B4A Question How to i) change the Menu Bar BACKGROUND color to be SAME as the ACTION BAR BACKGROUND COLOR or ii) change the Text Color of ONLY THE MENU ITEM - beelze69    Mar 06, 2022 Hi,
Presently, in my B4XPages app I have the Action Bar with a 'Blue' background with 'White' foreground text and it is extremely well readable.
Ps. note: I referred Erel's Post in this regard.
However, when I add a Menu-item to it, the background colour of B4A Library [Lib] Compact ActionBar - NJDude    Sep 18, 2017   (14 reactions) 'Initialize the library
Dim ActionBar As CustomCompactActionBar
'Create the ActionBar
ActionBar.Initialize(Activity, Me, "Manager", "", "", Colors.ARGB(255, 20, 20, 20), Colors.ARGB(255, 160, 160, 160), True, True, True)
'Add some ActionButtons
Act B4A Library DesignSupport - Additional Material Design components - JohnC (first post)    Jun 27, 2018   (1 reaction) Hi,
Your NavDrawer Example extends the background color of the actionbar to the status bar (notifications), with a slight dark tine - so the status bar background color is a slight tint darker then the action bar background color.
1) It seems setting the background color of the status bar like thi B4A Question AppCompat Actionbar Color - nobbi59    Nov 29, 2017 I am using the AppCompat Toolbar as an Actionbar.
Everything seems to work fine but i want to set its color at runtime. I am trying this by using the following code:
Dim cd As ColorDrawable
ActionBar.Background = cd
This changes the color but the Elevation is lost. An B4A Question ACTION BAR - CHANGE ICON, COLORS, TEXT BY CODE - Gianni Sassanelli    Aug 04, 2021 Hi
i want to add a user theme selector in my app, for example i need Blue, Green, Red, Purple.
For this i need to change in B4A code some attributes of action bar and it's elements, but i don't know how to
Now i do the following code in B4XPage_Appear
' Set Title of page
' with a specific B4A Question Action bar menu color? - kostefar    Jul 25, 2017 Dear All,
I have this theme in my manifest:
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.Material")
To change the background color (to blue) and remove the icon, I used:
Sub SetActionBarColor(Color As Int)
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim cd As ColorDrawa B4A Question Bottom up Popup Drawer darken status and title - Erel (first post)    Jul 21, 2024 Try to change the actionbar color with this code: https://www.b4x.-stdactionbar-color.64095/#content B4i Question [B4XPages] How to change text color of the ActionBar - WhiteWizard    Sep 25, 2020 Hi: I been able to change the background color of the ActionBar:
Dim no As NativeObject = NavControl
no.GetField("navigationBar").RunMethod("setBarTintColor:", Array(no.ColorToUIColor(Colors.aRGB(255,0xd8d,0x29,0x29)))) ' #FF8D2929
And the Text content:
B4XPages.SetTitle(B4XPages.GetPage B4A Question Change color for Actionbar etc. - Sinan Tuzcu    Aug 19, 2021 Hi,
I try to change the color for Softkey area but doesn't works.
I have do this according below thread
I is still white background and black Buttons. B4A Question [SOLVED] StdActionBar Color - eurojam    Feb 29, 2016 Hi all,
may be I don't see the wood for the trees: is it possible to change the color of the stdActionBar for different activities - I know how to change the color theme in general - but activity main should have a blue and activity two should have a red actionbar...?
Thanks in advance
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