 Installing B4J ................................................................................................................... 177
7.1.1 Installing B4J ............................................................................................................... 177
7.1.2 B4JPackager11 ............................................................................................................. 177
7.2 Configure Paths in the IDE .............................................................................................. 178
7.2.1 Configure Additional libraries folder ........................................................................... 179
7.3 My first B4J program (MyFirstProgram.b4j) .................................................................. 180
7.4 Second B4J program (SecondProgram.b4j) .................................................................... 204
8 Getting started B4R ................................................................................................................. 220
8.1 Installing Arduino IDE ..................................................................................................... 220
8.2 Install Microsoft .Net Framework ............................................. Erreur ! Signet non défini.
8.3 Install and configure B4R ................................................................................................ 220
8.4 Connecting a board .......................................................................................................... 222
8.5 Select a Board .................................................................................................................. 222
8.6 Arduino UNO board ......................................................................................................... 224
8.6.1 Power supply ................................................................................................................ 225
8.6.2 Pins ............................................................................................................................... 225
8.6.3 Power pins .................................................................................................................... 225 Digital Input / Output pins ................................................................................... 226 Analog input pins ................................................................................................. 226
8.6.4 Input modes INPUT / INPUT_PULLUP .................................................................... 226
8.6.5 Basic Pin functions ....................................................................................................... 227 Initialize................................................................................................................ 227 DigitalRead .......................................................................................................... 228 DigitalWrite.......................................................................................................... 228 AnalogRead .......................................................................................................... 228 AnalogWrite ......................................................................................................... 229
8.7 First example programs .................................................................................................... 230
8.7.1 Button.b4r .................................................................................................................... 232 Sketch ................................................................................................................... 232 Code ..................................................................................................................... 233
8.7.2 LedGreen.b4r ............................................................................................................... 234 Sketch ................................................................................................................... 234 Code ..................................................................................................................... 235
8.7.3 LedGreenNoSwitchBounce.b4r ................................................................................... 236 Sketch ................................................................................................................... 237 Code ..................................................................................................................... 238
8.7.4 TraficLight.b4r ............................................................................................................. 239 Sketch ................................................................................................................... 239
Table of contents 4 B4X Getting started Code ..................................................................................................................... 240
Table of contents 5 B4X Getting started
Main contributors: Klaus Christl (klaus), Erel Uziel (Erel)
To search for a given word or sentence use the Search function in the Edit menu.
All the source code and files needed (layouts, images etc.) of the example projects in this booklet
are included in the SourceCode folder.
For each program there are three folders.
Both programs MyFirstProgram and SecondProgram are almost the same for B4A, B4i and B4J.
Updated for following versions:
B4A version 12.80
B4i version 8.50
B4J version 10.00
B4R version 4.00
B4X Booklets:
B4X Getting Started
B4X B4X Language
B4X IDE Integrated Development Environment
B4X Visual Designer
B4X Help tools
B4XPages Cross-platform projects
B4X CustomViews
B4X Graphics
B4X XUI B4X User Interface
B4X SQLite Database
B4X JavaObject NativeObject
B4R Example Projects
You can consult these booklets online in this link [B4X] Documentation Booklets.
Be aware that external links don’t work in the online display.
1 B4X platforms 6 B4X Getting started
1 B4X platforms
B4X is a suite of programming languages for different platforms.
B4X suite supports more platforms than any other tool
1.1 B4A Android
B4A is a 100% free development tool for Android applications, it includes all the features
needed to quickly develop any type of Android app.
B4A is a simple yet powerful development environment that targets Android devices.
B4A language is similar to Visual Basic language with additional support for objects.
B4A compiled applications are native Android applications; there are no extra runtimes or
Unlike other IDE’s, B4A is 100% focused on Android development.
B4A includes a powerful GUI designer with built-in support for multiple screens and orientations.
No XML writing is required.
You can develop and debug with:
- a real device connected via B4A Bridge
- a real device connected via USB cable
- or an Android emulator.
B4A has a rich set of libraries that make it easy to develop advanced applications.
This includes SQL databases, GPS, Serial ports (Bluetooth), Camera, XML parsing, Web services
(HTTP), Services (background tasks), JSON, Animations, Network (TCP and UDP), Text To Speech
(TTS), Voice Recognition, WebView, AdMob (ads), Charts, OpenGL, Graphics and more.
You can see all the libraries in the Documentation page in the forum or in the B4X Libraries Google
Android 1.6 and above are supported (including tablets).
1 B4X platforms 7 B4X Getting started
1.2 B4i Apple iOS
B4i is a development tool for native iOS applications.
B4i follows the same concepts as B4A, allowing you to reuse most of the code and build
apps for both Android and iOS.
B4i is a simple yet powerful development environment that targets Apple devices (iPhone, iPad
The B4i language is similar to Visual Basic and B4A language.
B4i compiled applications are native iOS applications; there are no extra runtimes or dependencies.
Unlike other IDE’s, B4i is 100% focused on iOS.
B4i includes a powerful GUI designer, built-in support for multiple screens and orientations.
You can develop and debug with a real device.
iOS 7 and above are supported.
What you need:
The B4i program, this is a Windows program running on a PC.
The Java SDK on the PC, free.
An Apple developer license, cost 99$ per year.
A device for testing.
The Basi4i-Bridge program on the device, free.
A Mac builder to compile the program, this be either.
o A Mac computer with the Mac Builder program, on local wifi.
o The hosted Mac Builder service over Internet, cost 26$ per year.
A Mac computer or a MacInCloud service to distribute the program.
Links to tutorials in the forum:
Local Mac Builder Installation
Creating a certificate and provisioning profile
Installing B4i-Bridge and debugging first app
1 B4X platforms 8 B4X Getting started
1.3 B4J Java / Windows / Mac / Linux / Raspberry PI
B4J is a 100% free development tool for desktop, server and IoT solutions.
With B4J you can easily create desktop applications (UI), console programs (non-UI) and
server solutions.
The compiled apps can run on Windows, Mac, Linux and ARM boards (such as Raspberry
B4J is a 100% free development tool for desktop, server and IoT solutions.
With B4J you can easily create desktop applications (UI), console programs (non-UI) and server
The compiled apps can run on Windows, Mac, Linux and ARM boards (such as Raspberry Pi).
The B4J language is like Visual Basic and B4A language.
B4J includes a powerful GUI designer, built-in support for multiple screens and orientations.
What you need:
The B4J program, this is a Windows program running on a PC.
The Java SDK on the PC, free.
1.4 B4R Arduino / ESP8266
B4R is a 100% free development tool for native Arduino and ESP8266 programs.
B4R follows the same concepts of the other B4X tools, providing a simple and
powerful development tool.
B4R, B4A, B4J and B4i together make the best development solution for the Internet of
Things (IoT).
B4R - The simplest way to develop native, powerful Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32 programs.
B4R follows the same concepts of the other B4X tools (B4A, B4i, B4J), providing a simple and
powerful development tool.
Compiled apps run on Arduino compatible boards.
1.5 B4XPages
B4XPages is not a platform on its own but is an internal library for B4A, B4i and B4J allowing to
develop easily cross-platform programs.
B4XPages is explained in detail in the B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
Even, if you want to develop only in one platform it is interesting to use the B4XPages library it
makes the program flow simpler especially for B4A.
The only drawback for using B4XPages is the device orientation, it is blocked for either portrait or
2 Getting started 9 B4X Getting started
2 Getting started
Each platform has its own editor, called IDE (Integrated Developpment Environment), which run
under Windows.
First step is installing the necessary tools for each platform.
This chapter treats only B4A, B4i and B4J.
B4R is more specialized and is treated in its own chapter: Getting started B4R.
2.1 Installation of the platforms
To install any of the platforms you should follow the detailed instructions in the forum for each
All three platforms depend on Java JDK.
2.1.1 B4A
Beside Java JDK, B4A depends on another additional (free) component:
- Android SDK
The most up to date installation instructions are in the forum in this link:
Please, carefully follow the instructions there!
2.1.2 B4i
The installation instructions are explained in this link: https://www.b4x.com/b4i.html
If you have already installed Java no need to reinstall it.
2.1.3 B4J
The installation instructions are explained in this link: https://www.b4x.com/b4j.html
If you have already installed Java no need to reinstall it.
2 Getting started 10 B4X Getting started
2.2 Setup for Additional Libraries
All platforms utilize two types of libraries:
Internal libraries, which come with each platform and are located in the
Libraries folder of each platform.
These libraries are automatically updated when you install a new platform version.
Additional libraries, which are not part of a platform, and are mostly written by members.
For the additional libraries it is necessary to setup a special folder to save them somewhere else.
This folder, you can install it wherever you want except the platform Libraries folders.
It must have following structure:
Folder for B4A additional libraries.
Folder for B4i additional libraries.
Folder for B4J additional libraries.
Folder for B4R additional libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries.
Folder for the Code Snippets, explained in the B4X Language booklet.
Folder for B4X libraries XML files.
One subfolder for each product: B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R and another B4X for B4X libraries.
And a subfolder Snippets, in the B4X subfolder, for your Code Snippets.
The Code Snippets are explained in the B4X Language booklet.
When you install a new version of a B4X platform, all internal libraries are automatically updated,
but the additional libraries are not included. The advantage of the special folder is that you do not
need to care about them because this folder is not affected when you install the new version of B4X.
When the IDE starts, it looks first for the available libraries in the Libraries folder of the platform
and then in the additional libraries folders.
In my system, I added a B4XlibXMLFiles folder for XML help files.
The standard and additional libraries have an XML file. B4X Libraries not.
But, if you use the B4X Help Viewer you would be interested in having these help files if they are
available. The B4X Help Viewer is explained in the B4X Help tools booklet.
2 Getting started 11 B4X Getting started
2.3 Configure paths
In each platform you need to configure the paths for the different needed tools:
In each IDE, in the Tools menu, click on .
One of the following windows will be shown.
The javac.exe and the Additional Libraries locations are the same for all three platforms, but you
need to configure them in each IDE.
You can forget the Shared Modules entry; it is no more used.
2.3.1 B4J
2 Getting started 12 B4X Getting started
2.3.2 B4A
You need to setup the android.jar location in B4A.
2.3.3 B4i
You need to setup the Keys Folder location in B4i which you have defined when you installed B4i.
2 Getting started 13 B4X Getting started
2.4 Select the IDE language
Select your preferred language in each IDE in the Tools / IDE Options / Language menu.
2.5 Connect to a real device
For B4A and B4i you should use a real device.
The explanation for:
B4A, is in chapter B4A Connecting a real device.
B4i, is in following chapters
Installing B4i-Bridge and debugging first app.
Install the B4I certificate.
B4j, nothing is needed.
3 My first program 14 B4X Getting started
3 My first program
Let us write our first program. The suggested program is a math trainer for kids.
We directly develop a cross-platform project.
You can begin with any one of the three platforms, but the easiest way is to begin with B4J because
you do not need to connect a device, you get the results directly on the screen.
B4J B4A B4i
On the screen, we will have:
- 2 Labels displaying randomly generated numbers (between 1 and 9).
- 1 Label with the math sign (+).
- 1 EditText / TextField view where the user must enter the result.
- 1 Button, used to either confirm when the user has finished entering the result or generate a new
- 1 Label with a comment about the result.
In B4X:
- Label is an object to show text.
- EditText (B4A) / TextField (B4J, B4i) is an object allowing the user to enter text.
- Button is an object allowing user actions.
User interface objects are called Views in B4A and B4i, and Nodes in B4J.
I will use only the term View.
We will design the layout of the user interface with the VisualDesigner and go step by step through
the whole process.
3 My first program 15 B4X Getting started
3.1 Project setup
Run the B4J IDE .
You see that it is empty.
Click either on or on .
You have the choice between different project types:
B4XPages, this is what we will use.
B4XTurtle, these are projects for teachers to learn programming.
Console, none user interface projects.
Server projects
UI, ‘standard’ projects with a user interface.
X2 Game, game projects.
3 My first program 16 B4X Getting started
Click on B4XPages, as we want to develop a B4XPages project, and you will see this form:
First, enter the project folder name, or use the button to select it and enter the project name.
MyFirstProgram in our case and check .
Click on to generate the project template.
Now, you see some code in the IDE, the template for a new B4XPages project.
On top, you see two tabs:
Main, this is the platform specific entry point, do not modify nor add any code there.
Only form size when needed.
B4XMainPage, this is our main page where we will write all our code.
3 My first program 17 B4X Getting started
You may also have a look in the Files Explorer.
And you will see that the project is saved in the
D:\B4X\MyFirstProgram folder.
In this folder you see that there are four subfolders and the B4XMainPage.bas file.
The folders B4A, B4i and B4J contain the platform specific code.
The Shared Files folder contains the common files shared by the different platforms, none in our
B4XMainPage.bas is a class module common to all three platforms.
For example, the content of the B4A subfolder:
MyFirstProgram.b4j is the B4A project file.
MyFirstProgram.b4j.meta is a file used by the debugger.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 18 B4X Getting started
3.2 B4J version
3.2.1 Set the Package Name
In the menu,
click on
This window appears:
The default name is
We will change it to
And click on .
3.2 My first program, B4J version 19 B4X Getting started
3.2.2 Set the Form size
The Form size is the size of the main window, called Form, shown on the PC screen.
Click on the Main module, and on top of the code you see Region Project Attributes.
Regions are code parts which can be collapsed
or extended.
Clicking on will expand the Region.
Clicking on will collapse the Region.
Regions are explained in chapter #Regions in the
B4X IDE Booklet.
The default values are Width = 600 and Height = 400.
We change these to Width = 400 and Height = 600.
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 400
#MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region
Then, go back to the B4XMainPage and remove this code, it is only an example.
Sub Button1_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Hello world!", "B4X")
End Sub
3.2 My first program, B4J version 20 B4X Getting started
3.2.3 Create the layout
In the IDE open the Designer.
Wait until the Designer is ready.
We get a WYSIWYG Form.
And the Designer looks like this, probably a little bit different, you can modify the positions of the
different screen parts.
The template contains already a layout file called MainPage, we keep it.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 21 B4X Getting started
Note that in the bottom left of the Designer window you see the connection status to the
If you close the WYSIWYG Form, you will see this status:
With the Designer, we have also the Abstract Designer which shows the layout not exactly
WYSIWYG but the positions and size of the different objects.
Only the top of the image is shown.
The dark gray area represents the screen area of the connected ‘device’ which is the WYSIWYG
The default screen size variant is 600 * 600, we define a new variant with the same values, 400 *
600, as in the Project Attributes.
Click on .
In this window click on , enter the two values and click on .
3.2 My first program, B4J version 22 B4X Getting started
On top of the Variants window, we see the new variant.
Click on to select the 600 * 600
Click on to remove the 600 * 600 variant.
Click on to show the Views Tree window.
We already have a button, Button1, we remove it.
Right click onto Button1 and click on .
3.2 My first program, B4J version 23 B4X Getting started
Now we will add the 2 Labels for the numbers.
In the Designer, add a Label.
In the Designer menu click on .
The Label appears in the Abstract Designer, in the Views Tree window
and its default properties are listed in the Properties window.
And in the WYSIWYG Form.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 24 B4X Getting started
Resize and move the Label with the red squares
like this.
The new properties Left, Top, Width and Height are
directly updated in the Properties window.
You can also modify the Left, Top, Width and Height
properties directly in the Properties window.
Let us change the properties of this first Label, per our
By default, the name is Label with a number, here Label1.
Let us change its name to lblNumber1.
The three letters 'lbl' at the beginning mean 'Label' a
reference to the object type, and 'Number1' means the
first number.
It is recommended to use significant names for views, so
we know directly what kind of view it is and its purpose.
Pressing the 'Return' key or clicking elsewhere will also
change the Event Name property.
Main : Main module.
Name : name of the view.
Type : type of the view. In this case, Label,
which is not editable.
Event Name : generic name of the routines that handle
the events of the Label.
Parent : parent view the Label belongs to.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 25 B4X Getting started
Let us check and change the other properties:
Set Left, Top, Width and Height to the values in the picture.
Visible is checked.
We leave the default colors.
Text set to 5
Set Text Alignment to Center.
We leave the default Font.
Size, we set it to 36.
And the result in the Abstract Designer and on the WYSIWYG Form
3.2 My first program, B4J version 26 B4X Getting started
We need a second Label, like the first one. Instead of adding a new one, we duplicate the first one
with the same properties. Only the Name and Left properties will change.
Right click on lblNumber1 and click on
in the popup menu.
The new label covers the previous one.
In the left part, in the Views Tree, you see the different
The new label Label1 is added.
Let us position the new Label and change its name to
Change the name to lblNumber2.
The Left property to 230.
And the result in the Abstract Designer and on the WYSIWYG Form.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 27 B4X Getting started
Let us now add a 3rd Label for the math sign. We duplicate once again lblNumber1.
Right click on lblNumber1 in the Abstract Designer and click on in the popup menu.
The new label covers lblNumber1.
Position it between the first two Labels and change its name to lblMathSign and its
Text property to '+'.
And the result in the Abstract Designer and on the WYSIWYG Form.
Now let us add a TextField view.
If you begin with B4A, the TextField object is called EditText.
In the Designer menu
click on .
Position it below the three Labels and change its name to edtResult.
'edt' means EditText / TextField and 'Result' for its purpose.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 28 B4X Getting started
Change these properties.
Name to edtResult
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Border Width to 1
Prompt to Enter result
Prompt represents the text shown in the TextField view if no
text is entered.
Size to 30
After making these changes, you should see something like
3.2 My first program, B4J version 29 B4X Getting started
Now, let's add the Button which, when pressed, will either check the
result the user supplied as an answer, or generate a new math problem,
depending on the user's input.
Position it below the TextField view.
Resize it and change following properties:
Name to btnAction
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Background Color to #FFBDBBBB
Text to O K (with a space between O and K)
Result (pictures reduced size)
Size to 24
3.2 My first program, B4J version 30 B4X Getting started
Let us add the last Label for the comments. Position it below the
Button and resize it.
Change the following properties:
Name to lblComments
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Border Width to 1
Text empty
Font Size to 20
3.2 My first program, B4J version 31 B4X Getting started
And the result.
Now we save the layout file.
Click on and save it.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 32 B4X Getting started
To write the routines for the project, we need to reference the Views in the code.
This can be done with the Generate Members tool in the Designer.
The Generate Members tool automatically generates references and subroutine frames.
Click on
to open the generator.
Here we find all the views added to the current layout.
We check all views and check the Click event for the btnAction Button.
Checking a view generates its reference in the Class_Globals routine in the code.
Check to generate B4XViews.
This is needed to make the view recognized by the system and allow the autocomplete function.
Private btnAction As B4XView
Private edtResult As B4XView
Private lblComments As B4XView
Private lblMathSign As B4XView
Private lblNumber1 As B4XView
Private lblNumber2 As B4XView
Clicking on shows all events for the selected view.
Clicking on an event of a view generates the Sub frame for this
Sub btnAction_Click
End Sub
Click on to generate the references and Sub frames, then close the window .
3.2 My first program, B4J version 33 B4X Getting started
3.2.4 Write the code
Now we go back to the IDE to enter the code.
On the top of the program code, we have:
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private btnAction As B4XView
Private edtResult As B4XView
Private lblComments As B4XView
Private lblMathSign As B4XView
Private lblNumber1 As B4XView
Private lblNumber2 As B4XView
End Sub
These lines are automatically in the project code.
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Below the code above we have the B4XPage_Created routine which is the first routine executed
when the program starts.
The content below is also added automatically in each new project.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
End Sub
Root = Root1 > Sets Root1 to the variable Root.
Root.LoadLayout("MainPage") > Loads the layout file.
As we kept the original layout file name, this is already done.
We add a title to our program: Calc trainer.
For this we add this line:
B4XPages.SetTitle(Me, "Calc trainer")
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
B4XPages.SetTitle(Me, "Calc trainer")
Me, is set for the current page.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 34 B4X Getting started
We want to generate a new problem as soon as the program starts. Therefore, we add a call to the
NewProblem subroutine in B4XPage_Created.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
B4XPages.SetTitle(Me, "Calc trainer")
End Sub
NewProblem is displayed in red because the ‘NewProblem’ routine has not yet been defined.
Generating a new problem means generating two new random numbers between 1 and 9 (inclusive)
for Number1 and Number2, then showing the values using the lblNumber1 and lblNumber2 ‘Text’
To do this we enter following code:
In Sub Class_Globals we add two variables for the two numbers.
Private Number1, Number2 As Int
End Sub
And the 'NewProblem' Subroutine:
Private Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
edtResult.Text = "" ' Sets edtResult.Text to empty
End Sub
The following line of code generates a random number from '1' (inclusive) to '10' (exclusive) :
Rnd(1, 10)
In this line Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
The text after the quote, ' Generates..., is considered as a comment.
It is good practice to add comments explaining the purpose of the code.
The following line displays the comment in the lblComment view:
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
CRLF is the LineFeed character.
3.2 My first program, B4J version 35 B4X Getting started
Now we add the code for the Button click event.
We have two cases:
- When the Button text is equal to "O K", it means that a new problem is displayed, and the program
is waiting for the user to enter a result and press the Button.
- When the Button text is equal to "NEW", it means that the user has entered a correct answer and
when the user clicks on the Button a new problem will be generated.
Private Sub btnAction_Click
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then
If txfResult.Text="" Then
lblComments.Text = "No result entered" & CRLF & "Enter a result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
End If
btnAction.Text = "O K"
End If
End Sub
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then checks if the Button text equals "O K".
If yes, we check if the TextField is empty.
If yes, we display a message in the comment field telling the user that there is no result in the
TextField view.
If no, we check if the result is correct or if it is wrong.
When the result is correct, we generate a new problem, set the Button text to "O K" and clear the
TextField view.
The last routine checks the result.
Private Sub CheckResult
If txfResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
End If
End Sub
With If txfResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then we check if the entered result is correct.
If yes, we display in the lblComments label the text below:
'G O O D result'
'Click on NEW'
and we change the Button text to "N E W ".
If no, we display in the lblComments label the text below:
W R O N G result
Enter a new result
and click OK
3.2 My first program, B4J version 36 B4X Getting started
Let us now compile and run the program.
In the IDE on top click on :
The program is going to be compiled.
When you see
'Completed successfully.'
in the message box, the
compiling and transfer is
Then you should see something like the image on the
left, with different numbers.
Of course, we could make aesthetic improvements in the
layout, but this was not the main issue for the first
3.2 My first program, B4J version 37 B4X Getting started
Enter 5
Click on to confirm the result entry.
If the result is correct, you will see the screen on the left.
If the result is wrong the message is displayed:
Click on to define a new problem.
3.3 My first program, B4A version 38 B4X Getting started
3.3 B4A version
As the project structure does already exist no need to create a new project.
Run the B4A IDE .
Load the B4A project file from: D:\B4X\MyFirstProgram\B4A\MyFirstProgram.b4a
You see that the code we wrote in the B4J IDE, in the B4XMainPage module, is already in the B4A
Remember the project structure:
The code is in the B4AMainPage.bas module in the project folder.
This file is shared by all three platform IDEs.
3.3 My first program, B4A version 39 B4X Getting started
3.3.1 Set the ApplicationLabel
The ApplicationLabel contains the name of the program which will be displayed on the device
under the program icon.
Open the Main module:
On top you see two Regions:
Click on to open the Region:
Change B4A Example into MyFirstProgram.
3.3 My first program, B4A version 40 B4X Getting started
3.3.2 Set the Package name
Click on in the Project menu.
You have Package: b4a.example.
Replace it by Package: b4a.MyFirstProgram
3.3 My first program, B4A version 41 B4X Getting started
3.3.3 Create the layout
We have already created the B4J layout, therefore we do not create a new B4A layout but copy all
views from the B4J layout onto the B4A layout.
If you want to begin with B4A you can setup the layout the same way as for the B4J project.
The only difference is that the B4J TextField object is called EditText in B4A.
Open the B4A Designer.
You see the default layout with a Button. Right click on Button1 and click on to delete the
3.3 My first program, B4A version 42 B4X Getting started
Open the B4J layout and select all the views:
Right click on one of the selected views and click on .
3.3 My first program, B4A version 43 B4X Getting started
Go to the B4A layout, right click on the dark gray area, and click on .
You see something like this:
All our views are copied, but we need to realign them to fit in the dark gray rectangle which
represents the device screen.
3.3 My first program, B4A version 44 B4X Getting started
Click on one of the views, hold down the mouse, move the views and center them on the screen
Leave 10 pixels on top of the three Labels.
And save the layout.
3.3 My first program, B4A version 45 B4X Getting started
Go back to the B4A IDE in the B4XMainPage module.
Connect your device and click on to run the program.
And the result and press .
We see that the keyboard covers the comment.
To see it, we need to hide the keyboard.
This will be improved in the SecondProgram.
But we can already make some minor improvements:
We can center the text for the result.
We can set a numeric keyboard.
3.3 My first program, B4A version 46 B4X Getting started
In the designer click on edtResult and change following properties:
And the result.
3.4 My first program, B4i version 47 B4X Getting started
3.4 B4i version
3.4.1 Set the ApplicationLabel
The ApplicationLabel contains the name of the program which will be displayed on the device
under the program icon.
Open the Main module:
On top you see one Region:
Click on to open the Region:
Change B4i Example into MyFirstProgram.
3.4 My first program, B4i version 48 B4X Getting started
3.4.2 Set the Package name
Click on in the Project menu.
You have Package: b4a.example.
Replace it by Package: b4a.MyFirstProgram
3.4 My first program, B4i version 49 B4X Getting started
3.4.3 Create the layout
We have already created the B4J and B4A layouts, therefore we do not create a new B4A layout but
copy all views from the B4A layout onto the B4i layout.
Open the B4i Designer.
You see the default layout with a Button. Right click on Button1 and click on to delete the
3.4 My first program, B4i version 50 B4X Getting started
Open the B4A layout and select all the views:
Right click on one of the selected views and click on .
3.4 My first program, B4i version 51 B4X Getting started
Go to the B4i layout, right click on the dark gray area, and click on .
You see something like this:
All our views are copied.
Save the layout.
3.4 My first program, B4i version 52 B4X Getting started
If you have already connected your device via B4i-Bridge you will see the result.
We notice that the Button text color is white and almost not visible, and the button has no border.
Click on btnAction and modify these properties:
Border width to 1
Corner radius to 5
Text color to #000000 black
3.4 My first program, B4i version 53 B4X Getting started
Go back to the B4i IDE in the B4XMainPage module.
Connect your device via B4i-Bridge and click on to run the program.
And the result!
We see that the keyboard covers the comment.
This will be improved in the SecondProgram.
But we can already make a minor improvement:
We can set a numeric keyboard.
3.4 My first program, B4i version 54 B4X Getting started
In the designer click on edtResult and change following property:
And the result:
Even the numeric keyboard covers the comment.
To avoid this, we could move in the Designer the positions of the edtResult, btnAction and
lblComment views upwards like in the image above.
4 SecondProgram 55 B4X Getting started
4 SecondProgram
The project is available in the SourceCode folder:
Improvements to “My first program”.
We will add a numeric keyboard to the layout to avoid the use of the virtual keyboard.
This is more important for the B4A and the B4i versions.
Images of the B4A version
Copy the entire MyFirstProgam folder and rename it “SecondProgram”.
In this SecondProgram folder rename the program files in:
MyFirstProgram.b4a to SecondProgram.b4a.
MyFirstProgram.b4a.meta to SecondProgram.b4a.meta.
MyFirstProgram.b4j to SecondProgram.b4j.
MyFirstProgram.b4j.meta to SecondProgram.b4j.meta.
MyFirstProgram.b4i to SecondProgram.b4i.
MyFirstProgram.b4i.meta to SecondProgram.b4i.meta.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 56 B4X Getting started
4.1 B4A version
We begin with the B4A version, because the addition of the numeric keyboard is more important on
Android and iOS devices than on PC screens.
Open the new B4A program in the IDE.
We need to change the Package Name.
In the IDE menu.
Click on
Change the Package name to
Click on .
Then we must change the ApplicationLabel on the very top of the code in the Main module.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 57 B4X Getting started
In the Designer in the Tools menu click on .
Change the value to 5.
We want to replace the edtResult EditText view by a new Label.
Run the Visual Designer. If you want, you can already connect the device or an Emulator.
In the Abstract Designer, click on the edtResult view.
Right click on edtResult and click on .
Right click on lblNumber1 to select it.
Click on .
The new label covers lblNumber1.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 58 B4X Getting started
Move it between the upper labels and the button
and resize it.
Modify the following properties:
Name to lblResult
Change the Left, Top, Width and Height properties if
they are not the same as in the image.
Text to " " blank character
Text Color to Black #000000
Color to White #FFFFFFFF
Corner Radius to 5
Border Width to 1
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 59 B4X Getting started
Set following properties:
Top > 140
Left > 60
Top > 200
Width > 200
Height > 80
Now we add a Panel for the keyboard buttons.
Position and resize it as in the image.
Change its Name to pnlKeyboard
"pnl" for Panel, the view type.
Left to 10
Top to 210
Width to 295
Height to 175
Color to #00FFFFFF Transparent
Corner radius to 0
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 60 B4X Getting started
We will move the btnAction button from the
Activity to the pnlKeyboard Panel.
Click on btnAction.
and in the Parent list click on .
The button now belongs to the Panel.
Now we rearrange the views to get some more space
for the keyboard.
Set the Height property of the 4 Labels to 50 instead
of 60.
Set the Top property of label lblResult to 60.
Set the Top property of label lblComments to 120.
Set the Top property of panel pnlKeyboard to 210.
Set the Height property of panel pnlKeyboard to 180.
And we set the TextColor of lblComments to Black.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 61 B4X Getting started
Right click on the pnlKeyboard
and click on
And click on .
to add a new button.
The new button is added.
Change the following properties:
Name to btn0
Event name to btnEvent
Left to 0
Top to 120
Width to 55
Height to 55
Tag to 0
Text to 0
Size to 24
TextColor to Black #000000
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 62 B4X Getting started
Now we want to change the button colors.
Click on .
In Enabled Drawable
click on .
Change the following properties:
Orientation to TOP_BOTTOM
First Color
Second Color
Pressed Drawable to GradientDrawable
Orientation to TOP_BOTTOM
First Color
Second Color
If you have connected a device the button looks now like this.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 63 B4X Getting started
Now we duplicate btn0 and position the new one
beside button btn0 with a small space.
Right click on btn0 and click on .
Move the new Button next to the previous one.
Change the following properties:
Name to btn1
Tag to 1
Text to 1
And the result.
In the Abstract Designer and on the device.
Let us add 8 more Buttons and position them like in the image.
Change following properties:
Name btn2 , btn3 , btn4 etc.
Tag 2 , 3 , 4 etc.
Text 2 , 3 , 4 etc.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 64 B4X Getting started
To create the BackSpace button, duplicate one of the
number buttons, and position it like in the image.
Resize and position btnAction.
Change the pnlKeyboard Color to Black #000000.
Change their Name, Tag, Text and Color properties as
btnAction O K btnBS <
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 65 B4X Getting started
Another improvement is to center the objects on the screen.
For this, we add some code in the Designer Scripts in the Script-General window.
'All variants script
lblMathSign.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblNumber1.Right = lblMathSign.Left ' aligns the right edge on the left edge
lblNumber2.Left = lblMathSign.Right ' aligns the left edge on the right edge
lblResult.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblComments.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
pnlKeyboard.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
The first two lines are added by default, we leave them.
'All variants script
lblSigneMath.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
HorizontalCenter centers a view horizontally on the screen at the given value, 50%x in our case,
which means in the middle of the screen.
lblNombre1.Right = lblSigneMath.Left
Aligns the right edge of lblNombre1 on the left edge of lblSigneMath, positons lblNombre1 just
besides lblSigneMath on the left.
lblNombre2.Left = lblSigneMath.Right
Aligns the left edge of lblNombre2 on the right edge of lblSigneMath, positons lblNombre2 just
besides lblSigneMath on the right.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 66 B4X Getting started
The finished new layout.
In the Abstract Designer and on the device.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 67 B4X Getting started
Now we will update the code.
First, we must replace the edtResult by lblResult because we changed its name.
Double click on edtResult to select it.
In the menu click on or press
Enter ‘lblResult’ in the Replace with field.
Click on
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 68 B4X Getting started
Now we write the routine that handles the Click events of the Buttons.
The Event Name for all buttons, except btnAction, is "btnEvent".
The routine name for the associated click event will be btnEvent_Click.
Enter the following code:
Sub btnEvent_Click
End Sub
We need to know what button raised the event. For this, we use the Sender object which is a special
object that holds the object reference of the view that generated the event in the event routine.
Sub btnEvent_Click To have access to the properties of the view that raised the
Private btnSender As Button event we declare a local variable
Private btnSender As Button.
btnSender = Sender And set btnSender = Sender.
Select btnSender.Tag Then, to differentiate between the backspace button and
Case "BS" the numeric buttons we use a Select / Case / End Select
Case Else structure and use the Tag property of the buttons.
End Select Remember, when we added the different buttons, we
End Sub set their Tag property to BS, 0, 1, 2 etc.
Select btnSender.Tag sets the variable to test.
Case "BS" checks if it is the button with the "BS" tag value.
Case Else handles all the other buttons.
Now we add the code for the numeric buttons.
We want to add the value of the button to the text in the lblResult Label.
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
This is done in this line
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
The "&" character means concatenation, so we just append to the already existing text the value of
the Text property of the button that raised the event.
Now we add the code for the BackSpace button.
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0, lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 69 B4X Getting started
When clicking on the BS button we must remove the last character from the existing text in
However, this is only valid if the length of the text is bigger than 0. This is checked with:
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
To remove the last character we use the SubString2 function.
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
SubString2(BeginIndex, EndIndex) extracts a new string beginning at BeginIndex (inclusive) until
EndIndex (exclusive).
Now the whole routine is finished.
Sub btnEvent_Click
Private btnSender As Button
btnSender = Sender
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 70 B4X Getting started
We can try to improve the user interface of the program by adding some colors to the lblComments
Let us set:
- Yellow for a new problem
- Light Green for a GOOD answer
- Light Red for a WRONG answer.
Let us first modify the NewProblem routine, where we add the line
lblComments.Color = xui.Color_RGB(255,235,128).
Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
lblComments.Color = xui.Color_RGB(255,235,128) ' yellow color
lblResult.Text = "" ' Sets lblResult.Text to empty
End Sub
And in the CheckResult routine we add lines 76 and 80.
Sub CheckResult
If lblResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
lblComments.Color = xui.Color_RGB(128,255,128) ' light green color
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
lblComments.Color = xui.Color_RGB(255,128,128) ' light red color
End If
End Sub
Another improvement would be to hide the '0' button to avoid entering a leading '0'.
For this, we hide the button in the NewProblem subroutine in line btn0.Visible = False.
Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
lblComments.Color = xui.Color_RGB(255,235,128) ' yellow color
lblResult.Text = "" ' Sets lblResult.Text to empty
btn0.Visible = False
End Sub
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 71 B4X Getting started
In addition, in the btnEvent_Click subroutine, we hide the button if the length of the text in
lblResult is equal to zero and show it if the length is greater than zero, lines 98 to 102.
Sub btnEvent_Click
Private btnSender As Button
btnSender = Sender
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Tag
End Select
If lblResult.Text.Length = 0 Then
btn0.Visible = False
btn0.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
As we are accessing btn0 in the code we need to declare it in the Globals routine.
Modify line 11 like below:
Private btnAction, btn0 As B4XView
Run the program to check the result.
4.1 SecondProgram B4A version 72 B4X Getting started
4.2 B4i version
Open the new B4i program in the IDE.
We need to change the Package Name.
In the IDE menu.
Click on
Change the Package name to
Click on .
Then we must change the ApplicationLabel on the very top of the code in the Main module.
4.2 SecondProgram B4i version 73 B4X Getting started
Instead of making the changes like for the B4A version we remove all views from layout and copy
the entire B4A layout into the B4i layout.
Run the B4i Visual Designer and connect a real device via B4i-Bridge.
Select all views.
Right click on one of the selected views.
Click on .
Open the B4A program and the B4A Designer.
Select all views.
For the keyboard, click on the Panel all the views inside
the Panel will be copied.
Right click on one of the selected views.
Click on .
4.2 SecondProgram B4i version 74 B4X Getting started
In the B4i designer, right click somewhere in the dark
grey rectangle.
Click on .
All the views are copied.
But we see that the colors are not copied.
Therefore, we need to change them.
Colors for btnAction.
Colors for btnBS.
Colors for btnX.
You can select all the Buttons and change the color at once.
4.2 SecondProgram B4i version 75 B4X Getting started
We also need to copy the code from the Designer Scripts:
'All variants script
lblMathSign.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblNumber1.Right = lblMathSign.Left ' aligns the right edge on the left edge
lblNumber2.Left = lblMathSign.Right ' aligns the left edge on the right edge
lblResult.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the
lblComments.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
pnlKeyboard.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
Now you can go back to the IDE and run the program, and the result.
4.3 SecondProgram B4J version 76 B4X Getting started
4.3 B4J version
Open the new B4J program in the IDE.
We need to change the Package Name.
In the IDE menu.
Click on
Change the Package name to
Click on .
4.3 SecondProgram B4J version 77 B4X Getting started
Instead of making the changes like for the B4A version we remove all views from layout and copy
the entire B4i layout into the B4J layout.
We use here the B4i layout because we do not need to change the background colors.
Run the B4J Visual Designer.
Select all views.
Right click on one of the selected views.
Click on .
Open the B4i program and the B4i Designer.
Select all views.
For the keyboard, click on the Panel all the views inside
the Panel will be copied.
Right click on one of the selected views.
Click on .
4.3 SecondProgram B4J version 78 B4X Getting started
In the B4i designer, right click somewhere in the dark
grey rectangle.
Click on .
All the views are copied.
The colors of the Buttons are not copied so we need to
add them.
But we see that the views are not centered.
This will be done with Designer Scripts.
Colors for btnAction.
Colors for btnBS.
Colors for btnX.
You can select all the Buttons and change the color at once.
We copy the code from the Designer Scripts:
'All variants script
lblMathSign.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblNumber1.Right = lblMathSign.Left ' aligns the right edge on the left edge
lblNumber2.Left = lblMathSign.Right ' aligns the left edge on the right edge
lblResult.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblComments.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
pnlKeyboard.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
4.3 SecondProgram B4J version 79 B4X Getting started
Now you can go back to the IDE and run the program, and the result.
We could, of course, readjust the different views.
We see that if there are three lines in the comment, the height of lblComment is too small.
We increase it and rearrange the different views.
5 Getting started B4A 80 B4X Getting started
5 Getting started B4A
This chapter is becoming obsolete it is only useful if you want to develop only with B4A.
It will be removed in a future edition.
It is recommended to use B4XPages, even for mono-platform projects.
If you have already installed B4A in chapter 2 no need to go through this one!
5.1 Installing B4A and Android SDK
B4A depends on two additional (free) components:
- Java JDK
- Android SDK
The most up to date installation instructions are in the forum at this link: www.b4x.com/b4a.html.
Please, follow the instructions there!
5.2 B4A Configure Paths in the IDE
- Open B4A.
- Click on in the menu.
The window below will be displayed.
The path for “java.exe is already set.
Set the path for “android.jar”: C:\Android\platforms\android-30\android.jar.
5.2.1 Configure Additional libraries folder 81 B4X Getting started
5.2.1 Configure Additional libraries folder
It is recommended to create a specific folder for Additional libraries.
B4A utilizes two types of libraries:
Standard libraries, which come with B4A and are located in the
Libraries folder of B4A.
These libraries are automatically updated when you install a new version of B4A.
Additional libraries, which are not part of B4A, and are mostly written by members. These
libraries should be saved in a specific folder different from the standard libraries folder.
For the additional libraries it is necessary to setup a special folder to save them somewhere else.
This folder must have following structure:
Folder for B4A additional libraries.
Folder for B4i additional libraries.
Folder for B4J additional libraries.
Folder for B4R additional libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries XML files.
One subfolder for each product: B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R and another B4X for B4X libraries.
When you install a new version of a B4X product, all standard libraries are automatically updated,
but the additional libraries are not included. The advantage of the special folder is that you don't
need to care about them because this folder is not affected when you install the new version of B4X.
The additional libraries are not systematically updated with new version of B4X.
When the IDE starts, it looks first for the available libraries in the Libraries folder of B4X and then
in the additional libraries folders.
In my system, I added a B4XlibXMLFiles folder for XML help files.
The standard and additional libraries have an XML file. B4X Libraies not.
But, if you use the B4X Help Viewer you would be interested in having these help files if they are
available. The B4X Help Viewer is explained in the B4X Help tools booklet.
Shared modules:
Create a specific folder for shared modules, for example C:\B4J\SharedModules.
Module files can be shared between different projects and must therefore be saved in a specific
Libraries and modules are explained in the B4X Language booklet.
5.3 B4A Choice of the language 82 B4X Getting started
5.3 B4A Choice of the language
You can select a language of your choice, if it is available.
In the IDE menu Tools / IDE Options / Language select the language of your choice.
5.4 B4A Connecing a real device 83 B4X Getting started
5.4 B4A Connecting a real device
There are different means to connect a real device:
Needs that the device supports ADB debugging.
Need to activate USB Debugging on the device.
B4A Bridge, via WiFi.
5.4.1 Connection via USB
If you followed the previous steps, the Google USB driver is already download by default.
If this driver doesn’t work you must look for a specific one for your device.
To be able to connect a device via USB you must activate USB debugging on the device.
This is also needed if you use an Emulator.
On the device, execute Settings
Scroll the screen until you see Developper options.
Scroll the screen until you see USB debugging.
Activate it.
The device will automatically be recognized by the IDE.
In this case, on some older devices, it was no more possible to access the SD card from the PC.
If you want to access the SD card you must deactivate USB debugging.
5.4 B4A Connecing a real device 84 B4X Getting started
5.4.2 Conneting via B4A-Bridge
It is always recommended to use a real device instead of an Android emulator which is very slow
compared to a real device (especially with applications installation).
However not all devices support ADB debugging. This is the reason for the B4A-Bridge tool.
B4A-Bridge is made of two components. One component runs on the device and allows the second
component which is part of the IDE to connect and communicate with the device.
The connection is done over a network (B4A-Bridge cannot work if there is no network available).
Once connected, B4A-Bridge supports all of the IDE features which include: installing applications,
viewing LogCat and the visual designer.
Android doesn't allow applications to quietly install other applications, therefore when you run your
application using B4A-Bridge you will see a dialog asking for your approval. Getting started with B4A-Bridge
First you need to install B4A-Bridge on your device.
B4A-Bridge can be downloaded here: http://www.b4x.com/android/files/b4a_bridge.apk.
B4A-Bridge is also available on Play Store. Search for: B4A Bridge.
Note that you need to allow install of applications from "Unknown sources".
On the device, execute Settings
Scroll the screen until you see
Lock screen and security.
Select it.
Scroll the screen until you see
Unknown sources.
Activate it.
B4A-Bridge requires writable storage card. It is not possible to install applications without it.
5.4 B4A Connecing a real device 85 B4X Getting started Run B4A-Bridge on your device
Run B4A-Bridge on your device, it will display a screen
similar to the picture below.
Status will be:
Press for connection.
Status will change to:
Note that B4A-Bridge was written with B4A.
5.4 B4A Connecing a real device 86 B4X Getting started Wireless connection
In the IDE menu Tools select .
If the address already exists click directly on this address.
If this device was already connected before you can simply press F2 to connect it.
Enter the IP of the device, you find it on top of the B4A-Bridge screen on the device.
Click on , the device is connected to the IDE.
You see that the status changed on both,
the device and the IDE in the lower left corner, the name of the connected device is displayed.
B4A-Bridge keeps running as a service until you press on the Stop button.
You can always reach it by opening the
notifications screen.
You see B4A-Bridge with the current status.
Note that the Internet permission are automatically added in debug mode.
5.4 B4A Connecing a real device 87 B4X Getting started
When you run an application you are required to approve the
installation. You will usually see a screens like the picture.
Press on to install the program.
If you pressed on you will see a screen like in
On this screen you should choose to start the application.
If you try to install an existing application signed with a
different key, the install will fail (without any meaningful
message). You should first uninstall the existing application.
Go to the home screen - Settings - Applications - Manage
applications - choose the application - Uninstall.
Once you finished developing you should press on the Stop
button in B4A-Bridge in order to save battery.
5.5 My first B4A program 88 B4X Getting started
5.5 My first B4A program (MyFirstProgram.b4a)
Let us write our first program. The suggested program is a math trainer for kids.
We develop directly a B4XPages project which is cross-platform.
Using B4XPages makes the handling of Android easier
The project is available in the SourceCode folder shipped with this booklet:
SourceCode\MyFirstProgramOld\ B4A\MyFirstProgram.b4a
On the screen, we will have:
- 2 Labels displaying randomly generated numbers (between 1 and 9).
- 1 Label with the math sign (+).
- 1 EditText view where the user must enter the result.
- 1 Button, used to either confirm when the user has finished entering
the result or generate a new calculation.
- 1 Label with a comment about the result.
In Android:
- Label is an object to show text.
- EditText is an object allowing the user to enter text.
- Button is an object allowing user actions.
We will design the layout of the user interface with the
VisualDesigner and go step by step through the whole process.
The look of the screen is different depending on the Android version of the devices.
5.5 My first B4A program 89 B4X Getting started
Run the IDE
When you open the IDE everything is empty.
Click on the New button or click on New in the Files menu.
You are shown four possibilities.
B4XPages B4X cross-platform project.
These are explained in detail in the
B4XPages Cross-platform projects Booklet.
B4XTurtle B4X Turtle project, a specific library.
These are explained in the forum
B4XTurtle - Library for teachers and parents.
Default B4A ‘standard’ project
X2 Game X2 Game project.
X2 Games are explained in the forum.
[B4X] X2 / XUI2D (Box2D) - Game engine.
For our project we could select either B4XPages or Default.
B4XPages projects are explained in the
B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
We want to develop a B4XPages project therefore we select B4XPages.
5.5 My first B4A program 90 B4X Getting started
You are asked to save the project.
Enter MyFirstProgram in the Project Name field.
Enter the Project Folder name. You can enter any folder for that. I use D:\B4XPages\ as the generic
folder for B4XPages projects.
Check to create a new folder.
Click on .
Now you see the template for a new B4APages project.
5.5 My first B4A program 91 B4X Getting started
You may also have a look in the Files Explorer.
And you will see that the project is saved in the
D:\B4XPages\MyFirstProgram folder.
In this folder you see that there are four subfolders and the B4XMainPage.bas file.
The folders B4A, B4i and B4J contain the platform specific code.
The Shared Files folder contains the common files shared by the different platforms.
B4XMainPage.bas is a class module common to all three platforms.
For example the content of the B4A subfolder:
MyFirstProgram.b4a is the B4A project file.
MyFirstProgram.b4a.meta is a file used by the debugger.
Starter.bas is a service module used by B4A.
5.5 My first B4A program 92 B4X Getting started
In the IDE, you will see on the top left two Tabs Main and B4XMainPage.
This is the Main module for B4A.
This is our working
Now we need to set some parameters, in the next pages
.Set the Package Name.
Each program needs a package name.
In the menu click on .
This window appears:
The default name is b4a.example.
We change it to
And click on .
5.5 My first B4A program 93 B4X Getting started
Set the Application Label.
The Application label is the name of the program that will be shown on the device.
Select the Main module:
On top of the code screen you see these two lines showing two 'regions'.
Regions are code parts which can be collapsed or
Clicking on will expand the Region.
Clicking on will collapse the Region.
Regions are explained in chapter #Regions in the
B4X IDE booklet.
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: B4A Example
#VersionCode: 1
'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
#SupportedOrientations: portrait
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
The default name is B4A Example, but we will change it to MyFirstProgram for naming
Change this line: #ApplicationLabel: B4A Example to #ApplicationLabel: MyFirstProgram
The other lines are explained in Chapter Code header Project Attributes / Activity Attributes in the
B4X IDE Booklet.
Do not change any other code in this module !
Select the module and remove this code, it is only an example.
Sub Button1_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Hello world!", "B4X")
End Sub
5.5 My first B4A program 94 B4X Getting started
Connect a device
To test the program you should connect a device to the IDE.
You can connect the IDE to a device via (see previous chapter):
USB cable
It is also possible to connect an Emulator, not advised, too slow.
In the IDE run the Designer.
Click on .
The Visual Designer looks like this.
There are different windows:
Views Tree shows all views as a tree.
Properties shows all properties of the selected view.
Abstract Designer shows the views on a screen
Script - General allows to ‘fine tune’ the layouts.
The Designer is explained in detail in the B4X Visual Designer booklet.
5.5 My first B4A program 95 B4X Getting started
In this first project we will only look at the three first windows.
Liste of views
Abstract Designer
So we hide the Script- General window to increase the size of the two other windows on top.
Click on .
And on .
The Designer will look like this.
5.5 My first B4A program 96 B4X Getting started
To shows the views on the device you must connect the device to the Designer.
Wait until the Designer and the device are connected. This can take some time, so be patient.
You will see the state of the Designer in the bottom left corner of the Designer with the details of
the connected device:
The project template already contains a layout called MainPage.
You see that there is already an object, Button1, in the layout. We do not use it yet so we remove it.
Right click on the Button1 object and click on to remove it.
5.5 My first B4A program 97 B4X Getting started
Now we will add the 2 Labels for the numbers.
In the Designer, add a Label.
We see the Label with the default name Label1 in following windows:
Properties Abstract Designer
with its default at its default position and
Views Tree properties. default dimensions.
5.5 My first B4A program 98 B4X Getting started
Resize and move the Label with the red squares like this.
The new properties Left, Top, Width and Height are directly updated in the Properties window.
You can also modify the Left, Top, Width and Height properties directly in the Properties window.
Let us change the properties of this first Label according to our requirements.
By default, the name is Label with a number, here Label1, let us change its name to lblNumber1.
The three letters 'lbl' at the beginning mean 'Label', and 'Number1' means the first number.
It is recommended to use meaningful names for views so we know directly what kind of view it is
and its purpose.
Pressing the 'Return' key or clicking elsewhere will update the
name in the other windows and change the Event Name
Main: Main module.
Name: Name of the view.
Type: Type of the view. In this case, Label, which is not editable.
Event Name: Generic name of the routines that handle the events of the Label.
Parent: Parent view the Label belongs to.
5.5 My first B4A program 99 B4X Getting started
To better see the other properties we enlarge the Properties window.
Let us check and change the other properties:
Left, Top, Width and Height are OK.
Or if the values are not the same you should change
Enabled, Visible are OK
Tag, we leave empty.
Text, we set a default number, say 5
Typeface, Style are OK
Horizontal Alignment, we set to CENTER_HORIZONTAL
Vertical Alignment, we leave CENTER_VERTICAL.
Size, we set to 36
We leave all the other properties as they are.
5.5 My first B4A program 100 B4X Getting started
We need a second Label similar to the first one. Instead of adding a new one, we duplicate the first
one with the same properties. Only the Name and Left properties will change.
Right click in the Abstract Designer on lblNumber1 and click on .
The new label covers the previous one.
We see the new label added in the Views Tree.
5.5 My first B4A program 101 B4X Getting started
Change its name to lblNumber2.
Change the Left property to 180.
The new label with its new name and at its
new position
Now we add a 3rd Label for the math sign. We copy once again lblNumber1.
In the Abstract Designer right click on lblNumber1, click on .
The new label covers lblNumber1.
Position it between the first two Labels and
change its name to lblMathSign and its
Text property to '+'.
5.5 My first B4A program 102 B4X Getting started
Now let us add an EditText view.
In the Designer menu
click on .
Position it below the three
Labels and change its name to
edtResult. 'edt' means
EditText and 'Result' for its
Let us change these properties.
Name to edtResult
Horizontal Alignment to CENTER_HORIZONTAL
Size to 30
Input Type to NUMBERS
Hint Text to Enter result
Setting Input Type to NUMBERS lets the user enter
only numbers.
Hint Text represents the text shown in the EditText
view if no text is entered.
5.5 My first B4A program 103 B4X Getting started
Now, let's add the Button which, when pressed, will either
check the result the user supplied as an answer, or will
generate a new math problem, depending on the user's input.
Position it below the EditText view. Resize it
and change following properties:
Set the properties like below.
Name to btnAction
Text to O K (with a space between O and K)
Size to 24
5.5 My first B4A program 104 B4X Getting started
Let us add the last Label for the comments. Position it
below the Button and resize it.
Change the following properties:
Name to lblComments
Horizontal Alignment CENTER_HORIZONTAL
Size to 20
Text Color to #FF000000
We set the Text Color property to Black (#FF000000).
Color to #FFFFFFFF
By default, the Label background color is black, we
set it to white.
5.5 My first B4A program 105 B4X Getting started
The result will look like this in the Designer.
And on a device.
Samsung Galaxy S10
Let us save the layout.
In the menu click on to save it.
5.5 My first B4A program 106 B4X Getting started
To write the routines for the project, we need to reference the Views in the code.
This can be done with the Generate Members tool in the Designer.
The Generate Members tool automatically generates references and subroutine frames.
In the menu click on
to open the
Here we find all the views added to the current layout.
We check all views and check the Click event for the btnAction Button.
Checking a view generates its reference in the Globals Sub routine in the code.
This is needed to make the view recognized by the system and allow the autocomplete function.
Check the box to make B4XViews.
Clicking on an event of a view generates the Sub frame for this event.
Sub btnAction_Click
End Sub
Click on to generate the references and Sub frames.
5.5 My first B4A program 107 B4X Getting started
Now we go back to the IDE to enter the code.
We see on top, in the Class_Globals routine the declarations of the views we added in the Designer.
The first two lines were already there by default.
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private btnAction As B4XView
Private edtResult As B4XView
Private lblComments As B4XView
Private lblMathSign As B4XView
Private lblNumber1 As B4XView
Private lblNumber2 As B4XView
End Sub
First, we need our Activity to load our layout file.
This is already prepared in the B4XPage_Created” sub we have the line
Root.LoadLayout("MainPage") which does it.
We want to generate a new problem as soon as the program starts. Therefore, we add a call to the
NewProblem subroutine.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
Note the NewProblem is in red meaning an error, ‘Undeclared variable …’ in this case, meaning
that the system does not recognize this name.
Generating a new problem means generating two new random values between 1 and 9 (inclusive)
for Number1 and Number2, then showing the values using the lblNumber1 and lblNumber2 ‘Text’
To do this we declare, in Sub Class_Globals, two variables for the two numbers.
Public Number1, Number2 As Int
End Sub
And enter the 'NewProblem' Subroutine:
Private Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
edtResult.Text = "" ' Sets edtResult.Text to empty
End Sub
The function Rnd(1, 10) generates a random number from '1' (inclusive) to '10' (exclusive),
therefore beween ‘1’ and ‘9’.
The following line displays the comment in the lblComments view:
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
CRLF is the LineFeed character.
5.5 My first B4A program 108 B4X Getting started
Now we add the code for the Button click event.
We have two cases:
- When the Button text is equal to "O K" (with a space between O and K), it means that a new
problem is displayed, and the program is waiting for the user to enter a result and press the Button.
- When the Button text is equal to "NEW", it means that the user has entered a correct answer and
when the user clicks on the Button a new problem will be generated.
There is already a Button click event routine in the code.
You remember that there was the Button1 object in the default layout.
Rename Button1_Click to btnAction_Click and add the code below.
Sub btnAction_Click
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then
If edtResult.Text = "" Then
MsgboxAsync("No result entered","E R R O R")
End If
btnAction.Text = "O K"
End If
End Sub
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then checks if the Button text equals "O K".
If yes then we check if the EditText is empty.
If yes, we display a MessageBox telling the user that there is no result in the EditText view.
If no, we check if the result is correct or if it is false.
If no then we generate a new problem, set the Button text to "O K" and clear the EditText view.
The last routine checks the result.
Sub CheckResult
If edtResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
End If
End Sub
With If edtResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then we check if the entered result is correct.
If yes, we display in the lblComments label the text below:
'G O O D result'
'Click on NEW'
and we change the Button text to "N E W ".
If no, we display in the lblComments label the text below:
'W R O N G result'
'Enter a new result'
and click OK.
5.5 My first B4A program 109 B4X Getting started
On the left side of the editor you see a yellow line.
This means that the code was modified.
If we click on to save the project the yellow line becomes green showing a modified code but
already saved. You can also press Ctrl + S to save the project.
If we leave the IDE and load it again the green line disappears.
5.5 My first B4A program 110 B4X Getting started
Let us now compile the program and transfer it to the Device.
In the IDE on top click on :
The program is going to be compiled.
When the Close button becomes enabled as in message box, above, the compiling and transfer is
Looking at the device, you should see something similar to the
image, with different numbers.
The screenshot may look different depending on the device and the
Android version.
Of course, we could make aesthetic improvements in the layout, but
this was not the main goal for the first program.
5.5 My first B4A program 111 B4X Getting started
On a real device, you need to use the virtual keyboard.
Click on the EditText view to show the keyboard.
On some devices the current layout has the disadvantage
that the comment label is covered by the virtual
This will be improved in the next chapter,
'Second program', where we create our own keyboard.
5.6 Second B4A program 112 B4X Getting started
5.6 Second B4A program (SecondProgram.b4a)
The project is available in the SourceCode folder:
Improvements to My first program.
We will add a numeric keyboard to the layout to avoid the use of
the virtual keyboard.
Copy the entire MyFirstProgam folder and rename it
SecondProgram. Rename the program files MyFirstProgram.b4a
to SecondProgram.b4a and MyFirstProgram.b4a.meta to
You could also rename the B4i and B4J programs.
Open this new program in the IDE.
We need to change the Package Name.
In the IDE menu.
Click on
Change the Package name to
Click on .
5.6 Second B4A program 113 B4X Getting started
Then we must change the ApplicationLabel on the very top of the code.
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: SecondProgram
We want to replace the edtResult EditText view by a new Label.
Run the Visual Designer. If you want you can already connect the device or an Emulator.
In the Abstract Designer, click on the edtResult view.
Right click on edtResult and click on .
Right click on lblNumber1 to select it.
Click on .
The new label covers lblNumber1.
5.6 Second B4A program 114 B4X Getting started
Move it between the upper labels and the button
and resize it.
Modify the following properties:
Name to lblResult
Change the Left, Top, Width and Height properties if
they are not the same as in the image.
Height to 50
Text to " " blank character
Text Color to Black #FF000000
Color to White #FFFFFFFF
Corner Radius to 5
Border Width to 1
5.6 Second B4A program 115 B4X Getting started
Now we add a Panel for the keyboard buttons.
Position and resize it as in the image.
Change its Name to pnlKeyboard
"pnl" for Panel, the view type.
Color to #FFFFFFFF white
Corner radius to 0
5.6 Second B4A program 116 B4X Getting started
We will move the btnAction button from the
Activity to the pnlKeyboard Panel.
Click on btnAction.
and in the Parent list click on .
The button now belongs to the Panel.
Now we rearrange the views to get some more space
for the keyboard.
Set the Height property of the 4 Labels to 50 instead
of 60.
Set the Top property of label lblResult to 60.
Set the Top property of label lblComments to 120.
Set the Top property of panel pnlKeyboard to 210.
Set the Width property of panel pnlKeyboard to 295.
Set the Height property of panel pnlKeyboard to 180.
5.6 Second B4A program 117 B4X Getting started
Right click on the pnlKeyboard
and click on
And click on .
to add a new button.
The new button is added.
Change the following properties:
Name to btn0
Event name to btnEvent
Left to 0
Top to 120
Width to 55
Height to 55
Tag to 0
Text to 0
Size to 24
TextColor to Black #FF000000
5.6 Second B4A program 118 B4X Getting started
Now we want to change the button colors.
Click on .
In Enabled Drawable
click on .
Change the following properties:
Orientation to TOP_BOTTOM
First Color
Second Color
Pressed Drawable to GradientDrawable
Orientation to TOP_BOTTOM
First Color
Second Color
If you have connected a device the button looks now like this.
5.6 Second B4A program 119 B4X Getting started
Now we duplicate btn0 and position the new one
beside button btn0 with a small space.
Right click on btn0 and click on .
Move the new Button next to the previous one.
Change the following properties:
Name to btn1
Tag to 1
Text to 1
And the result.
In the Abstract Designer and on the device.
Let us add 8 more Buttons and position them like in the image.
Change following properties:
Name btn2 , btn3 , btn4 etc.
Tag 2 , 3 , 4 etc.
Text 2 , 3 , 4 etc.
5.6 Second B4A program 120 B4X Getting started
To create the BackSpace button, duplicate one of the
number buttons, and position it like in the image.
Resize and position btnAction.
Change the pnlKeyboard Color to Black #000000.
Change their Name, Tag, Text and Color properties as
btnAction O K btnBS <
5.6 Second B4A program 121 B4X Getting started
Another improvement is to center the objects on the screen.
For this, we add some code in the Designer Scripts in the Script-General window.
First, we ‘dock’ the Script – General window.
Click on Script General. And click on .
'All variants script
lblMathSign.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblNumber1.Right = lblMathSign.Left ' aligns the right edge on the left edge
lblNumber2.Left = lblMathSign.Right ' aligns the left edge on the right edge
lblResult.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblComments.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
pnlKeyboard.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
The first two lines are added by default, we leave them.
'All variants script
lblSigneMath.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
HorizontalCenter centers a view horizontally on the screen at the given value, 50%x in our case,
which means in the middle of the screen.
lblNombre1.Right = lblSigneMath.Left
Aligns the right edge of lblNombre1 on the left edge of lblSigneMath, positions lblNombre1 just
besides lblSigneMath on the left.
lblNombre2.Left = lblSigneMath.Right
Aligns the left edge of lblNombre2 on the right edge of lblSigneMath, positions lblNombre2 just
besides lblSigneMath on the right.
5.6 Second B4A program 122 B4X Getting started
The finished new layout.
In the Abstract Designer and on the device.
Now we will update the code.
First, we must replace the edtResult by lblResult because we replaced the EditText view by a Label.
Double click on edtResult to
select it.
In the menu click on or press F3.
5.6 Second B4A program 123 B4X Getting started
Enter ‘lblResult’ in the Replace with field.
Click on
Now we write the routine that handles the Click events of the Buttons.
The Event Name for all buttons, except btnAction, is "btnEvent".
The routine name for the associated click event will be btnEvent_Click.
Enter the following code:
Sub btnEvent_Click
End Sub
We need to know what button raised the event. For this, we use the Sender object which is a special
object that holds the object reference of the view that generated the event in the event routine.
Sub btnEvent_Click To have access to the properties of the view that raised the
Private btnSender As Button event we declare a local variable
Private btnSender As Button.
btnSender = Sender And set btnSender = Sender.
Select btnSender.Tag Then, to differentiate between the backspace button and
Case "BS" the numeric buttons we use a Select / Case / End Select
Case Else structure and use the Tag property of the buttons.
End Select Remember, when we added the different buttons we
End Sub set their Tag property to BS, 0, 1, 2 etc.
Select btnSender.Tag sets the variable to test.
Case "BS" checks if it is the button with the "BS" tag value.
Case Else handles all the other buttons.
5.6 Second B4A program 124 B4X Getting started
Now we add the code for the numeric buttons.
We want to add the value of the button to the text in the lblResult Label.
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
This is done in this line
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
The "&" character means concatenation, so we just append to the already existing text the value of
the Text property of the button that raised the event.
Now we add the code for the BackSpace button.
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0, lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
When clicking on the BS button we must remove the last character from the existing text in
However, this is only valid if the length of the text is bigger than 0. This is checked with:
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
To remove the last character we use the SubString2 function.
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
SubString2(BeginIndex, EndIndex) extracts a new string beginning at BeginIndex (inclusive) until
EndIndex (exclusive).
Now the whole routine is finished.
Sub btnEvent_Click
Private btnSender As Button
btnSender = Sender
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
5.6 Second B4A program 125 B4X Getting started
We can try to improve the user interface of the program by adding some colors to the lblComments
Let us set:
- Yellow for a new problem
- Light Green for a GOOD answer
- Light Red for a WRONG answer.
Let us first modify the NewProblem routine, where we add the line
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,235,128).
Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,235,128) ' yellow color
lblResult.Text = "" ' Sets lblResult.Text to empty
End Sub
And in the CheckResult routine we add lines 76 and 80.
Sub CheckResult
If lblResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(128,255,128) ' light green color
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,128,128) ' light red color
End If
End Sub
Another improvement would be to hide the '0' button to avoid entering a leading '0'.
For this, we hide the button in the NewProblem subroutine in line btn0.Visible = False.
Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,235,128) ' yellow color
lblResult.Text = "" ' Sets lblResult.Text to empty
btn0.Visible = False
End Sub
5.6 Second B4A program 126 B4X Getting started
In addition, in the btnEvent_Click subroutine, we hide the button if the length of the text in
lblResult is equal to zero and show it if the length is greater than zero, lines 98 to 102.
Sub btnEvent_Click
Private btnSender As Button
btnSender = Sender
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Tag
End Select
If lblResult.Text.Length = 0 Then
btn0.Visible = False
btn0.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
As we are accessing btn0 in the code we need to declare it in the Globals routine.
Modify line 25 like below:
Private btnAction, btn0 As Button
Run the program to check the result.
6 Getting Started B4i 127 B4X Getting started
6 Getting started B4i
This chapter is becoming obsolete it is only useful if you want to develop only with B4i.
It will be removed in a future edition.
It is recommended to use B4XPages, even for mono-platform projects.
If you have already installed B4i in chapter 2 no need to go through this one!
The B4i language is similar to Visual Basic and B4A language.
B4i compiled applications are native iOS applications; there are no extra runtimes or dependencies.
Unlike other IDE’s, B4i is 100% focused on iOS.
B4i includes a powerful GUI designer, built-in support for multiple screens and orientations.
You can develop and debug with a real device.
iOS 7 and above are supported.
What you need:
The B4i program, this is a Windows program running on a PC.
The Java SDK on the PC, free.
An Apple developer license, cost 99$ per year.
A device for testing.
The Basi4i-Bridge program on the device, free.
A Mac builder to compile the program, this be either.
o A Mac computer with the Mac Builder program, on local wifi.
o The hosted Mac Builder service over Internet, cost 26$ per year.
A Mac computer or a MacInCloud service to distribute the program.
Links to tutorials in the forum:
Local Mac Builder Installation
Creating a certificate and provisioning profile
Installing B4i-Bridge and debugging first app
6.1 Installing B4i 128 B4X Getting started
6.1 Installing B4i
The most up to date installation instructions are in the forum at this link: www.b4x.com/b4i.html.
Please, follow the instructions there!
If you have not yet installed Java, look at the B4A installation instructions:
6.1.1 Installing B4i
Download and install the B4i file on your computer.
Copy the license file b4i-license.txt to the B4i folder and to a safe place on the computer for backup.
Note that this is not a text file, do not open it with a text editor.
When you first run B4i you will be asked to enter your e-mail address, the one you used when you
purchased it B4i.
You find it also in the mail you received with the B4i file.
Enter the e-mail address.
You get a confirmation window that B4i is registered.
Contact [email protected] if you require any assistance.
6.1 Installing B4i 129 B4X Getting started
6.1.2 Mac Builder installation
iOS compilation requires an Apple Mac computer. Developers have two options with B4i:
Use a local Mac machine connected over the local network.
For this you should also download the Mac builder and install it.
Use our hosted builder rental service. Hosted Mac Builder installation.
The builder service allows you to develop iOS applications without a Mac computer.
All of the development steps can be done with the builder service except of the final step
which is uploading the application to Apple App Store. This step requires a Mac or a service
such as MacInCloud.
Note that the builder is currently limited to projects of up to 15mb.
Link to the tutorial in the forum: Local Mac Builder Installation.
These instructions explain how to install the builder on a local Mac machine.
1. Install Java JDK 11 or 8: follow the instruction here: https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html
2. Install Xcode 6.
3. Download and unzip the B4i-Builder.
4. Open a terminal and navigate to B4i-Builder folder.
5. Run it with: java -jar B4iBuildServer.jar
6. Set the builder IP address in the IDE under Tools - Build Server - Server Settings
Notes & Tips
- By default ports numbers 51041 (http) and 51042 (https) are used.
- The firewall should be either disabled or allow incoming connections on these two ports.
- You can test that the server is running by going to the following link: http://<server ip>:51041/test
- You can kill the server with: http://<server ip>:51041/kill
- It is recommended to set your Mac server ip address to a static address. This can be done in your
router settings or in the Mac under Network settings.
- A single Mac builder can serve multiple developers as long as they are all connected to the same
local network. Note that you are not allowed to host builders for developers outside of your
Multiple IPs.
When the server is started it takes the first IP address reported by the OS and uses it as its own IP
address. You can see this address in the server messages.
In most cases this is the correct address. However if it is not the correct IP address then the server
will not be usable.
In that case you need to explicitly set the correct address:
- Open the key folder and delete all files.
- Edit key.txt and change it to: manuel:<correct ip address>
For example:
6.1 Installing B4i 130 B4X Getting started
6.1.3 Hosted Mac builder service (optional)
If you have bought the hosted Mac builder service you got a mail with your user ID.
You must enter it in the IDE.
Enter the ID.
Don’t forget to check
if you use the Hosted Builder Service!
6.2 Configure Paths in the IDE 131 B4X Getting started
6.2 Configure Paths in the IDE
Then you need to configure the different paths in the IDE.
Run the IDE.
In the Tools menu click on
Configure Paths.
Enter the folder of the javac.exe file.
Keys folder:
Create a special folder for the Keys, for example C:\B4i\Keys.
6.2 Configure Paths in the IDE 132 B4X Getting started
6.2.1 Configure Additional libraries folder
It is recommended to create a specific folder for Additional libraries.
B4A utilizes two types of libraries:
Standard libraries, which come with B4A and are located in the
Libraries folder of B4A.
These libraries are automatically updated when you install a new version of B4A.
Additional libraries, which are not part of B4A, and are mostly written by members. These
libraries should be saved in a specific folder different from the standard libraries folder.
For the additional libraries it is necessary to setup a special folder to save them somewhere else.
This folder must have following structure:
Folder for B4A additional libraries.
Folder for B4i additional libraries.
Folder for B4J additional libraries.
Folder for B4R additional libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries XML files.
One subfolder for each product: B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R and another B4X for B4X libraries.
When you install a new version of a B4X product, all standard libraries are automatically updated,
but the additional libraries are not included. The advantage of the special folder is that you don't
need to care about them because this folder is not affected when you install the new version of B4X.
The additional libraries are not systematically updated with new version of B4X.
When the IDE starts, it looks first for the available libraries in the Libraries folder of B4X and then
in the additional libraries folders.
In my system, I added a B4XlibXMLFiles folder for XML help files.
The standard and additional libraries have an XML file. B4X Libraies not.
But, if you use the B4X Help Viewer you would be interested in having these help files if they are
available. The B4X Help Viewer is explained in the B4X Help tools booklet.
Shared modules:
Create a specific folder for shared modules, for example C:\B4J\SharedModules.
Module files can be shared between different projects and must therefore be saved in a specific
Libraries and modules are explained in the B4X Language booklet.
6.3 Certificate and provisioning profile 133 B4X Getting started
6.3 Creating a certificate and provisioning profile
Don't panic!
While this process can be a bit annoying it is not too complicated and you can always delete the
keys and start from scratch (which is not always the case in Android).
Note that you must first register with Apple as an iOS developer (costs $99 per year).
The whole process is done on a Windows computer.
In order to install an app on an iOS device you need to create a certificate and a provisioning
The certificate is used to sign the application. The provisioning profile, which is tied to a specific
certificate, includes a list of devices that this app can be installed on.
The video shows the steps required for creating and downloading a certificate and provisioning
There are two steps which are not shown in the video and are also required before you can create a
provisioning profile:
- Create an App ID. This step is quite simple. Just make sure that you create a wildcard id.
- Add one or more devices. You will need to find the devices UDID for that.
Link to the tutorial in the forum: Creating a certificate and provisioning profile.
6.3.1 UDID
Devices are recognized by their UDIDs. There are two ways to get the device UDID:
1. If iTunes is installed then you can find it in iTunes.
The first time, connect your device with the USB cable to the computer.
Run iTunes, you should see on top this icon . It can take a while before you see it.
6.3 Certificate and provisioning profile 134 B4X Getting started
Click on and you get this screen:
Now click on to get the UDID.
Right click on to copy the UDID.
2. Use an online service such as this one: http://get.udid.io/
6.3.2 Certificate and Provisioning Profile
Main steps:
1. Set a new keys folder in the IDE.
2. Create a key by choosing Tools - Private Sign Key
3. Create and download the certificate as demonstrated in the video. You will need to upload
the CSR file that was created in step 2.
Note that you can choose either iOS App Development or App Store and Ad Hoc in the
certificate page.
4. Create and download a provisioning profile.
6.6 Install Build B4i-Bridge 135 B4X Getting started
6.4 Installing B4i-Bridge and debugging first app
B4i-Bridge is an application that you install on the device.
It has three purposes:
1. Launch the installation process when needed.
2. Run the installed app (when installation is not needed).
3. The bridge is also the WYSIWYG visual designer.
You need to install B4i-Bridge once. It is done from the device browser.
Link to the tutorial in the forum: Installing B4i-Bridge and debugging first app.
6.5 Install the B4I certificate
Open Safari (device browser) and navigate to: www.b4x.com/ca.pem
Follow the instructions.
You can see at any time the profile in Settings / General / Profile.
6.6 Install Build B4i-Bridge
In the menu click on and click on :
You get the compilation window with a
code for Safari (see next chapter).
The code you see in the red rectangle
will be different!
6.6 Install Build B4i-Bridge 136 B4X Getting started
6.6.1 Load B4i-Bridge
Open Safari on the device .
Enter the code in the search box on top.
This screen will appear.
Click on
Click on to install it.
Close Safari.
6.6.2 Install B4i-Bridge and run it
Click on this B4i-Bridge icon on the device, you will see the installing animation and
finally the B4i-Bridge icon .
- You don't need to wait for the installation animation to complete. Once the animation starts you
can click on the app icon.
- If the installation is stuck in the "waiting" step for more than 10 or 15 seconds then uninstall it and
install it again.
- B4i-Bridge must be in the foreground for it to be able to start an installation or to run the
application. In most cases it will be in the foreground automatically. If it is not in the foreground
then you need to click on it to bring it to the foreground.
6.7 My first B4i program 137 B4X Getting started
6.7 My first B4i program (MyFirstProgram.b4i)
Let us write our first B4i program. The suggested program is a math trainer for kids.
The project is a B4XPages project available in the SourceCode folder shipped with this booklet:
On the screen, we will have:
- 2 Labels displaying randomly generated numbers (between 1 and 9)
- 1 Label with the math sign (+)
- 1 TextField where the user must enter the result
- 1 Button, used to either confirm when the user has finished entering the result or generate a new
- 1 Label with a comment about the result.
In iOS:
- Label is an object to show text.
- TextField is an object allowing the user to enter text.
- Button is an object allowing user actions.
We will design the layout of the user interface with the Designer, the Abstract Designer and on a
Device and go step by step through the whole process.
The Designer manages the different objects of the interface.
The AbstractDesigner shows the positions and sizes of the objects and allows moving or resizing
them on the screen.
On the Device we see the real result.
6.7 My first B4i program 138 B4X Getting started
Run the IDE
When you open the IDE everything is empty.
Click on the New button or click on New in the Files menu.
You are shown four possibilities.
B4XPages B4X cross-platform project.
These are explained in detail in the B4XPages Cross-platform Booklet.
B4XTurtle B4X Turtle project, a specific library.
These are explained in the forum
B4XTurtle - Library for teachers and parents.
Default B4A ‘standard’ project
X2 Game X2 Game project.
X2 Games are explained in the forum.
[B4X] X2 / XUI2D (Box2D) - Game engine.
For our project we could select either B4XPages or Default.
B4XPages projects are explained in the
B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
We want to develop a B4XPages project therefore we select B4XPages.
6.7 My first B4i program 139 B4X Getting started
You are asked to save the project.
Enter MyFirstProgram in the Project Name field.
Enter the Project Folder name. You can enter any folder for that. I use D:\B4XPages\ as the generic
folder for B4XPages projects.
Check to create a new folder.
Click on .
Now you see the template
for a new B4i project.
You may also have a look in the Files Explorer.
And you will see that the project, is saved in the
D:\B4i\MyFirstProgram folder.
6.7 My first B4i program 140 B4X Getting started
Set the Package Name.
Each program needs a package name.
This window appears:
The default name is b4i.example. We will change it to anywheresoftware.b4i.MyFirstProgram.
6.7 My first B4i program 141 B4X Getting started
Set the Application Label.
The Application label is the name of the program that will be shown on the device blow the icon.
On top of the code screen you see the ‘region’ Project Attributes.
Regions are code parts which can be collapsed or
Clicking on will expand the Region.
Clicking on will collapse the Region.
Regions are explained in the chapter #Regions in the B4X IDE booklet.
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: B4i Example
#Version: 1.0.0
'Orientation possible values: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight and
#iPhoneOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight
#iPadOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight, PortraitUpsideDown
#Target: iPhone, iPad
#ATSEnabled: True
#MinVersion: 7
#End Region
The default name is B4i Example, but we will change it to MyFirstProgram for naming consistency.
Change this line: #ApplicationLabel: B4i Example to #ApplicationLabel: MyFirstProgram
The other attributes are explained in chapter Code header Project Attributes / Activity Attributes in
the B4X IDE booklet.
Then remove this code, it is only an example.
Sub Button1_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Hello world!", "B4X")
End Sub
6.7 My first B4i program 142 B4X Getting started
In the IDE run Build B4i-Bridge App.
IDE menu / /
You get this screen.
On the device run B4i-Bridge .
On the screen you see the IP address of the device, yours is probably not the same.
In the IDE click on / /
6.7 My first B4i program 143 B4X Getting started
Enter the IP address:
Click on .
You will see this screen on the device (only the upper part is shown).
In the IDE open the Designer.
Wait until the Designer is ready.
6.7 My first B4i program 144 B4X Getting started
The Designer looks like this.
Note that in the bottom left corner of the Designer window you see the connection status:
You may see
if the device is not connected.
With the Designer we have also the Abstract Designer which shows the layout not exactly
WYSIWYG but the positions and size of the different objects.
Only the top of the image is shown.
The dark gray area represents the screen area of the connected device.
6.7 My first B4i program 145 B4X Getting started
There are different windows:
Views Tree shows all views as a tree.
Properties shows all properties of the selected view.
Abstract Designer shows the views on a screen
Script - General allows to ‘fine tune’ the layouts.
The Designer is explained in detail in the B4X Visual Designer booklet.
The project template already contains a layout called Page1.
You see that there is already an object, Button1, in the layout. We do not use it so we remove it.
Right click on the Button1 object and click on to remove it.
6.7 My first B4i program 146 B4X Getting started
Now we will add the 2 Labels for the numbers.
In the Designer, add a Label.
The label appears in the Abstract Designer, in the Views Tree window and its default properties are
listed in the Properties window.
Resize and move the Label with the red squares
like this.
You can follow the layout on the device.
At the moment we see Label1.
The background color is by default transparent.
Label1 is the default name of the Label.
6.7 My first B4i program 147 B4X Getting started
The new properties Left, Top, Width and Height are directly
updated in the Properties window.
You can also modify the Left, Top, Width and Height
properties directly in the Properties window.
Let us change the properties of this first Label according to
our requirements.
By default, the name is Label with a number, here Label1,
let us change its name to lblNumber1.
The three letters 'lbl' at the beginning mean 'Label', and
'Number1' means the first number.
It is recommended to use significant names for views so we
know directly what kind of view it is and its purpose.
Pressing the 'Return' key or clicking elsewhere will also
change the Event Name property.
We have now:
Main: Main module.
Name: Name of the view.
Type: Type of the view. In this case, Label,
which is not editable.
Event Name: Generic name of the routines that handle
the events of the Label.
Parent: Parent view the Label belongs to.
Main in this case
6.7 My first B4i program 148 B4X Getting started
Let us check and change the other properties:
Set Left, Top, Width and Height to the values in the picture.
Visible is checked.
We leave the default colors.
Text set to 5
We leave the default Font.
Text Size, we set it to 36.
Set Text Alignment to Center.
And the result in the Abstract Designer and on the device.
6.7 My first B4i program 149 B4X Getting started
We need a second Label similar to the first one. Instead of adding a new one, we copy the first one
with the same properties. Only the Name and Left properties will change.
Right click on lblNumber1 and click on
in the popup menu.
The new label covers the duplicated one.
In the left part, in the Views Tree, you see the different views.
The new label Label1 is added.
Let us position the new Label and change its name to
Change the name to lblNumber2.
The Left property to 180.
And the result in the Abstract Designer
and on the device.
6.7 My first B4i program 150 B4X Getting started
Let us now add a 3rd Label for the math sign. We copy once again lblNumber1.
Right click on lblNumber1 in the Abstract Designer and click on in the popup menu.
The new label covers lblNumber1.
Position it between the first two Labels and change its name to lblMathSign, its
Text property to '+'.
And the result in the Abstract Designer and on the device.
Now let us add a TextField view.
In the Designer menu
click on .
Position it below the three Labels and change its name to txfResult.
'txf' means TextField and 'Result' for its purpose.
6.7 My first B4i program 151 B4X Getting started
Change these properties.
Name to txfResult
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Border Width to 1
Text Size to 30
Text Alignment to Center
Hint Text to Enter result
Hint Text represents the text shown in the TextField view if no text
is entered.
Keyboard Type to NUMBER_PAD
Setting Input Type to NUMBER_PAD lets the user enter only
After making these changes, you should see something like this.
6.7 My first B4i program 152 B4X Getting started
Now, let's add the Button which, when pressed, will either check the
result the user supplied as an answer, or will generate a new math
problem, depending on the user's input.
Position it below the TextField view. Resize it and change following
Name to btnAction
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Background Color to #FFBDBBBB
Border Width to 1
Corner Radius to 5
Text to O K (with a space between O and K)
Text Size to 24
6.7 My first B4i program 153 B4X Getting started
Let us add the last Label for the comments. Position it below the
Button and resize it.
Change the following properties:
Name to lblComments
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Border Width to 1
Text Size to 20
Multiline to True (checked)
Text Alignment to Center
And the result.
6.7 My first B4i program 154 B4X Getting started
Now we save the layout file.
Click on .
6.7 My first B4i program 155 B4X Getting started
To write the routines for the project, we need to reference the Views in the code.
This can be done with the Generate Members tool in the Designer.
The Generate Members tool automatically generates references and subroutine frames.
Click on to open the generator.
Here we find all the views added to the current layout.
We check all views and check the Click event for the btnAction Button.
Checking a view generates its reference in the Process_Globals Sub routine in the
This is needed to make the view recognized by the system and allow the autocomplete function.
Private btnAction As Button
Private lblComments As Label
Private lblMathSign As Label
Private lblNumber1 As Label
Private lblNumber2 As Label
Private txfResult As TextField
Clicking on shows all events for the selected view .
Clicking on an event of a view generates the Sub frame for this event.
Sub btnAction_Click
End Sub
Click on to generate the references and Sub frames, then close the window .
6.7 My first B4i program 156 B4X Getting started
Now we go back to the IDE to enter the code.
On the top of the program code we have:
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public App As Application
Public NavControl As NavigationController
Private Page1 As Page
Private btnAction As Button
Private lblComments As Label
Private lblMathSign As Label
Private lblNumber1 As Label
Private lblNumber2 As Label
Private txfResult As TextField
End Sub
These lines are automatically in the project code.
Public App As Application
Public NavControl As NavigationController
Private Page1 As Page
iOS needs an Application, a NavigationControl and at least one Page, the details are explained in
the chapter Program flow B4i in the B4X Language Booklet.
Below the code above we have the Application_Start routine which is the first routine called when
the program starts.
The content below is also added automatically in each new project.
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
NavControl = Nav
End Sub
NavControl = Nav > Sets NavControl as the NavigationController
Page1.Initialize("Page1") > Initializes Page1, "Page1" is the generic EventName of Page1.
Page1. RootPanel.LoadLayout("Page1") > Loads the layout.
NavControl.ShowPage(Page1) > Shows Page1 on the device.
6.7 My first B4i program 157 B4X Getting started
We want to generate a new problem as soon as the program starts. Therefore, we add a call to the
NewProblem subroutine in Application_Start.
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
NavControl = Nav
End Sub
NewProblem is displayed in red because the ‘NewProblem’ routine has not yet been defined.
Generating a new problem means generating two new random values between 1 and 9 (inclusive)
for Number1 and Number2, then showing the values using the lblNumber1 and lblNumber2 ‘Text’
To do this we enter following code:
In Sub Process_Globals we add two variables for the two numbers.
Private Number1, Number2 As Int
End Sub
And the 'NewProblem' Subroutine:
Private Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
txfResult.Text = "" ' Sets edtResult.Text to empty
End Sub
The following line of code generates a random number from '1' (inclusive) to '10' (exclusive):
Rnd(1, 10)
In this line Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
The text after the quote, ' Generates..., is considered as a comment.
It is good practice to add comments explaining the purpose of the code.
The following line displays the comment in the lblComment view:
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
CRLF is the LineFeed character.
6.7 My first B4i program 158 B4X Getting started
Now we add the code for the Button click event.
We have two cases:
- When the Button text is equal to "O K", it means that a new problem is displayed, and the program
is waiting for the user to enter a result and press the Button.
- When the Button text is equal to "NEW", it means that the user has entered a correct answer and
when the user clicks on the Button a new problem will be generated.
Private Sub btnAction_Click
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then
If txfResult.Text="" Then
Msgbox("No result entered","E R R O R")
End If
btnAction.Text = "O K"
End If
End Sub
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then checks if the Button text equals "O K"
If yes then we check if the TextField is empty.
If yes, we display a MessageBox telling the user that there is no result in the TextField view.
If no, we check if the result is correct or if it is wrong.
If no then we generate a new problem, set the Button text to "O K" and clear the TextField view.
The last routine checks the result.
Private Sub CheckResult
If txfResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
End If
End Sub
With If txfResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then we check if the entered result is correct.
If yes, we display in the lblComments label the text below:
'G O O D result'
'Click on NEW'
and we change the Button text to "N E W ".
If no, we display in the lblComments label the text below:
W R O N G result
Enter a new result
and click OK
6.7 My first B4i program 159 B4X Getting started
Let us now compile the program and transfer it to the Device.
In the IDE on top click on or press F5:
The program is going to be compiled.
When you see
'Completed successfully.'
as in the message box, the
compiling and transfer is
Looking at the device, you should see something
similar to the image below when you first run the
Touch on .
Then you will see somewhere on the device the icon
of the program , touch it to run the program.
Then you should see something similar to the image
on the left, with different numbers.
Of course, we could make aesthetic improvements in
the layout, but this was not the main issue for the first
6.7 My first B4i program 160 B4X Getting started
Touch on to activate the
Enter 14
You will see this screen.
Click on to confirm the result entry.
If the result is correct you will see the screen on the left.
If the result is wrong the message is:
6.8 Second B4i program 161 B4X Getting started
6.8 Second B4i program (SecondProgram.b4i)
The project is available in the SourceCode folder:
Improvements to “My first program”.
- Independent numeric keyboard to avoid the use of the virtual keyboard.
- Colors in the comment label.
Create a new folder called “SecondProgram”. Copy all the files and folders from MyFirstProgram
to the new SecondProgram folder and rename the program file MyFirstProgram.b4i to
SecondProgram.b4i and MyFirstProgram.meta to SecondProgram.meta.
Load this new program in the IDE.
We need to change the Package Name.
In the IDE menu.
Click on .
Change the Package name to anywheresoftware.b4i.SecondProgram and click on .
6.8 Second B4i program 162 B4X Getting started
Then we must change the ApplicationLabel on the very top of the code.
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: SecondProgram
Run the Designer.
We want to replace the txfResult TextField view by a new Label.
In the Abstract Designer, click on the txfResult view.
Right click on txfResult Right click on lblNumber1
and click on . and click on .
Right click somewhere else The new label covers lblNumber1.
and click on .
6.8 Second B4i program 163 B4X Getting started
Modify the following properties:
Name to lblResult
Left, Top, Width, Height
Boarder Width to 1
Text to "" no character
6.8 Second B4i program 164 B4X Getting started
Let us add a Panel for the keyboard buttons.
Position and resize it as in the image.
Change its Name to pnlKeyboard
"pnl" for Panel, the view type.
Border Width to 0
Corner radius to 0
6.8 Second B4i program 165 B4X Getting started
We will move btnAction from Main to the
pnlKeyboard Panel.
