B4A Tutorial [B4X] B4XPages - Cross platform and simple framework for managing multiple pages - Erel    Jul 12, 2023   (79 reactions) 440642051 B4XPages is a library that serves two purposes: 1. Make it simple to develop B4A apps by solving almost all of the challenges involved with Android complex activities life cycle. B4XPages.... You are not forced to use B4XPages. All the current features behave exactly as before. 2. It does have some.../b4x-b4xpages-what-exactly-does-it-solve.119078/ What is a B4XPage? It differs between the three platforms.... File - New Project - B4XPages. This will create three projects with everything you need. Use it even... B4A Tutorial [B4XPages] Bluetooth Chat Example - Erel    Jun 22, 2023   (24 reactions) 95662 Updated implementation, based on B4XPages of https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/android-bluetooth-bluetoothadmin-tutorial.14768/#content. The code is much simpler compared to the previous example. Note that you can call Serial.Listen without making the device discoverable. This is useful for cases where the devices were already paired once. Updates: - Example updated with targetSdkVersion 33. Note the new method to enable Bluetooth if needed. - Example updated... B4A Tutorial [B4X] [B4XPages] Intent based camera - Erel    Jul 23, 2024   (17 reactions) module in B4i. B4i code was updated to fix an issue with the top page being removed from B4XPages... As String = B4XPages.GetManager.GetTopPage.Id Wait For Camera_Complete (Success As Boolean, Image As Bitmap, VideoPath As String) B4XPages.GetManager.mStackOfPageIds.Add(TopPage) 'this is required... B4A Example [B4X] [B4XPages] Barcode Reader - Erel    Jul 12, 2021   (39 reactions) 97444 https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/i_view64_HkncBfNNKe.png B4A + B4i barcode reader. Don't miss: - #PlistExtra in B4i. - Manifest code + #AdditionalJar in B4A Depends on BCToast: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-bctoast-cross-platform-custom-toast-message.111046/#content (BCToast will be an internal library in the near future) While the camera related code is platform specific, the main program logic can still be shared. In this case there isn't too much... B4A Tutorial [B4X] B4XPages + B4XDrawer - Erel    Sep 19, 2021   (29 reactions) B4XDrawer v1.53 adds support for B4J. This is a good opportunity to create a B4XPages example using... on the three pages example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xpages-cross-platform-and... required in B4A and will be part of the template in the next version of B4XPages.b4xtemplate: In Main... End Sub Sub Activity_ActionBarHomeClick ActionBarHomeClicked = True B4XPages.Delegate....InitializeBitmap(HamburgerIcon, "hamburger") B4XPages.GetNativeParent(Me).TopLeftButtons = Array(bb... Spanish [B4XPages] jRDC2 + MySQL CRUD + Login - josejad    Feb 24, 2022   (14 reactions) Hola a todos: ueG0kZ-GgoI Por fin me he puesto a probar un poco con B4XPages, y he empezado a adaptar el ejemplo B4XPages + B4XDrawer Creo que he visto algunos ejemplos con php + mysql para hacer... crear el servidor jRDC2 - B4A 9.9+ que ya soporta B4XPages, aunque lo ideal es siempre actualizar... sé en B4i ya que no tengo una versión que soporte B4XPages. La contraseña para todos los usuarios... ello, abre el archivo jRDC2_B4J.zip, recuerda cambiar tu usuario y contraseña en el fichero config... B4A Example [B4XPages] Admob Example - asales    Sep 25, 2024   (38 reactions) - Rewarded video ad removed - App Open Ad included Updated 2.0 (B4XPages_Admob_Example): - B4XPages.../threads/firebaseadmob-v1-6.108552/ 4. B4A 9.90 and SDK Manager up to date. Update 6.0: - Adaptive... updated with code from Jack Cole. Thanks! Update 4.0: - removed transitions code to fix this error... B4A Tutorial [B4X] [B4XPages] What exactly does it solve? - Erel    Jul 22, 2020   (49 reactions) B4XPages makes many things simple and even trivial. As Android developers, we are dealing... can be. As explained in B4XPages tutorial, there are two purposes for B4XPages: Provide a cross platform.... B4XPages hides many of the differences between B4A activities, B4i pages and B4J forms. With B4XPages... interested in B4A development, B4XPages can help you a lot. I will list here all kinds of challenges that become simple with B4XPages. The three most important things regarding the B4XPage classes... B4A Tutorial [B4X] [B4XPages] Network + AsyncStreams + B4XSerializator - Erel    Jun 30, 2020   (28 reactions) https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/java_USPawWZPiX.png 95652 https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/B4i_nUuTQqGuEH.png Cross platform version, based on B4XPages, of the network example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-network-asyncstreams-b4xserializator.72149/#content It is so much simpler to use B4XPages that it feels like cheating :) All of the code is shared. The layouts were copy-pasted.... B4A Tutorial [B4X] [B4XPages] Pleroma / Mastodon Client - Erel    Feb 24, 2021   (25 reactions) , including B4XPages framework, which is one of the most important features added to B4X. The focus is on the mobile clients. The B4J client is very useful for development. It is based on B4XPages and all... can appear inside a dialog and in the main page. B4XMainPage - Main page. ImagesCache - Manages... need to download other resources as explained in these links: - B4XGifView v1.11+: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xgifview-cross-platform-animated-gif-view.118550/ - (B4A) ExoPlayer v1... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |