Other [TIP] StrictMode Policy Violations - Computersmith64    Aug 21, 2019   (3 reactions) I see a few posts on here regarding concerns about StrictMode policy violations being reported in pre-launch reports - & in fact I had a bunch in a report for a new app that I released to my internal testing track. Here's a link to the Android Developer documentation regarding StrictMode policy vio B4A Code Snippet Sending push messages from B4A - Erel    Oct 20, 2024   (13 reactions) 4. NetworkOnMainThread check should be disabled. This is done by calling this sub:
Private Sub DisableStrictMode
Dim jo As JavaObject
If jo.GetField("SDK_INT") > 9 Then
Dim policy As JavaObject
policy = policy.InitializeNew B4A Question Playstore: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.NonSdkApiUsedViolation - Erel (first post)    Oct 07, 2021   (1 reaction) Google runs a static analyzer over the bytecode. This code will never run and will not cause any problem (unless you use the deprecated DoEvents or Msgbox calls). Spanish [SOLUCIONADO]Wifiprint - Jorge Sanz (first post)    May 22, 2018   (1 reaction) Dim SM As StrictMode SM.EnableStrictModeForAll(True, False) B4A Question Unable to load Image in last version of Instagram - Erel (first post)    Mar 24, 2020 These lines do not go into the intent. This also doesn't look like the best solution if it really works.
Dim StrictMode As JavaObject
Dim builder As JavaObject
StrictMode.RunMethod("setVmPolicy", Array(builder.InitializeNewInstance("android.os.S B4A Question Pre-launch report: Android compatibility warnings - jo1234    May 08, 2019 Hi,
the Google Play Pre-launch report for my app shows the following Android Compatibility warnings:
We’ve detected that your app is using unsupported APIs.
The following APIs are greylisted and Google can’t guarantee that they will work on existing versions of Android. Some may be already be rest B4A Question jdbcSQL, strictMode (enable/disable) - mw71 (first post)    May 08, 2020 Erel, thank for Anser.
I have test permitNetwork, looks work fine.
o.k., then i let it be;) Spanish ERROR DE LECTURA DE REGISTROS (NextRow) - JMiur (first post)    Jul 20, 2020   (1 reaction) esta rutina la encontré en el foro, se debe colocar antes de realizar la conexión a la BD remota. no recuerdo el nombre del autor. Sub DisableStrictMode Dim jo como JavaObject jo.InitializeStatic ("android.os.Build.VERSION") IF jo.GetField ("SDK_INT")> 9 Then Política te B4A Question StrictMode policy violation [...] Landroid/graphics/drawable/GradientDrawable$GradientState - Erel (first post)    Jun 06, 2019   (1 reaction) This is only a warning and you should ignore it. It will do no harm. B4A Question It works only in debug mode - slowtime    Dec 25, 2024 Hi, my app works well only indebug mode, in release mode, I can see this message in log " at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onNetwork(StrictMode.java:1675)"
Thank you for help.
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