Click on btnAction.
In the Parent list click on .
The button now belongs to the Panel.
Set these properties:
Now we rearrange the views to get some more
space for the keyboard.
Set the properties below:
lblNumber1 Top = 10
lblMathSign Top = 10
lblNumber2 Top = 10
lblResult Top = 70
lblComments Top = 140
pnlKeyboard Left = 15
pnlKeyboard Top = 240
pnlKeyboard Width = 290
pnlKeyboard Height = 170
pnlKeyboard BorderWidth = 0
Move btnAction to the upper right corner of
6.8 Second B4i program 166 B4X Getting started
Click on the pnlKeyboard panel to select it.
Click on
to add a new button.
The new button is added.
Change following properties:
Name to btn0
Event name to btnEvent
Left to 0
Top to 120
Width to 50
Height to 50
Tag to 0
Background Color to #B7FA7EA9
Boarder Width to 1
Corner Radius to 5
6.8 Second B4i program 167 B4X Getting started
Text to 0
Size to 28
The button looks now like this.
Let us duplicate btn0 and position the new one beside button btn0.
Select the Button btn0.
Right click on btn0
and click on .
Move the new Button next to the previous one
with a space.
the following properties:
Name to btn1
Tag to 1
Text to 1
And the result.
6.8 Second B4i program 168 B4X Getting started
Add 8 more Buttons and position them like in
the image.
Change following properties:
Name btn2, btn3, btn4 etc.
Tag 2 , 3 , 4 etc.
Text 2 , 3 , 4 etc.
To create the BackSpace button, duplicate one
of the number buttons, and position it in the top
left corner.
Resize and position btnAction.
6.8 Second B4i program 169 B4X Getting started
Change their Name, Tag, Text and Color properties as below.
btnBS < btnAction O K
6.8 Second B4i program 170 B4X Getting started
Another improvement is to center the objects on the screen.
For this, we add some code in the Designer Scripts in the Script-General window.
'All variants script
lblMathSign.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblNumber1.Right = lblMathSign.Left ' aligns the right edge ont the left edge
lblNumber2.Left = lblMathSign.Right ' aligns the left edge ont the right edge
lblResult.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
lblComments.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
pnlKeyboard.HorizontalCenter = 50%x ' centers the view on the middle of the screen
The first two lines are added by default, we leave them.
'All variants script
lblSigneMath.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
HorizontalCenter centers a view horizontally on the screen at the given value, 50%x in our case,
which means in the middle of the screen.
lblNombre1.Right = lblSigneMath.Left
Aligns the right edge of lblNombre1 on the left edge of lblSigneMath, positons lblNombre1 just
besides lblSigneMath on the left.
lblNombre2.Left = lblSigneMath.Right
Aligns the left edge of lblNombre2 on the right edge of lblSigneMath, positons lblNombre2 just
besides lblSigneMath on the right.
To see the result, click on
in the Script General window.
This executes the code.
6.8 Second B4i program 171 B4X Getting started
The finished new layout on the device.
If you had connect the device since the beginning you
could have followed all the evolutions of the layout on
the device.
Now we will update the code.
First, we must replace the txfResult by lblResult because we replaced the TextField view by a
Double click on txfResult to select it.
Click on
6.8 Second B4i program 172 B4X Getting started
The Find / Replace window is displayed.
Click on and close the window.
We also need to change its view type form TextField to Label.
Private lblResult As Label
Now we write the routine that handles the Click events of the Buttons.
The Event Name for all buttons, except btnAction, is "btnEvent".
The routine name for the associated click event will be btnEvent_Click.
Enter the following code:
Private Sub btnEvent_Click
End Sub
We need to know what button raised the event. For this, we use the Sender object which is a special
object that holds the object reference of the view that generated the event in the event routine.
Private Sub btnEvent_Click To have access to the properties of the view that raised the
Dim btnSender As Button event we declare a local variable
Dim btnSender As Button.
btnSender = Sender And set btnSender = Sender.
Select btnSender.Tag Then, to differentiate between the backspace button and
Case "BS" the numeric buttons we use a Select / Case / End Select
Case Else structure and use the Tag property of the buttons.
End Select Remember, when we added the different buttons we
End Sub set their Tag property to BS, 0, 1, 2 etc.
Select btnSender.Tag Select sets the variable to test.
Case "BS" Checks if it is the button with the "BS" tag value.
Case Else Handles all the other buttons.
6.8 Second B4i program 173 B4X Getting started
Now we add the code for the numeric buttons.
We want to add the value of the button to the text in the lblResult Label.
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
This is done in this line
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
The "&" character means concatenation, so we just append to the already existing text the value of
the Text property of the button that raised the event.
Now we add the code for the BackSpace button.
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length > 0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0, lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
When clicking on the BS button we must remove the last character from the existing text in
lblResult. However, this is only valid if the length of the text is bigger than 0. This is checked with:
If lblResult.Text.Length > 0 Then
To remove the last character we use the SubString2 function.
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
SubString2(BeginIndex, EndIndex) extracts a new string beginning at BeginIndex (inclusive) until
EndIndex (exclusive).
Now the whole routine is finished.
Private Sub btnEvent_Click
Private btnSender As Button
btnSender = Sender
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
In Sub btnAction_Click we add, at the end, lblResult.Text = "" to clear the text.
btnAction.Text = "O K"
lblResult.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
6.8 Second B4i program 174 B4X Getting started
We can try to improve the user interface of the program by adding some colors
to the lblComments Label.
Let us set:
- Yellow for a new problem
- Light Green for a GOOD answer
- Light Red for a WRONG answer.
We first modify the NewProblem routine, where we add this line
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,235,128)
Private Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,235,128) ' yellow color
lblResult.Text = "" ' Sets lblResult.Text to empty
End Sub
And in the CheckResult routine we add the two lines with lblComments.Color =...
Private Sub CheckResult
If lblResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(128,255,128) ' light green color
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,128,128) ' light red color
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
End If
End Sub
And we give the program a more meaningful title by adding Page1.Title = "Calc Trainer" in
Application_Start just before NavControl.ShowPage(Page1).
6.8 Second B4i program 175 B4X Getting started
Another improvement would be to hide the '0' button to avoid entering a leading '0'.
For this, we hide the button in the NewProblem subroutine with line btn0.Visible = False.
Private Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,235,128) ' yellow color
lblResult.Text = "" ' Sets lblResult.Text to empty
btn0.Visible = False
End Sub
We see that btn0 is in red, this means that this object is not recognized by the IDE.
btn0.Visible = False
So we must declare it, by adding btn0 into line 17:
Private btnAction, btn0 As Button
Now btn0 is no more in red.
btn0.Visible = False
In addition, in the btnEvent_Click subroutine, we hide the button if the length of the text in
lblResult is equal to zero and show it if the length is greater than zero.
Private Sub btnEvent_Click
Dim btnSender As Button
btnSender = Sender
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & Send.Tag
End Select
If lblResult.Text.Length = 0 Then
btn0.Visible = False
btn0.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
7 Getting started B4J 176 B4X Getting started
7 Getting started B4J
This chapter is becoming obsolete it is only useful if you want to develop only with B4J.
It will be removed in a future edition.
It is recommended to use B4XPages, even for mono-platform projects.
If you have already installed B4J in chapter 2 no need to go through this one!
What you need:
The B4J program, this is a Windows program running on a PC.
The Java SDK on the PC, free.
7.1 Installing B4J 177 B4X Getting started
7.1 Installing B4J
The most up to date installation instructions are in the forum at this link: www.b4x.com/b4j.html.
Please, follow the instructions there!
7.1.1 Installing B4J
Download and install the B4J file on your computer.
As B4J is for free, there is no license file needed like for B4i.
7.1.2 B4JPackager11
B4JPackager11 is a non-ui project. For now you should run it from B4J after you set the value of
InputJar (and NetFrameworkCSC). The output of B4JPackager11 looks like this:
Clicking on run.exe will run the program.
run_debug.bat will run the program with a console window.
An Inno Setup script template is created in the parent folder. You can use it to build a single file
- B4JPackager11 supports Windows 64 bit. Support for Mac and Linux will be added in the future.
Windows 32 bit is not supported by Java 11.
- B4JPackager11 creates a folder named temp in the Objects folder. If such folder already exists it
deletes it.
- A new version of B4J-Bridge was released (v1.40). It is required for Java 11. If you are running
Java 11 on the PC then you should also run Java 11 on the remote computer.
- Runnable jars are not supported in Java 11+.
7.2 Configure Paths in the IDE 178 B4X Getting started
7.2 Configure Paths in the IDE
Then you need to configure the different paths in the IDE.
Run the IDE.
In the menu click
on .
Enter the folder of the javac.exe file.
It will be similar to
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_202\bin\javac.exe
7.2 Configure Paths in the IDE 179 B4X Getting started
7.2.1 Configure Additional libraries folder
It is recommended to create a specific folder for Additional libraries.
B4A utilizes two types of libraries:
Standard libraries, which come with B4A and are located in the
Libraries folder of B4A.
These libraries are automatically updated when you install a new version of B4A.
Additional libraries, which are not part of B4A, and are mostly written by members. These
libraries should be saved in a specific folder different from the standard libraries folder.
For the additional libraries it is necessary to setup a special folder to save them somewhere else.
This folder must have following structure:
Folder for B4A additional libraries.
Folder for B4i additional libraries.
Folder for B4J additional libraries.
Folder for B4R additional libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries XML files.
One subfolder for each product: B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R and another B4X for B4X libraries.
When you install a new version of a B4X product, all standard libraries are automatically updated,
but the additional libraries are not included. The advantage of the special folder is that you don't
need to care about them because this folder is not affected when you install the new version of B4X.
The additional libraries are not systematically updated with new version of B4X.
When the IDE starts, it looks first for the available libraries in the Libraries folder of B4X and then
in the additional libraries folders.
In my system, I added a B4XlibXMLFiles folder for XML help files.
The standard and additional libraries have an XML file. B4X Libraries not.
But, if you use the B4X Help Viewer you would be interested in having these help files if they are
available. The B4X Help Viewer is explained in the B4X Help tools booklet.
Shared Modules:
Create a specific folder for shared modules, for example C:\B4J\SharedModules.
Module files can be shared between different projects and must therefore be saved in a specific
Libraries and modules are explained in the B4X Language booklet.
7.3 My first B4J program 180 B4X Getting started
7.3 My first B4J program (MyFirstProgram.b4j)
Let us write our first program. The suggested program is a math trainer for kids.
The project is available in the SourceCode folder shipped with this booklet:
On the screen, we will have:
- 2 Labels displaying randomly generated numbers (between 1 and 9)
- 1 Label with the math sign (+)
- 1 TextField where the user must enter the result
- 1 Button, used to either confirm when the user has finished entering the result or generate a new
- 1 Label with a comment about the result.
In B4J:
- Label is an object to show text.
- TextField is an object allowing the user to enter text, like EditText in B4A.
- Button is an object allowing user actions.
We will design the layout of the user interface with the Designer, the Abstract Designer and a Form
on the screen.
We will go step by step through the whole process.
The Designer manages the different objects of the interface.
The Abstract Designer shows the positions and sizes of the objects and allows moving or resizing
them on the screen.
On the Form, we see the real result.
7.3 My first B4J program 181 B4X Getting started
Run the IDE
When you open the IDE everything is empty.
Click on the New button or click on New in the Files menu.
You are shown six possibilities.
B4XPages B4X cross-platform project.
These are explained in detail in the B4XPages Cross-platform Booklet.
B4XTurtle B4X Turtle project, a specific library.
These are explained in the forum
B4XTurtle - Library for teachers and parents.
Console (Non-UI) Nonuser interface project.
Server Server project
UI B4J ‘standard’ user interface project.
X2 Game X2 Game project.
X2 Games are explained in the forum.
[B4X] X2 / XUI2D (Box2D) - Game engine.
7.3 My first B4J program 182 B4X Getting started
For our project we could select either B4XPages or UI.
B4XPages projects are explained in the
B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
We want to develop a B4J standard project therefore we select UI.
You are asked to save the project.
Enter MyFirstProgram in the Project Name field.
Enter the Project Folder name. You can enter any folder for that. I use D:\B4J\ as the generic folder
for B4J projects.
Check to create a new folder.
Click on .
7.3 My first B4J program 183 B4X Getting started
Now you see the template
for a new B4J project.
You may also have a look in the Files Explorer.
And you will see that the project is saved in the
D:\B4J\MyFirstProgram folder.
7.3 My first B4J program 184 B4X Getting started
Set the Package Name.
In the menu,
click on
The default name is b4j.example.
This window appears:
The default name is
We will change it to
And click on .
7.3 My first B4J program 185 B4X Getting started
Set the Form size.
The Form size is the size of the main window, called Form, shown on the PC screen.
On top of the code you see Region Project Attributes.
Regions are code parts which can be collapsed
or extended.
Clicking on will expand the Region.
Clicking on will collapse the Region.
Regions are explained in chapter #Regions in the
B4X IDE Booklet.
Here we can define the size of the project main window called Form.
The default values are Width = 600 and Height = 400.
We change these to Width = 400 and Height = 600.
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 400
#MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region
Then remove this code, it is only an example.
Sub Button1_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Hello world!", "B4X")
End Sub
In the IDE open the Designer.
Wait until the Designer is ready.
7.3 My first B4J program 186 B4X Getting started
We get a WYSIWYG Form.
And the Designer looks like this.
The template contains already a layout file Layout1, we keep it.
7.3 My first B4J program 187 B4X Getting started
Note that in the bottom left of the Designer window you see the connection status to the
If you close the WYSIWYG Form you will see this status:
With the Designer, we have also the Abstract Designer which shows the layout not exactly
WYSIWYG but the positions and size of the different objects.
Only the top of the image is shown.
The dark gray area represents the screen area of the connected ‘device’ which is the WYSIWYG
The default screen size variant is 600 * 600, we define a new variant with the same values, 400 *
600, as in the Project Attributes.
Click on .
In this window click on and enter the two values.
7.3 My first B4J program 188 B4X Getting started
On top of the Variants window we see the new variant.
Click on to select the 600 * 600
Click on to remove the 600 * 600 variant.
Click on to show the Views Tree window.
We already have a button, Button1, we remove it.
Right click onto Button1 and click on .
7.3 My first B4J program 189 B4X Getting started
Now we will add the 2 Labels for the numbers.
In the Designer, add a Label.
In the Designer menu click on .
The Label appears in the Abstract Designer, in the Views Tree window
and its default properties are listed in the Properties window.
And in the WYSIWYG Form.
7.3 My first B4J program 190 B4X Getting started
Resize and move the Label with the red squares
like this.
The new properties Left, Top, Width and Height are
directly updated in the Properties window.
You can also modify the Left, Top, Width and Height
properties directly in the Properties window.
Let us change the properties of this first Label, per our
By default, the name is Label with a number, here Label1.
Let us change its name to lblNumber1.
The three letters 'lbl' at the beginning mean 'Label', and
'Number1' means the first number.
It is recommended to use significant names for nodes so
we know directly what kind of node it is and its purpose.
Pressing the 'Return' key or clicking elsewhere will also
change the Event Name property.
Main: Main module.
Name: name of the node.
Type: type of the node. In this case, Label,
which is not editable.
Event Name: generic name of the routines that handle
the events of the Label.
Parent: parent node the Label belongs to.
7.3 My first B4J program 191 B4X Getting started
Let us check and change the other properties:
Set Left, Top, Width and Height to the values in the picture.
Visible is checked.
We leave the default colors.
Text set to 5
Set Text Alignment to Center.
We leave the default Font.
Size, we set it to 36.
And the result in the Abstract Designer and on the WYSIWYG Form
7.3 My first B4J program 192 B4X Getting started
We need a second Label, like the first one. Instead of adding a new one, we copy the first one with
the same properties. Only the Name and Left properties will change.
Right click on lblNumber1 and click on
in the popup menu.
The new label covers the previous one.
In the left part, in the Views Tree, you see the different
The new label Label1 is added.
Let us position the new Label and change its name to
Change the name to lblNumber2.
The Left property to 230.
And the result in the Abstract Designer and on the WYSIWYG Form.
7.3 My first B4J program 193 B4X Getting started
Let us now add a 3rd Label for the math sign. We copy once again lblNumber1.
Right click on lblNumber1 in the Abstract Designer and click on in the popup menu.
The new label covers lblNumber1.
Position it between the first two Labels and change its name to lblMathSign and its
Text property to '+'.
And the result in the Abstract Designer and on the WYSIWYG Form.
Now let us add a TextField node.
In the Designer menu
click on .
Position it below the three Labels and change its name to txfResult.
'txf' means TextField and 'Result' for its purpose.
7.3 My first B4J program 194 B4X Getting started
Change these properties.
Name to txfResult
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Border Width to 1
Prompt to Enter result
Prompt represents the text shown in the TextField node if no
text is entered.
Size to 30
After making these changes, you should see something like
7.3 My first B4J program 195 B4X Getting started
Now, let's add the Button which, when pressed, will either check the
result the user supplied as an answer, or generate a new math problem,
depending on the user's input.
Position it below the TextField node. Resize it and change
following properties:
Name to btnAction
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Background Color to #FFBDBBBB
Text to O K (with a space between O and K)
Result (pictures reduced size)
Size to 24
7.3 My first B4J program 196 B4X Getting started
Let us add the last Label for the comments. Position it below the
Button and resize it.
Change the following properties:
Name to lblComments
Left, Top, Width and Height.
Border Width to 1
Text empty
Font Size to 20
7.3 My first B4J program 197 B4X Getting started
And the result.
Now we save the layout file.
Click on and save it.
7.3 My first B4J program 198 B4X Getting started
To write the routines for the project, we need to reference the Views in the code.
This can be done with the Generate Members tool in the Designer.
The Generate Members tool automatically generates references and subroutine frames.
Click on
to open the generator.
Here we find all the nodes added to the current layout.
We check all nodes and check the MouseClicked event for the btnAction Button.
Checking a node generates its reference in the Process_Globals routine in the
This is needed to make the node recognized by the system and allow the autocomplete function.
Private btnAction As Button
Private lblComments As Label
Private lblMathSign As Label
Private lblNumber1 As Label
Private lblNumber2 As Label
Private txfResult As TextField
Clicking on shows all events for the selected node .
Clicking on an event of a node generates the Sub frame for this event.
Sub btnAction_Click (EventData As MouseEvent)
End Sub
Click on to generate the references and Sub frames, then close the window .
7.3 My first B4J program 199 B4X Getting started
Now we go back to the IDE to enter the code.
On the top of the program code we have:
Click on to open the Region. We have the code below
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 400
#MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region
Change MainFormWidth from 600 to 400 to adjust the default dimensions of the from.
Just below, we have:
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
Private btnAction As Button
Private lblComments As Label
Private lblMathSign As Label
Private lblNumber1 As Label
Private lblNumber2 As Label
Private txfResult As TextField
End Sub
These lines are automatically in the project code.
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
B4J needs a MainForm, and the JFX library for the nodes, details in chapter Program flow /
Process life cycle in the B4X Language booklet.
Below the code above we have the AppStart routine which is the first routine executed when the
program starts.
The content below is also added automatically in each new project.
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
'MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Layout1") 'Load the layout file.
End Sub
MainForm = Form1 > Sets Form1 to the variable MainForm.
'MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Layout1") > Loads a layout file if needed.
MainForm.Show > Shows the MainForm
First, we need our program to load the layout file we defined in the previous pages.
The file must be loaded onto the MainForm.RootPane, we uncomment the line
and change the layout file name.
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Main") 'Load the layout file.
End Sub
7.3 My first B4J program 200 B4X Getting started
We want to generate a new problem as soon as the program starts. Therefore, we add a call to the
NewProblem subroutine in AppStart.
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Main") 'Load the layout file.
End Sub
NewProblem is displayed in red because the ‘NewProblem’ routine has not yet been defined.
Generating a new problem means generating two new random values between 1 and 9 (inclusive)
for Number1 and Number2, then showing the values using the lblNumber1 and lblNumber2 ‘Text’
To do this we enter following code:
In Sub Process_Globals we add two variables for the two numbers.
Private Number1, Number2 As Int
End Sub
And the 'NewProblem' Subroutine:
Private Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
txfResult.Text = "" ' Sets edtResult.Text to empty
End Sub
The following line of code generates a random number from '1' (inclusive) to '10' (exclusive):
Rnd(1, 10)
In this line Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
The text after the quote, ' Generates..., is considered as a comment.
It is good practice to add comments explaining the purpose of the code.
The following line displays the comment in the lblComment node:
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
CRLF is the LineFeed character.
7.3 My first B4J program 201 B4X Getting started
Now we add the code for the Button click event.
We have two cases:
- When the Button text is equal to "O K", it means that a new problem is displayed, and the program
is waiting for the user to enter a result and press the Button.
- When the Button text is equal to "NEW", it means that the user has entered a correct answer and
when the user clicks on the Button a new problem will be generated.
Private Sub btnAction_Click
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then
If txfResult.Text="" Then
lblComments.Text = "No result entered" & CRLF & "Enter a result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
End If
btnAction.Text = "O K"
End If
End Sub
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then checks if the Button text equals "O K".
If yes, we check if the TextField is empty.
If yes, we display a message in the comment field telling the user that there is no result in the
TextField node.
If no, we check if the result is correct or if it is wrong.
If no, we generate a new problem, set the Button text to "O K" and clear the TextField node.
The last routine checks the result.
Private Sub CheckResult
If txfResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
End If
End Sub
With If txfResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then we check if the entered result is correct.
If yes, we display in the lblComments label the text below:
'G O O D result'
'Click on NEW'
and we change the Button text to "N E W ".
If no, we display in the lblComments label the text below:
W R O N G result
Enter a new result
and click OK
7.3 My first B4J program 202 B4X Getting started
Let us now compile and run the program.
In the IDE on top click on :
The program is going to be compiled.
When you see
'Completed successfully.'
as in the message box, the
compiling and transfer is
Then you should see something like the image on the left,
with different numbers.
Of course, we could make aesthetic improvements in the
layout, but this was not the main issue for the first
7.3 My first B4J program 203 B4X Getting started
Enter 7
Click on to confirm the result entry.
If the result is correct you will see the screen on the left.
If the result is wrong the message is displayed:
Click on to define a new problem.
7.4 Second B4J program 204 B4X Getting started
7.4 Second B4J program (SecondProgram.b4j)
The project is available in the SourceCode folder:
Improvements to “My first program”.
- Independent numeric keyboard to avoid the use of the PC keyboard.
- Colors in the comment label.
Create a new folder called “SecondProgram”. Copy all the files and folders from MyFirstProgram
to the new SecondProgram folder and rename the program file MyFirstProgram.b4j to
SecondProgram.b4j and MyFirstProgram.b4j.meta to SecondProgram.b4j.meta.
7.4 Second B4J program 205 B4X Getting started
Load this new program in the IDE.
Run the Designer.
We need to change the Package Name.
In the IDE menu.
Click on .
Change the Package name to b4j.SecondProgram and click on .
7.4 Second B4J program 206 B4X Getting started
We want to replace the txfResult TextField node by a new Label.
In the Abstract Designer, click on the txfResult node.
Right click on txfResult and click on .
Right click on lblNumber1 and click on
The new label covers lblNumber1.
7.4 Second B4J program 207 B4X Getting started
Modify the following properties:
Name to lblResult
Left, Top, Width, Height
Border Width to 1
Text to "" no character
And the result.
7.4 Second B4J program 208 B4X Getting started
Let us add a Pane for the keyboard buttons.
Position and resize it as in the image.
Change its Name to pnlKeyboard
"pnl" for Pane (B4A habit pnl for Panel), the node type.
Corner radius to 0
7.4 Second B4J program 209 B4X Getting started
We will move btnAction from Main to the
pnlKeyboard Panel.
Click on btnAction.
In the Parent list click on .
The button now belongs to the Pane.
Now we rearrange the nodes to get some more
space for the keyboard.
Set the properties below:
lblComments Top = 220
pnlKeyboard Left = 50
pnlKeyboard Top = 350
pnlKeyboard Width = 290
pnlKeyboard Height = 170
pnlKeyboard BorderWidth = 0
Move btnAction to the upper right corner of
7.4 Second B4J program 210 B4X Getting started
Click on the pnlKeyboard pane to select it.
Click on
to add a new button.
The new button is added.
Change following properties:
Name to btn0
Event name to btnEvent
Left to 0
Top to 120
Width to 50
Height to 50
Tag to 0
Color to #B7FA7EA9
7.4 Second B4J program 211 B4X Getting started
Border Width to 1
Corner Radius to 5
Text to 0
Size to 22
The button looks now like this.
7.4 Second B4J program 212 B4X Getting started
Let us duplicate btn0 and position the new one
beside button btn0.
Select the Button btn0.
Right click on btn0
and click on .
Move the new Button next to the previous one
with a space.
Change the following properties:
Name to btn1
Tag to 1
Text to 1
And the result.
Add 8 more Buttons and position them like in the image.
Change following properties:
Name btn2, btn3, btn4 etc.
Tag 2 , 3 , 4 etc.
Text 2 , 3 , 4 etc.
To create the BackSpace button, duplicate one of
the number buttons, and position it in the top left
Resize and position btnAction.
7.4 Second B4J program 213 B4X Getting started
Change their Name, Tag, Text and Color properties as below.
btnBS < btnAction O K
7.4 Second B4J program 214 B4X Getting started
The finished new layout in the WYSIWYG form.
You could have followed all the evolutions of the
layout in the WYSIWYG form.
Now we will update the code.
First, we must replace the txfResult by lblResult because we replaced the TextField node by a
Double click on txfResult to select it.
Click on .
7.4 Second B4J program 215 B4X Getting started
The Find / Replace window is displayed.
Click on and close the window.
We also need to change its node type form TextField to Label.
Private lblResult As Label
Now we write the routine that handles the Click events of the Buttons.
The Event Name for all buttons, except btnAction, is "btnEvent".
The routine name for the associated click event will be btnEvent_Click.
Enter the following code:
Private Sub btnEvent_MouseClicked
End Sub
We need to know what button raised the event. For this, we use the Sender object which is a special
object that holds the object reference of the node that generated the event in the event routine.
Private Sub btnEvent_MouseClicked To have access to the properties of the node that raised the
Private btnSender As Button event we declare a local variable
Private btnSender As Button.
btnSender = Sender and set btnSender = Sender.
Select btnSender.Tag Then, to differentiate between the backspace button and
Case "BS" the numeric buttons we use a Select / Case / End Select
Case Else structure and use the Tag property of the buttons.
End Select Remember, when we added the different buttons we
End Sub set their Tag property to BS, 0, 1, 2 etc.
Select btnSender.Tag Select sets the variable to test.
Case "BS" Checks if it is the button with the "BS" tag value.
Case Else Handles all the other buttons.
7.4 Second B4J program 216 B4X Getting started
Now we add the code for the numeric buttons.
We want to add the value of the button to the text in the lblResult Label.
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
This is done in this line
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
The "&" character means concatenation, so we just append to the already existing text the value of
the Text property of the button that raised the event.
Now we add the code for the BackSpace button.
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length > 0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0, lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
When clicking on the BS button we must remove the last character from the existing text in
lblResult. However, this is only valid if the length of the text is bigger than 0. This is checked with:
If lblResult.Text.Length > 0 Then
To remove the last character, we use the SubString2 function.
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0, lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
SubString2(BeginIndex, EndIndex) extracts a new string beginning at BeginIndex (inclusive) until
EndIndex (exclusive).
Now the whole routine is finished.
Private Sub btnEvent_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
Private btnSender As Button
btnSender = Sender
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length >0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & btnSender.Text
End Select
End Sub
In Sub btnAction_MouseClicked we add, at the end, lblResult.Text = "" to clear the text.
btnAction.Text = "O K"
lblResult.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
7.4 Second B4J program 217 B4X Getting started
We can try to improve the user interface of the program by adding some colors
to the lblComments Label.
Let us set:
- Yellow for a new problem
- Light Green for a GOOD answer
- Light Red for a WRONG answer.
We first modify the NewProblem routine, where we add this line
CSSUtils.SetBackgroundColor(lblComments, fx.Colors.RGB(255,235,128))
We need to use the CSSUtils library for that! See next page how to add a library.
Private Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
CSSUtils.SetBackgroundColor(lblComments, fx.Colors.RGB(255,235,128)) ' yellow color
lblResult.Text = "" ' Sets lblResult.Text to empty
End Sub
And in the CheckResult routine we add the two lines with CSSUtils.SetBackgroundColor...
Private Sub CheckResult
If lblResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
CSSUtils.SetBackgroundColor(lblComments, fx.Colors.RGB(128,255,128)) ' light green color
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
lblComments.Style = "-fx-background-color: palgreen;" ' palegreen color
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
CSSUtils.SetBackgroundColor(lblComments, fx.Colors.RGB(255,128,128)) ' light red color
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
End If
End Sub
And we give the program a more meaningful title by adding MainForm.Title = "Calc Trainer" in
AppStart just after MainForm.Show.
7.4 Second B4J program 218 B4X Getting started
Add the CSSUtils library to the project.
In the lower right corner click on the
Libraries Manager Tab.
In the libraries list check CSSUtils.
And the result.
The CSSUtils library is added to the project.
The libraries are ordered by alphabetic order.
The use of libraries is detailed in chapter Libraries in the B4X Language booklet.
7.4 Second B4J program 219 B4X Getting started
Another improvement would be to hide the '0' button to avoid entering a leading '0'.
For this, we hide the button in the NewProblem subroutine with line btn0.Visible = False.
Private Sub NewProblem
Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9
lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1
lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2
lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK"
lblComments.Color = Colors.RGB(255,235,128) ' yellow color
lblResult.Text = "" ' Sets lblResult.Text to empty
btn0.Visible = False
End Sub
We see that btn0 is in red, this means that this object is not recognized by the IDE.
btn0.Visible = False
So we must declare it, by adding btn0 into line 9:
Private btnAction, btn0 As Button
Now btn0 is no more in red.
btn0.Visible = False
In addition, in the btnEvent_MouseClicked subroutine, we hide the button if the length of the text in
lblResult is equal to zero and show it if the length is greater than zero.
Private Sub btnEvent_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
Dim btnSender As Button
btnSender = Sender
Select btnSender.Tag
Case "BS"
If lblResult.Text.Length > 0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0,lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
Case Else
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text & Send.Tag
End Select
If lblResult.Text.Length = 0 Then
btn0.Visible = False
btn0.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
8.3 Install and configure B4R 220 B4X Getting started
8 Getting started B4R
B4R - The simplest way to develop native, powerful Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32 programs.
B4R follows the same concepts of the other B4X tools (B4A, B4i, B4J), providing a simple and
powerful development tool.
Compiled apps run on Arduino compatible boards.
8.1 Installing Arduino IDE
B4R needs the installation of Arduino IDE version 2.2.1+.
Follow the instruction in the forum.
8.2 Install and configure B4R
- Open B4R.
- Choose Tools menu - Configure Paths.
Use the button to locate "arduino.exe". The path will depend on where you installed the
Arduino IDE.
The Additional Libraries folder is set a bit different in the forum than here.
8.3 Install and configure B4R 221 B4X Getting started
Additional Libraries:
It is recommended to create a specific folder for Additional libraries.
B4A utilizes two types of libraries:
Standard libraries, which come with B4A and are located in the
Libraries folder of B4A.
These libraries are automatically updated when you install a new version of B4A.
Additional libraries, which are not part of B4A, and are mostly written by members. These
libraries should be saved in a specific folder different from the standard libraries folder.
For the additional libraries it is necessary to setup a special folder to save them somewhere else.
This folder must have following structure:
Folder for B4A additional libraries.
Folder for B4i additional libraries.
Folder for B4J additional libraries.
Folder for B4R additional libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries XML files.
One subfolder for each product: B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R and another B4X for B4X libraries.
When you install a new version of a B4X product, all standard libraries are automatically updated,
but the additional libraries are not included. The advantage of the special folder is that you don't
need to care about them because this folder is not affected when you install the new version of B4X.
The additional libraries are not systematically updated with new version of B4X.
When the IDE starts, it looks first for the available libraries in the Libraries folder of B4X and then
in the additional libraries folders.
In my system, I added a B4XlibXMLFiles folder for XML help files.
The standard and additional libraries have an XML file. B4X Libraies not.
But, if you use the B4X Help Viewer you would be interested in having these help files if they are
available. The B4X Help Viewer is explained in the B4X Help tools booklet.
Shared modules:
Shared modules are almost no more used.
But, you can create a specific folder for shared modules, for example C:\B4J\SharedModules.
Module files can be shared between different projects and must therefore be saved in a specific
Libraries and modules are explained in the B4X Language booklet.
8.4 Connecting a board 222 B4X Getting started
8.3 Connecting a board
When you connect a board to the PC with the USB cable Windows will load the driver and display
the Serial port used.
8.4 Select a Board
Run B4R.
Click on Board Selector.
The window below will be displayed.
Select the Board Type in the drop-down list.
Select the Serial Port and select the Baud Rate.
If only one board is connected it will automatically be recognized.
You will see only boards which are connected.
8.4 Connecting a board 223 B4X Getting started
Depending on the board type several other properties can be set.
8.6 Arduino UNO board 224 B4X Getting started
8.5 Arduino UNO board
In this chapter I will explain some basic functions of the Arduino UNO board which may be useful
for beginners.
The Arduino UNO board is the basic board of the Arduino family.
There exist other more advanced boards.
Arduino DUE
Arduino MEGA
Arduino MICRO
etc. see Compare board specs.
Additional boards called ‘Shields’ can be clipped onto the Arduino boards.
Arduino Wi-Fi Shield 101
Arduino Ethernet Shield
The Arduino UNO:
The source of the information in this chapter is a summary from the Arduino site.
Digital Input / Output pins
On board
LED 13
LED Serial
USB plug
Power ON
DC Power
Power pins
Analog Input pins
8.6 Arduino UNO board 225 B4X Getting started
8.5.1 Power supply
The board can be supplied with power either from the DC power jack (7 - 12V), the USB connector
(5V), or the VIN pin of the board (7-12V).
Supplying voltage via the 5V or 3.3V pins bypasses the regulator and can damage your board
(see the pins below). We don't advise it.
8.5.2 Pins
The Arduino UNO has 3 pin sockets:
Power pins.
Digital Input / Output pins.
Analog Input pins.
8.5.3 Power pins
The Power pins are:
GND Power ground, 2 pins.
VIN Power supply input.
The input voltage to the Uno board when it's using an external power source (as opposed to
5 volts from the USB connection or other regulated power source). You can supply voltage
through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it through this pin.
Voltage 7 12 V.
5V 5 Volt reference voltage. Don’t provide the power to this pin!
This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulator on the board.
3.3V 3.3 Volt reference voltage. Don’t provide the power to this pin!
A 3.3 volt supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum current draw is 50 mA.
Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add a reset button to
shields which block the one on the board.
This pin on the Uno board provides the voltage reference with which the microcontroller
operates. A properly configured shield can read the IOREF pin voltage and select the
appropriate power source or enable voltage translators on the outputs to work with the 5V or
8.6 Arduino UNO board 226 B4X Getting started Digital Input / Output pins
Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as an input or output, using the pinMode method,
DigitalRead and DigitalWrite functions. They operate at 5 volts. Each pin can provide or receive 20
mA as recommended operating condition and has an internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by
default) of 20-50 kOhm. A maximum of 40mA is the value that must not be exceeded on any I/O
pin to avoid permanent damage to the microcontroller.
In addition, some pins have specialized functions:
Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. These
pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip.
PWM: ~3, ~5, ~6, ~9, ~10, and ~11. These numbers have this “~” prefix.
They can provide 8-bit PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) outputs with the AnalogWrite
function allowing to modulate the brightness of a LED (Light Emitting Diode) or run
DC motors at different speeds.
A value of 0 means always OFF and 255 means always ON.
pinTest3.AnalogWrite(Value As UInt)
After AnalogWrite the pin will generate a steady square wave of the specified duty cycle
until the next call to AnalogWrite (or a call to DigitalRead or DigitalWrite on the same pin).
The frequency of the PWM signal on most pins is approximately 490 Hz. On the Uno and
similar boards, pins 5 and 6 have a frequency of approximately 980 Hz. Pins 3 and 11 on the
Leonardo also run at 980 Hz.
LED 13: There is a built-in LED driven by digital pin 13. When the pin is HIGH value, the
LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off. Analog input pins
The Arduino UNO has 6 Analog input pins A0 to A5 with 10 bit analog to digital converters (0 to
1023 resolution).
The reference voltage is 5 Volt allowing a resolution of 4.9 mV per unit.
While the main function of the analog pins for most Arduino users is to read analog sensors, the
analog pins also have all the functionality of general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins (the same as
digital pins 0 - 13).
8.5.4 Input modes INPUT / INPUT_PULLUP
If you have your pin configured as an INPUT, and are reading a switch, when the switch is in the
open state the input pin will be "floating", resulting in unpredictable results. In order to assure a
proper reading when the switch is open, a pull-up or pull-down resistor must be used. The purpose
of this resistor is to pull the pin to a known state when the switch is open. A 10 K ohm resistor is
usually chosen, as it is a low enough value to reliably prevent a floating input, and at the same time
a high enough value to not draw too much current when the switch is closed.
The INPUT_PULLUP mode adds an internal pull up resistor no need to add one externally.
With a pull up resistor the pin returns False when the switch is closed because it sets the input to 0
8.6 Arduino UNO board 227 B4X Getting started
8.5.5 Basic Pin functions Initialize
Initializes a pin.
Pin.Initialize(Pin As Byte, Mode As Byte)
Pin is the pin number.
0, 1, 2, 3 etc. for digital pins
Pin.A0, Pin.A1 , Pin.A2 etc. for analog pins.
Mode is one of the three connection modes:
MODE_INPUT_PULLUP adds an internal pull up resistor.
Example1: Initialize digital pin 3 as input.
Private pinTest1 As Pin
pinTest1.Initialize(3, pinTest1.MODE_INPUT)
Example2: Initialize digital pin 3 as input with pull up resistor.
Private pinTest2 As Pin
pinTest2.Initialize(3, pinTest2.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP)
Example3: Initialize digital pin 3 as output.
Private pinTest3 As Pin
pinTest3.Initialize(3, pinTest3.MODE_OUTPUT)
Example4: Initialize analog pin 4 as input.
Private pinTest4 As Pin
pinTest4.Initialize(pinTest4.A4, pinTest4.MODE_INPUT)
The analog pins, on the Arduino UNO, can also be accessed with numbers, like:
pinTest4.Initialize(18, pinTest4.MODE_INPUT)
Pin.A0 = 14
Pin.A1 = 15
Pin.A2 = 16
Pin.A3 = 17
Pin.A4 = 18
Pin.A5 = 19
Initializing an analog pin as output works like a digital output pin.
8.6 Arduino UNO board 228 B4X Getting started DigitalRead
Reads the current digital value of a pin.
The return value is True or False.
Pin.DigitalRead returns a Boolean.
There are two input modes depending on the input signal.
Pin. MODE_INPUT_PULLUP adds an internal pullup resistor for use with a switch.
Private pinTest1 As Pin
pinTest1.Initialize(3, pinTest.MODE_INPUT)
Private Value As Boolean
Value = pinTest1.DigitalRead
The Arduino uses internally 0 and 1 for a boolean variable.
Log("State: ", Value)
Will write either 0 for False or 1 for True in the Logs. In the code you can use False and True. DigitalWrite
Writes a Boolean value to the given pin.
It can be used for all digital pins and also all analog pins.
Pin.DigitalWrite (Value As Boolean)
Private pinTest3 As Pin
pinTest3.Initialize(3, pinTest3.MODE_OUTPUT)
pinTest3.DigitalWrite(True) directly with the value.
pinTest3.DigitalWrite(Value) with a variable. AnalogRead
AnalogRead reads the current value of an analog pin.
The return value is an UInt with values between 0 and 1023 (10 bits).
The reference voltage is 5V.
Private pinPot As Pin
pinPot.Initialize(pinPot.A4, pinPot.MODE_INPUT)
Private Value As UInt
Value = pinPot.AnalogRead
8.6 Arduino UNO board 229 B4X Getting started AnalogWrite
AnalogWrite writes a Byte value to the given pin.
AnalogWrite has nothing to do with the analog pins nor with AnalogRead.
AnalogWrite can only be used on the digital pins ~3, ~5, ~6, ~9, ~10, and ~11 on the Arduino
UNO, the pins with the ~ prefix.
Pin.AnalogWrite (Value As UInt)
Example: we use digital pin ~3 which allows PWM.
Private pinTest3 As Pin
pinTest3.Initialize(3, pinTest3.MODE_OUTPUT)
pinTest3.AnalogWrite(145) directly with the value.
pinTest3.AnalogWrite(Value) with a variable, Value must be a UInt variable.
8.7 First B4R example programs 230 B4X Getting started
8.6 First example programs
All the projects were realized with the Arduino Starter Kit.
The diagrams for the projects were realized with the Fritzing software.
To start a new project, run the IDE and click in the File - New menu either on Arduino or ESP
depending on what kind of board your program should run.
In our case: Arduino.
You will see the window below:
You need to select a folder and enter a project name and click on OK, for example:
8.7 First B4R example programs 231 B4X Getting started
Now you have a default template in the IDE.
The #Region Project Attributes is normally collapsed; these attributes are explained below.
#Region Project Attributes
#AutoFlushLogs: True
#CheckArrayBounds: True
#StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
'Ctrl+Click to open the C code folder:
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
End Sub
#AutoFlushLogs: AutoFlushLogs: True assures that the Logs are sent without problems.
AutoFlushLogs: False can lead to program crashes.
#CheckArrayBounds: Checks the array bounds or not.
#StackBufferSize: Sets the default Stack buffer size.
Public Serial1 As Serial Defines the serial interface with the computer.
Serial1.Initialize(115200) Initializes the serial port with a Baud rate of 115200 Hertz.
Log("AppStart") Shows AppStart in the Logs Tab when the program starts.
The Logs are explained in chapter Logs in the B4X IDE
8.7.1 Button.b4r 232 B4X Getting started
8.6.1 Button.b4r
Let us write our first program.
It’s similar to Erels Button example from the forum. It uses a pushbutton switch and the Led 13 on
the Arduino UNO board.
The project Button.b4r is available in the SourceCode folder.
Open B4R and create a new project with the name Button.
Build the board with the pushbutton and the wires.
Connect the Arduino to the PC.
Write the code.
Run the program. Sketch
1 pushbutton switch
Connect one Arduino GND (ground) pin to the
ground GND line of the breadboard.
Then connect one pin of the pushbutton switch to
the ground line.
And connect the other pin of the pushbutton to pin
A5 of the Arduino analog pins.
We could have connected the first pin of the
pushbutton directly to the GDN pin of the Arduino,
but the connection in the image is ready for the next
We could also have used one of the digital pins
instead of the analog pin.
8.7.1 Button.b4r 233 B4X Getting started Code
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private pinButton As Pin 'pin for the button
Private pinLED13 As Pin 'pin for LED 13 on the Arduino
End Sub
We declare the pins for the pushbutton and the on board Led 13.
Private Sub AppStart
pinButton.Initialize(pinButton.A5, pinButton.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP)
'Using the internal pull up resistor to prevent the pin from floating.
pinLED13.Initialize(13, pinLED13.MODE_OUTPUT)
End Sub
We initialize pinButton, as the analog pin A5, with pinButton.A5 and set the input mode to
pinButton.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP. We need a pullup resistor to prevent the pin from floating,
MODE_INPUT_PULLUP connects an internal pull up resistor.
We add pinButton.AddListener("pinButton_StateChanged"), to generate a StateChanged event
when the state of pin pinButton changes which means that the pushbutton is pressed or released.
We initialize pinLED13, as the onboard Led as digital pin 13 and set the output mode to
Sub pinButton_StateChanged (State As Boolean)
Log("State: ", State)
'state will be False when the button is clicked because of the PULLUP mode.
End Sub
We add a Log, Log("State: ", State), to display the state in the Logs.
We write the State to the digital output of the on board led, pinLED13.DigitalWrite(Not(State)).
We write Not(State) because State will be False when the pushbutton is pressed because of the
PULLUP mode.
Click on or press F5 to run the code.
When you press the pushbutton, led 13 on the Arduino UNO will be ON and when you release the
pushbutton led 13 will be OFF.
8.7.2 LedGreen.b4r 234 B4X Getting started
8.6.2 LedGreen.b4r
For this project we use a copy of the Button project.
Create a new LedGreen folder, copy the files of the Button project and rename the Button.xxx files
to LedGreen.xxx.
We add a green Led which can be switched on and off with the button from the first example.
The project LedGreen.b4r is available in the SourceCode folder. Sketch
1 pushbutton switch
1 green LED
1 220 Ω resistor
We keep the mounting of the pushbutton switch
from the first example.
One pin on the GND line of the breadboard.
The other pin to A5 of the Arduino analog pins.
And we
- Add a green Led on the breadboard.
- Connect the cathode (-) via a 220 Ω resistor to the
ground GND line of the breadboard.
- Connect the anode (+) to digital pin 7.
8.7.2 LedGreen.b4r 235 B4X Getting started Code
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private pinButton As Pin 'pin for the button
Private pinLEDGreen As Pin 'pin for the green Led
Private LightOn = False As Boolean
End Sub
We keep the definition of pinButton.
We change the definition
Private pinLED13 As Pin
Private pinLEDGreen As Pin
for the green Led
We add a global boolean variable LightOn which is True when the light is ON.
Private Sub AppStart
pinButton.Initialize(pinButton.A5, pinButton.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP)
'Using the internal pull up resistor to prevent the pin from floating.
pinLEDGreen.Initialize(7, pinLEDGreen.MODE_OUTPUT)
End Sub
We leave the code for pinButton.
We initialize pinLEDGreen as digital pin 7 and set the output mode to pinLEDGreen.MODE_OUTPUT.
Private Sub pinButton_StateChanged (State As Boolean)
If State = False Then 'remember, False means button pressed.
LightOn = Not(LightOn)
End If
End Sub
Every time State is False, pushbutton pressed, we change the variable LightOn and write it to
8.7.3 LedGreenNoSwitchBounce.b4r 236 B4X Getting started
8.6.3 LedGreenNoSwitchBounce.b4r
For this proejct we use exactly the same circuit as LedGreen.b4r.
The only difference is in the code.
The project LedGreenNoSwitchBounce.b4r is available in the SourceCode folder.
The pushbutton switch we use in our projects has a problem called bouncing.
The signal of a mecanical switch is not clean, the switch has several bounces which are interpreted
by the the digital inputs as several state changes. If we have an even number of state changes it is
similar to having done nothing.
But we want only one state change per button press.
Image of switch bouncing (source Wikipedia):
The switch bounces between on and off several times before settling.
To solve this problem we don’t react in the pinButton_StateChanged routine on state changes
within a given time.
8.7.3 LedGreenNoSwitchBounce.b4r 237 B4X Getting started Sketch
1 pushbutton switch
1 green LED
1 220 Ω resistor
We keep the mounting of the pushbutton switch
from the first example.
One pin on the GND line of the breadboard.
The other pin to digital pin 7 on the Arduino.
And we
- Add a green Led on the breadboard.
- Connect the cathode (-) via a 220 Ω resistor to the
ground GND line of the breadboard.
- Connect the anode (+) to digital pin 7.
8.7.3 LedGreenNoSwitchBounce.b4r 238 B4X Getting started Code
The code is almost the same as LedGreen.b4r.
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private pinButton As Pin 'pin for the button
Private pinLEDGreen As Pin 'pin for the green Led
Private LightOn = False As Boolean
Private BounceTime As ULong
Private BounceDelay = 10 As ULong
End Sub
We add two new variables: BounceTime and BounceDelay.
Private Sub AppStart
'Using the internal pull up resistor to prevent the pin from floating.
pinButton.Initialize(pinButton.A5, pinButton.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP)
pinLEDGreen.Initialize(7, pinLEDGreen.MODE_OUTPUT)
End Sub
Same as LedGreen.b4r
New pinButton_StateChanged routine:
Private Sub pinButton_StateChanged (State As Boolean)
If State = False Then 'remember, False means button pressed.
If Millis - BounceTime < BounceDelay Then
Return 'Return, bouncing
LightOn = Not(LightOn)
BounceTime = Millis 'reset BounceTime to current time
End If
End If
End Sub
Every time State is False, pushbutton pressed:
We check if the time between the current state change and the first state change.
If the time is shorter than BounceDelay, which means a bounce, we do nothing.
If the time is longer than BounceDelay, which means a real state change, we execute the
We change the variable LightOn and write it to pinLEDGreen.
Set the new BounceTime.
8.7.4 TraficLight.b4r 239 B4X Getting started
8.6.4 TraficLight.b4r
This project is an evolution of the LedGreen project and simulates traffic lights.
We use a copy of the LedGreen project.
Create a new TrafficLight folder, copy the files of the LedGreen project and rename the
LedGreen.xxx files to TrafficLight.xxx.
The lights can be switched on and off with the pushbutton switch from the previous examples.
The timing for the change from red to green and green to red is managed
with a Timer TimerGreenRed and the duration of the yellow light is managed
with a second Timer TimerYellow.
The project TrafficLight.b4r is available in the SourceCode folder. Sketch
1 pushbutton switch
1 green Led
1 yellow Led
1 red led
3 220 Ω resistors
- add a yellow and a red Led similar to the green
- connect the yellow led (+) to digital pin 8.
- connect the red led (+) to digital pin 9.
8.7.4 TraficLight.b4r 240 B4X Getting started Code
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private pinButton As Pin 'pin for the button
Private pinLEDGreen, pinLEDYellow, pinLEDRed As Pin 'pins for the Leds
Private TimerGreenRed, TimerYellow As Timer
Private LightOn = False As Boolean
Private LightGreen = False As Boolean
Private BounceTime As ULong
Private BounceDelay = 10 As ULong
End Sub
We declare the button and the three led Pins, the two Timers and two global
variables LightOn and LightGreen.
LightOn = False > light OFF
LightGreen = True > green light ON
Private Sub AppStart
TimerGreenRed.Initialize("TimerGreenRed_Tick", 2000)
'Using the internal pull up resistor to prevent the pin from floating.
pinButton.Initialize(pinButton.A5, pinButton.MODE_INPUT_PULLUP)
pinLEDGreen.Initialize(7, pinLEDGreen.MODE_OUTPUT)
pinLEDYellow.Initialize(8, pinLEDYellow.MODE_OUTPUT)
pinLEDRed.Initialize(9, pinLEDRed.MODE_OUTPUT)
End Sub
We initialize TimerGreenRed with the Tick event ("TimerGreenRed_Tick" and an interval of 2000
which means that the Tick event is raised every 2 seconds (2000 milli seconds).
We initialize TimerYellow with the Tick event ("TimerYellow_Tick" and an interval of 500 which
means that the Tick event is raised every 0.5 second (500 milli seconds).
We keep the code for the button and the green Led, initialize pinLEDYellow as digital pin 8 as output
and initialize pinLEDRed as digital pin 9 as output.
8.7.4 TraficLight.b4r 241 B4X Getting started
The code is hopefully self-explanatory.
Private Sub pinButton_StateChanged (State As Boolean)
' Log("State: ", State) 'Log the State value
If State = False Then 'if State = False
If Millis - BounceTime < BounceDelay Then
pinLEDRed.DigitalWrite(True) 'switch ON the red LED
LightOn = Not(LightOn) 'change the value of LightOn
BounceTime = Millis
' Log("Light: ", LightOn) 'Log the LightOn value
TimerGreenRed.Enabled = LightOn 'enable TimerGreenRed Timer
If LightOn = False Then 'if LightOn = False
pinLEDGreen.DigitalWrite(False) 'switch OFF LED Green
pinLEDYellow.DigitalWrite(False) 'switch OFF LED Yellow
pinLEDRed.DigitalWrite(False) 'switch OFF LED Red
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TimerGreenRed_Tick
If LightGreen = True Then 'if LightGreen = True
' Log("TimerGreenRed_Tick LightYellow") 'write the Log
CallSubPlus("EndYellow", 500, 0)
pinLEDGreen.DigitalWrite(False) 'switch OFF LED Green
pinLEDYellow.DigitalWrite(True) 'switch ON LED Yellow
LightGreen = False 'set LightGreen to
Log("TimerGreenRed_Tick LightGreen") 'write the Log
pinLEDRed.DigitalWrite(False) 'switch OFF LED Red
pinLEDGreen.DigitalWrite(True) 'switch ON LED Green
LightGreen = True 'set LightGreen
to True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EndYellow(Tag As Byte)
' Log("TimerYellow_Tick LightRed") 'write the Log
' Log(" ")
pinLEDYellow.DigitalWrite(False) 'switch OFF LED Yellow
pinLEDRed.DigitalWrite(True) 'switch ON LED Red
End Sub
We use the EndYellowNous routine to switch from the yellow light to the red light.
This routine is called with the CallSubPlus keyword which allows to call a routine with a given
CallSubPlus("EndYellow", 500, 0)
EndYellow = Name of the routine
500 = Delay, 0.5 second (500 milliseconds)
0 = Tag, not used in our case.
We can switch ON or OFF the traffic lights with the pushbutton switch.