Share My Creation Northwind Trader WebApp in MSSQL using BVAD3 [Source Code for Free Coming Soon]


If you remember Microsofts Northwind database when we started learning MS Access. The next challenge is creating a web app based on their schema.
Nah... the databse schema for Northwind does belong to Microsoft, so that's not included in the source code price to be determined.

We will include charts and reports, PDF off course - there are some nice BI reports that one can generate.

So from below, you are looking at 13 or more pages full of CRUD so this is a task and a half. Well its Microsoft, so we will do MSSQL this time around as a backend.

15 days perhaps, no!! Well, lets release it on my birthday, April 15. Do you have any additional things you would like to see added on this? If so, please comment below.


Take care, until April 15 then.



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Longtime User
so we will do MSSQL this time around as a backend

The Backend exists in MySQL or MariaDB

And I have another in my files that handles inventory control and other things.

It is from an old project that is developed


    47.4 KB · Views: 279


Licensed User
Longtime User
Do you have any additional things you would like to see added on this?

-Inventory Control
-Order invoicing.

Database MySQL or MariaDB (because you find it in most hosting or vps)
