B4A Tutorial Integrating Firebase Services - Erel    Sep 14, 2020   (51 reactions)   tags: Integrating Firebase Serv, Integration Firebase, firebase Google has acquired a company named Firebase and is now offering many backend services under the Firebase umbrella. Most of them are free. Integrating the services is relatively simple. 1. Use... package name. 3. Download google-services.json and put it in the projects folder (folder of the b4a file). 4. Add the manifest snippets to the manifest editor based on the services that you need. 5. Follow the instructions of the specific libraries. Note that a recent version of Google Play Services... B4A Tutorial Android 14 / targetSdkVersion 34 and Services - Erel    Aug 5, 2024   (23 reactions) of making services less flexible and more difficult to use (converging to iOS background tasks features from 2014). Many of the previous use cases for services are better covered by receivers: Receivers and Services in 2023+ Another common use case for services was to overcome the activities complex... paused. For non-B4XPages projects, you can continue to use the starter service for such cases. Don't use regular services as they will be killed when the app is in the background. We are mostly left... B4A Tutorial Service Modules - Erel    Feb 7, 2023   (6 reactions)   tags: Services This is an old tutorial. Most of the information here is no longer correct. 255402345 Basic4android v1.2 adds support for Service modules. Service modules play an important role in the application and process life cycle. Start with this tutorial if you haven't read it before: Android Process... visible. Services life cycle is (almost) not affected by the current visible activity. This allows you to run tasks in the background. Services usually use the status bar notifications to interact... B4A Tutorial Receivers and Services in 2023+ - Erel    Jul 28, 2024   (31 reactions) : service b4a.example/.starter Related tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/android...In the early days of Android services were simple to use and powerful. They allowed doing all kinds... versions of Android. With a few exceptions (that aren't 100% reliable), the only use case for services... is received. 'Do not assume that anything else, including the starter service, has run before... Run after boot And more... Q. Can receivers do everything that services can? A. No. Receivers run... B4A Tutorial Using CallSubDelayed to interact between activities and services - Erel    Jun 14, 2012   (17 reactions)   tags: activity, two activity pass value, interact, between Until Basic4android v2.00 the way to pass information between activities and services was through... a different service or activity. If the target module is not active, then it will be started... then the sub will be called. - If the target module is a service and it is not already running then it will first be started (Service_Create and Service_Start will first be executed). The sub will be called after Service_Start. - If the target module is an activity: - If the application is visible... B4A Tutorial Starter Service - Consistent & Single Entry Point - Erel    Sep 20, 2018   (25 reactions)   tags: Boot . If you want to do a background task then you should add another service. Related tutorial... for those crashes is that the OS can start the process from a different activity or service. For example if you use StartServiceAt and the OS kills the process while it is in the background. Now... feature named Starter service that provides a single and consistent entry point. If the Starter service exists then the process will always start from this service. The Starter service... B4A Code Snippet Check and install Google Play Services - Erel    Feb 5, 2018   (13 reactions) This code will check that an updated version of Google Play Services is installed on the device. If not then it will try to help the user install it. Sub CheckForGooglePlayServices As Boolean....RunMethod("isGooglePlayServicesAvailable", Array(context)) <> 0 Then GoogleApiAvailablity.RunMethod("makeGooglePlayServicesAvailable", Array(context)) Return False End...-services-base ... B4A Tutorial HttpUtils2 - Web services are now even simpler - Erel    Feb 28, 2016   (18 reactions)   tags: b4j, Http, Erel, b4a that helps with communicating with web services (Http servers). HttpUtils2 is an improved version...: HttpUtils2Service and HttpJob (class module). The two code modules are included in HttpUtils2 (attached project... when a job completes. The module can be an Activity, Service or class instance. You can use the Me... is included as a library in the IDE. Relevant links ImageDownloader - Service that makes it simple to... is available there. DownloadService - Download files of any size with DownloadService. Includes progress... B4A Tutorial Creating a sticky service - long running background tasks - Erel    Dec 9, 2018   (14 reactions)   tags: Services Edit: Things have changed with newer versions of Android and new restrictions. Sticky services should not be used any more. Background service example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/background-location-tracking.99873/#content This tutorial is not 100% correct anymore. There are several ways to handle background tasks. 1. You can use StartServiceAt to schedule a service to run at a specific time. When the service is started you can schedule the next one. This way you can create... B4A Tutorial Add Charts With Google Charts Service - Erel    Mar 24, 2014   (10 reactions) The attached project is a port of this example: Google Charts service to Basic4android. A similar example with more charts is available here: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/google-charts.31240/#post-186963 23787 23788 Google Charts is a web service that allows adding all kinds of nice looking and interactive charts. The charts are rendered in Google Charts servers. A WebView is used to show the result. This means that it will not work without an internet connection. The required... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |