B4A Question Wait for GPS - BillMeyer (first post)    Jun 20, 2024   (1 reaction) This might give you a clue. I have used it before and for me it seems to work fine... Fused Location Provided - look specifically at "GetLastKnownLocation". B4A Library FusedLocationProvider - warwound    Mar 12, 2020   (41 reactions) The returned Location object will not be initialized if no last known location is available.
Initialize (EventName As String)
Initialize the FusedLocationProvider object.
IsConnected As Boolean
Returns whether the FusedLocationProvider is connected to the Location Services.
IsConnecting As Boolean
R B4A Question GetLastKnownLocation Error - syerif    Aug 04, 2023 Hi,
I get a problem with FusedLocationProvider Library when I try to get the last known location, previously implemented with 11_22 resource, but after I downgrade it to 9_20 it works, any issue or explanation, please?
best regard B4A Question Problem with FusedLocationProvider GetLastLocation with B4A12.0 - Andrew (Digitwell)    Jan 11, 2023 Hi,
I have recently upgraded to B4A 12.0 and I was updating an app which uses the FusedLocationProvider library to get the location.
When I call flp.getLastKnownLocation the UI locks up for > 20 sec (on Pixel 2XL) before it returns with a NULL location.
Here is an app which demonstrates the proble B4A Code Snippet Sample using GPS and GeoAddress - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 02, 2020   (2 reactions) context.LOCATION_SERVICE); if (!locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)) { // showSettingsAlert(); //Toast.makeText(context, "Permission Denied", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); String info = "Permission Denied"; ba.raiseEvent B4A Question Recognize BlueStack emulator - Addo (first post)    Apr 10, 2019 getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER); } } if (final_loc != null) { gps = final_loc.getLatitude(); gps = final_loc.getLongitude(); } return gps; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } B4A Question Can I get indoor location with one wifi router ? - TILogistic (first post)    Jul 27, 2021 test: 1. Change the priority and request lower accuracy. 2. Get the last known location with: GetLastKnownLocation https://www.b4x./?query=GetLastKnownLocation+ B4A Question Solution for android.app.RemoteServiceException ? - Powie (first post)    Jul 21, 2018 GetLastKnownLocation("myWifi") If r = False Then Service.StopAutomaticForeground StopService(Me) Else 'StopService(Me) End If End If End Sub 'Return true to allow the OS default exceptions handler to handle the uncaught exception B4A Question Get Country - tufanv (first post)    Mar 07, 2017 should i use GetLastKnownLocation ? if yes , how will it give the location ? if it is as lat and lon it will be hard to use it ? B4A Question How to check for current altitude? - Erel (first post)    Jan 22, 2018 Your code is wrong. You should move all of it to the starter service.
You can call GetLastKnownLocation to get the currently known location. The Location object includes an Accuracy property. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |