B4A Question cannot access ClientProtocolException since B4A Version 8.0 - DonManfred (first post)    Apr 18, 2018   (1 reaction) Update to okhttp and okhttputils
Based on the error you are not.
You are using the old http and/or httputils B4A Question Cannot access ClientProtocolException - CARTHO (first post)    Dec 28, 2015   (1 reaction) Thank you!
I found the OKHttpUtils and downloaded it!
It seems to work now! B4A Question cannot access ClientProtocolException - mangojack (first post)    Mar 09, 2016   (3 reactions) Does this help ? https://www.b4x.-access-clientprotocolexception.61767/ B4A Question Error while compiling - Matthias (first post)    Dec 19, 2017 I did it, but i still have the same ErrorMessage " "src.......java:3088: error: cannot access
_hc_version.Execute(processBA,mostCurrent._req_version,(int) (1));
class File for org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException not found " B4A Question Expectation Failed - Fabio Campanella (first post)    Sep 14, 2017 When Compile HttpUtils2Sercivice I've received this error: :( src\it\digitalup\icommlab\myhttputils2service.java:247: error: cannot access ClientProtocolException _hc.Initialize("hc"); ^ class file for org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException not found B4A Question Http Client ClientProtocolException not found - deantangNYP (first post)    Jul 04, 2016 Encountered same error after upgrading to v6.0.
src\flm\b4a\floatwin\main.java:513: error: cannot access ClientProtocolException
class file for org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException not found
What do you mean switch to OkHttpUtils2? Switc B4A Question okHttp - sule (first post)    Nov 30, 2016 if i try to use httpclient i got thei error Compiling generated Java code. Error B4A line: 24 hc.Initialize(\ javac 1.8.0_112 src\b4a\example\main.java:381: error: cannot access ClientProtocolException _hc.Initialize("hc"); ^ class file for org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolEx B4A Question google play services error - gerredtor (first post)    May 26, 2016 now i become a error on compile: HC.Initialize(\ javac 1.8.0_91 src\de\example\app\starter.java:202: error: cannot access ClientProtocolException _hc.Initialize("HC"); ^ class file for org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException not found hc = Dim HC As HttpClient Spanish Buscar en google maps [SOLUCIONADO] - Matias Ferrer (first post)    Jan 22, 2016 Estimados, como va? Eh intentado correr la demo de Henry y la versión de BarryW. En ambos casos me tira el mismo error al compilar.. ya me descoloco :( Error: B4A line: 53 Log(Response.GetString(\ javac 1.8.0_60 src\com\domain\appname\httputils2service.java:163: error: cannot access ParseExcept B4A Tutorial Connect Android to MySQL Database Tutorial - dfrutos (first post)    May 03, 2016 Hello, i updated B4a to last version 5.80
When i try to compile app developemented in b4a old version now i have an error:
src\b4a\visitas\httputils2service.java:208: cannot access org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException
class file for org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException not fou Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |