B4J Question How to call third-party DLL libraries? - Daestrum (first post)    May 24, 2024   (2 reactions) Long explanation short
If you are using one of the latest Java's (22+) you can use jextract on the dll, which will produce a java file for the maapping of the dll to java. You can then use... B4J Question How to use JNA to call self-made dll? - kimstudio (first post)    Jan 27, 2022   (1 reaction) I got the answers from forum with method 1) jDotNetBridge: compile into jar library using SLC; method 2) inline java: same effect but using inline java, which is more convenient if you update functions in the dll frequently. Thanks! Now calling a c dll is so easy!... B4J Question How does B4X call C language function code? - kimstudio (first post)    Jun 30, 2023 Don't think it is possible. B4X can call C compiled dll via JNI though.... B4J Question Net DLLs - Marco Gioia    Feb 15, 2019 Hi, I'd like to use a dll with B4J Is it possible? How to call a method in DLL in a Java program https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25454697/how-to-call-a-method-in-dll-in-a-java-program... Tool B4XEncryption .net DLL class library - Chris Lee    Feb 25, 2018   (12 reactions)   tags: Encryption / With a little help from Erel I build a .net DLL for this purpose. A Visual Studio 2017 project with the DLL.../chrisleeuk/B4XEncryption.net If you want to use the DLL without compiling it first, just copy the B4XEncryption.dll and BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll to the bin folder of your Visual Studio project and add... have time to provide an example of that right now, but the DLL will hopefully save some time.... B4A Tutorial SMS and CALL_LOG permissions are no longer available - Erel    Oct 10, 2018   (12 reactions)   tags: #PAIN Google has changed their policy regarding the following permissions: READ_SMS, SEND_SMS, WRITE_SMS, RECEIVE_SMS READ_CALL_LOG, WRITE_CALL_LOG, PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS Only the default phone or messaging apps can use these permissions: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9047303?hl=en This is relevant for Google Play apps. The following types of objects can no longer be used: - CallLog - SmsMessages - PhoneSms - SmsInterceptor (and the equivalent static intent... B4J Question Where to put .dll used in LoadLibary() in library? - Erel (first post)    Aug 25, 2015 You cannot work directly with dlls. You need to create a Java wrapper that will call the native dll with jni calls.... B4A Question Emulator LoadLibrary "nvcuda.dll" failed! - mmieher    Mar 4, 2022 Using x64 emulator (might be same issue with x32) I get these messages in the log after running any B4x thing from the debooger.
LoadLibrary "nvcuda.dll" failed!
LoadLibrary "nvcuda.dll" failed!
LoadLibrary "nvcuda.dll" failed!
Failed to call cuInit, cannot use nvidia... B4A Class [B4X] CallSubPlus - CallSub with explicit delay - Erel    Nov 30, 2015   (26 reactions) it much simpler. You just need to call CallSubPlus with the target sub and the delay. Internally it uses a (one shot) timer together with CallSubDelayed or CallSub. There are four methods: CallSubPlus, CallSubPlus2, CallSubDelayedPlus and CallSubDelayedPlus2. CallSubPlus and CallSubDelayedPlus...($"Click: $Time{DateTime.Now}"$) Starter.csu.CallSubPlus(Me, "Sub_1", 2000) 'run in two seconds Starter.csu.CallSubPlus2(Me, "Sub_2", 1000, Array("Value 1"... B4J Tutorial B4JPackager11 - I thought the space didn't matter - Mark Read    May 10, 2022   (1 reaction) .exe, ..\ temp\build\bin\ jssc.dll #End Region I noticed that there was a space before "jssc.dll" and thought I could delete it as it was not required - Wrong! On running my program on another PC, jssc.dll could not be found. It seems that removing the space causes the file to be placed in a sub directory called jssc.dll. Leaving the space, places the file in "bin" directory... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |