B4A Library DesignSupport - Additional Material Design components - corwin42    Nov 05, 2018   (65 reactions) V2.10
New: Requires Support Repository 36
New: DSNavigationDrawer - A complete DrawerLayout implementation/wrapper
New: DSNavigationView
New: Support for ShowPasswordToggle in FloatLabelEditText
Fix: FloatLabelEditText.Enabled=True/False should work now.
Fix: DSNavigationDrawer should work B4A Library corwin42 - Libraries Overview - corwin42    Feb 27, 2017   (37 reactions) StdActionBarHelper library - Utiliy functions for the standard Android ActionBar AppCompat library - Make Material Design apps compatible with older Android versions DesignSupport library - Additional Material Design elements AHPreferenceActivity library - Library for creating Preference screens Flo B4A Question AHNavigationDrawer with Material Design - Fusseldieb    Apr 16, 2015   (1 reaction) Hi guys, Im trying to create a material design app, using the library AHNavigationDrawer, but i cant find any example using the Material functions, can somebody PLEASE post an example using the AHNavigationDrawer library with the material design like (Animation burger->arrow->cross->check animation) B4A Library AHNavigationDrawer - Native Google Navigation Drawer - corwin42    Sep 14, 2015   (18 reactions) - Added support for secondary drawer
- Ability to change drawer edge touch sensitivity size
- Fixed the "glitch" while opening the drawer (Sometimes the drawer got "stuck" while swiping open)
- Fixed bug when using NavDrawer.ContentPanel.LoadLayout()
- Some internal changes w B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - corwin42 (first post)    Mar 31, 2015 AHNavigationDrawer updated to Version 1.30
- Some internal changes which should make it compatible with ULV (Ultimate ListView)
- New MaterialMenuDrawable object for Material Design Burger/Arrow/Cross/Check animation B4A Question Problem in AHNavigationDrawer - DonManfred (first post)    Jun 23, 2017   (1 reaction) Base AppCompat
Navdrawer (DSNavigationDrawer)
Simple example
https://www.b4x.-with-toolbar-minimal-example.79896/#content B4A Library DonManfreds Overview - DonManfred    Jul 06, 2020   (89 reactions) Firebase RemoteConfig (*6)
87. MaterialDialogs (*6)
88. JellyToggleButton (*6)
89. StepView (*6)
90. 13 LoadingViews
91. Material DateTimePicker Dialogs (*6)
92. SimpleToolTip (*6)
93. ShowHidePasswordEditText (*6)
94. CodeView (*6)
95. ExoPlayerTextureView (*6)
96. NumericEdittext (*6)
97. VectorDr Spanish Quitar el marco circular de la imagen de perfil en el NavigationDrawer de MSMaterialDrawer - Seneca (first post)    Apr 13, 2017 Hola.
Estoy buscando una librería sobre MaterialDrawer y estoy un poco confuso. Por un lado se recomienda usar DesignSupport en lugar MSMaterialDrawer, pero en la primera de ellas, si no me equivoco, el propio autor @corwin42 recomienda usar la segunda.
Si embargo, DesignSupport ha sido actuali Other Why not native support? - migrec (first post)    Jan 31, 2016   (1 reaction) I dont really understand, you can still make material apps and not much is required.
Made this with around 50 lines of code (very simple and short lines)
It's just AppCompat, MSMaterialDrawer and DesignSupport, the awesome thing about this is that it will look material on older versions of Android B4A Question FontAwesome and Material Icons on DSNavigationDrawer [resolved] - hanyelmehy (first post)    Mar 04, 2017   (4 reactions) To change Menu icon color and menu text color use
NavDrawer.NavigationView.ItemTextColor=Colors.RGB(255,255,255) Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |