B4A Question How to mix multiple audio sources into a wav file? - John Naylor (first post)    Aug 02, 2023   (1 reaction) Check out the excellent answer here it might help point you in the right direction. B4A Example B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online - AnandGupta (first post)    Sep 12, 2022   (1 reaction) B4J
jAsio audio. Simple mixer
This is a demonstration of using ASIO audio drivers with B4j.
B4 B4A Question Select Audio In/Out devices for AudioStreamer - yo3ggx (first post)    Oct 06, 2022 I don't know if this is the best approach, but is working for me.
Some other observation is that if I change the device with the code above, volume cannot be changed anymore through the standard Android audio mixer (Media/Alarm/Notification), so I'm, using the following code to set volume:
Sub Set_ B4A Question YouTube Library and Media Player Audio mix - chris ash    Jan 12, 2020 The dream is to keep the Media players playing alongside the YouTube video. This does work but I seem to be very liable to losing control of the Media players when the YouTube video is being watched :-( If the user presses back when watching the YouTube clip it comes back to the app app activity and B4A Question Multi-track Audio Playback - B4A - stevel05 (first post)    Aug 01, 2017   (1 reaction) Unfortunately Android support for audio manipulation has not improved much over the years. A quick search of Android Developers site shows that there are a couple of new tools available, but appear to required the use of the NDK (https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/audio/index.html).
As far a B4A Question Pcm audio bytes global information - Erel (first post)    Apr 29, 2021   (1 reaction) You can mix the streams: https://stackoverflow.-merging-two-pieces-of-audio/5126209#5126209 B4A Question Mixing audiostream - KZero (first post)    Feb 24, 2015 try to increase the buffered bytes before starting to playback
if the incoming audio packets are encoded try decoding it in a separate thread B4A Question Cannot instance android.media.audiofx.visualizer - SOLVED! - artsoft (first post)    May 15, 2023 Additional info while create an instance:
audioSession Int
System wide unique audio session identifier. If audioSession is not 0, the visualizer will be attached to the MediaPlayer or AudioTrack in the same audio session. Otherwise, the Visualizer will apply to the output mix. B4A Library AudioTrack - stevel05 (first post)    Jan 08, 2016 I haven't tried it, it would be a complex operation. Try Googling for mixing of audio signals. Basically you will need to create as many sine waves as you require, then merge them together whilst ensuring that the resultant signal doesn't clip (have too high a value) for the sample size.
There is Share My Creation Guitar Rhythm - kimstudio (first post)    Mar 28, 2021   (1 reaction) Updated the GutiarRhythm app using synthesized guitar sound. Definitely the sound is not as good as sampled ones, but fun to try all these audio processing methods and mixing engine as an experiment. As a result the apk size is shrinked to less than 300K.
Still have not found a way to sync audio an Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |