B4A Question Custom types (Structures) - HotShoe    Sep 16, 2015   (21 reactions) A Structure is an organized group of information that defines a specific data set. There are many types of structures available in B4X, including Classes, database records, Maps, and custom types. In this lesson we will focus mainly on the custom type.
Delphi users will recognize the custom type as B4A Tutorial [B4X] Public variables, custom types, ... - Erel (first post)    Dec 20, 2023   (2 reactions) Custom types are very useful and I wouldn't automatically prefer classes over types. Custom types are lighter, can be serialized and are very "simple". A custom type is a bag of fields with zero logic. You know what you are getting. This can be an advantage.
Properties vs. public variables is a mat B4A Question cant open file after ftp downlod. - alon (first post)    Aug 26, 2018 "audio/vorbis, Application/ogg")
types.Put("ppsx" B4A Question Open files with intent - Pooya1 (first post)    Jul 16, 2018 Put("doc","Application/msword") types.Put("docx","Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document") types.Put("dotx","Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template") types.Put("es","Application/ecmascript") types.Put("exe" B4A Question How to return two parameters using a resumable sub? - LucaMs (first post)    May 01, 2023   (1 reaction) It's better to create "specialized" types but you could also create a generic type:
Type tTwoValues(Value1 As Object, Value2 As Object)
This way you will be able to use it in many situations. Wish Definition von "Type" als Private - LucaMs (first post)    Nov 28, 2018   (1 reaction) Although having the possibility to define private a type can be useful, I did not understand your post (you've probably used the term variable instead of type). I can have a type defined in a class of a library, like: Type tPoint(x as int, y as int) and the same in a project without "conflicts". B4A Question sizeof(x) equivalent b4a - stevel05 (first post)    Mar 11, 2015 A Type is actually a class, the variables it holds are available by reference. If you explain what you are trying to achieve it may be possible to get the result in different ways. B4A Question Howto add a "type record" in a list ? - LucaMs (first post)    Oct 28, 2023   (1 reaction) It is not difficult. Custom types are like classes. If you have created a class, then you must create objects of the type of that class, creating a variable and initializing it; only at that point will you have an object, which you could add to a List or any other structure (Map, for example). It' B4A Question List add multiple columns - stevel05 (first post)    Oct 30, 2020   (1 reaction) Define a Type, create an instance for each row add it to the list. You can then easily sort the data on any column using the List SortType Methods. B4A Question ResumableSub cannot be cast to Drawable - agraham (first post)    Apr 01, 2019 I think there is a misunderstanding here that is clouding your view of whatever the real problem is. A ResumableSub type is in fact an Object type. Object is the root type that all Object types derive from and has a very limited set of methods that every Object inherits. You can pass anything as an Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |