Hi, I would like to share a very positive experience I had with end-users - particularly because of the ease of use. Thanks to the B4x community, I found this wonderful tool and a fantastic team that is always ready to help. Within B4J, I...
Why/What? A CloudKVS didn't cover my needs so I developed this class. Features: - It synchronises a table between two SQL instances; one is called the Client, the other the Server - All columns that exist in the Server table must be present in...
this is WVX-Lite (for B4J), as in webviewextras-lite (with props to @warwound for his groundbreaking contribution to B4A). the principal idea was to provide a contextmenu for webview that allowed for image downloads. once you start down that...
Objective: Add some additional flexibility to @Erel's Zipper utility (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/comment-links-with-date-and-time.132262/#post-834930) That utility enables us to have this in our B4XPages projects: 'Ctrl + click...
hi i am playing a little bit with b4j and created a fireworks class and would like to share it with you guys. Tomorrow is the 4. July so this is for all USA b4x.com users ;) have fun :) (and dont forget to like, if you like it of course :p)...
Version: 0.001 Currently this template: only has a drawer a static menu a mini menu menu toggle buttons only available in B4J My plan is to make a dashboard template for general use. This template is work in progress.
Abstract Another one in my 'I don't like doing repetitive stuff' repertoire. The rationale for this one is to avoid having to code the 'boring stuff', i.e. CRUD for data tables (usually slightly or completely different than others from other...
Hi there b4x community family. FUNCTIONALITY Ability to create different types of applications (Blank, SideMenu, Tab Bar (bottom navigation), Split Pane) Scrape HTML and Import into the wireframe App Download of Abstract Designer View Guide...
Using b4j we can convert pdf documents in folder to jpg download jar: https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/pdfbox/2.0.26/pdfbox-app-2.0.26.jar reference: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/convert-pdf-to-jpg-using-java-and-b4j.160737
Hi Fam Demo Whilst TailwindCSS if a "mobile first" framework, I had not looked into that aspect much as the concentration was towards desktop apps. It's time. Let's look at the code to produce this page... '** DO NOT DELETE 'start building...
360 degree photo viewer for Windows. You can use this app for to: - see 360 degree photos, - display some basic EXIF meta data, - locate the position of the 360 degree photo on the raster map or on the google map. A: Solution with Local Server...
Hi Fam Are you tired of scrambling through piles of receipts and scribbled notes just to keep track of your vehicle expenses? Say goodbye to the hassle and welcome the future of vehicle management with our cutting-edge Vehicle Expense Tracker...
Hi Fam As 15th April marks my birth day and thus my birthday month, we are offering both SithasoDaisy & SithasoIONIC7 @ 50% off for the whole of April 2024. SithasoIONIC7 - emphasis on Mobile Hybrid WebApps with Native Feel...
Hi there Disclaimer: These WebApps are hosted on Netlify and the back-end hosted on PocketHost (just for demonstration purposes). You will have to set up the SQLite Webserver on your own machine for a better experience. PocketHost is not...
Hi Fam This is a fully functional webapp that showcases categories & products. One is able to toggle views between table listing and a grid listing. Both these have functionality to edit, clone, delete records from the database. When adding...
Version: 1.05 Description: Create Web API Client (B4XPages project) from B4X template to consume API from Web API Server with CRUD functionalities Template: Web API Client (1.05).b4xtemplate Platforms: B4A B4i B4J Servers supported...
Hi, I've built an app that uses the tiny spectrum analyzer to monitor preset channel amplitudes and logs them to an sqLite database. Before running the program open up B4J and set the parameters for your system in the networkPars module...
Hi, For those who do a bit of embedded and use Keil uVision 5, I have written a small utility called Keil Map Viewer. This app reads the selected uVision map file - *.m in the Listings directory, scans the file for memory regions then displays...
Hi there... This is a very simple but very helpful application (for those want to know B4X and use it for CRM,CRUD,business general apps etc) I wanna share it with you guys !!! Well a big reason for that price is in Greek Language... but not...
This is private B4J library written in Java which we use within our company to keep versions of our B4J code. Some of you may be familiar with tools like GitHub etc... to keep track of changes you made in your source code. This is a similar...