B4A Library SD: Dialogs - Star-Dust    Jun 01, 2019   (17 reactions) You can add parameters to this method if needed.
show (Title As String, Positive As String, Cancel As String, Negative As String) As String
Response (Response as int As , DateTick as long As )
datetick As Long
response As Int
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests w B4A Library In-App Review Library - Pendrush    Jan 15, 2023   (28 reactions) Before you begin, please read THIS and THIS. You can also read Medium article Demystifying the new Play In-App Review API (thanks @fredo). Requirements: Android devices (phones and tablets) running Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher that have the Google Play Store installed. App minSdkVersion="2 B4A Library [Lib] BetterDialogs - Informatix    Apr 11, 2016   (29 reactions) I tried to improve the most useful dialogs of the Dialogs library. In my version, HTML tags are interpreted (even in the text of buttons), the InputBox uses a Masked EditText and has more options, you can check if the input is valid before closing the dialog, and the CustomDialog is fully customizab B4A Library Dialogs2 library - an update to the original Dialogs library - agraham    Oct 07, 2021   (44 reactions) Note the separate download for an updated Dialogs2 class that fixes a bug in the original.
I wrote the original Dialogs library many moons ago and it has suffered with age owing to the changes made to Android and B4A over the years despite the administrations of several other people.
Although moda B4A Class [B4A] DOListDialog - simple and customisable class - Dave O    May 15, 2024   (9 reactions) DOListDialog is a free class that makes it easy to display a list dialog. Features: - Easy to use: supply a title and a list and you're good to go. - Auto-size the dialog to the minimum width or height needed, or leave it full-size. - Show or hide the Cancel button as needed. - Customize the visual B4A Library MP_Dialogs - b4a.developer    Jun 13, 2024   (16 reactions) #New_book_house_B4A In the name of God The author of the Library : MohammadReza Pirzadeh Hello dear colleagues Library MP_Dialogs | Show all types of dialogues It was completely written and you can enjoy its beautiful features ? This library is able to create different types of dialogues and the B4A Library PermissionsManager - Ivica Golubovic    May 15, 2023   (29 reactions) PermissionsManager
CheckAndRequestPermission (Permission As String)
Checks whether the application has been granted the specified permission. If not then the user will be shown a dialog asking for permission.
The Activity_PermissionResult or B4XPage_P B4A Library Dialogs library - agraham    Dec 07, 2017   (34 reactions) This library contains several modal, that is blocking, dialogs by which the user can enter data. Presently they are an InputDialog for numbers and text, a TimeDialog for times and and a DateDialog for dates.
Note that modal dialogs can close unexpectedly and not return to your code if the Activity B4A Library Multi-Line Input Dialog - drgottjr    Dec 18, 2023   (6 reactions) i prefer the look of a pop-up.
some sample use cases are attached.
Version 1.8 attached. dialog opens with focus set and keyboard ready to go (amazingly, if you're using a bt keyboard, the system knows not to bring up the soft keyboard!) B4A Library Material Dialogs - Make your dialogs nice - corwin42    Mar 09, 2017   (38 reactions) I think this library is the third attempt in this forum to wrap the excellent afollestad Material Dialogs library.
The difference to the other library wrappers is that this one is (except of some minor features) a complete wrap including file- and folder choosers, color chooser and a complete wrap Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |