B4A Library AppCompat - Make Material Design apps compatible with older Android versions - corwin42    Aug 18, 2019   (69 reactions) Deinstall all versions prior to version 25! If you leave older versions than 23.0.3 of build tools installed, your compiled app may work on Android 5.0 and above but it will fail on older Android versions like KitKat.
In the B4A IDE in your projects check the AppCompat library on the libraries tab.
B4A Question AppCompat what is its? - DonManfred (first post)    Mar 31, 2020   (1 reaction) 1. The Forumsearch IS working
https://www.b4x.-design-4-modif B4A Question already defined with incompatible format ! - DonManfred (first post)    Mar 09, 2020 what is JS_Appcompat? B4A Question Error with AppCompat (Version: 4.00) - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 16, 2020   (2 reactions) Looks like you are using an old version. Or maybe you have another AppCompat.* files in your additional libs folder. Remove them all. AppCompat is an internal Library now. B4A Question de.amberhome.objects.appcompat.ACActionBar is defined multiple times - tuhatinhvn (first post)    Aug 16, 2022   (1 reaction) Add : #ExcludedLib: appcompat to your project
I same problem and checked it has two version appcompat when use appcompat library, this will works! B4A Library [Moved] xImageSliderIG - Brandsum (first post)    Oct 14, 2019   (1 reaction) Use appcompat toolbar B4A Question AppCompat - Toolbar with menu in each Activity - DonManfred (first post)    May 04, 2020 The same way as you added it to your Mainactivity. B4A Library Googly Eyes - - DonManfred (first post)    Aug 29, 2016 The name is AppCompat. Not Appcompact! https://www.b4x.-make-material-design-apps-compatible-with-older-android-versions.48423/#content https://www.b4x.-additional-material-design-components.58893/ B4A Question Is there any way to reuse AppCompat Actionbar code appwide? - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Aug 16, 2018   (6 reactions) Guess, Erel told about something like in attached file. BTW, correct name is AppCompat (compatibility). B4A Library EasyVideoPlayer - NJDude (first post)    May 22, 2016 Are you compiling using SDK 23? (Check your B4A paths: Tools - > Configure Paths -> Android.jar)
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