B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] nanoSvg Library (cross-platform) - mazezone    Nov 18, 2024   (4 reactions) nanoSvg Library Support: B4A and B4J. wrapper C/C++ nanoSvg (Gihub) For B4J, copy the dll(x64) to B4J/Objects of the project. NanoSVG is a simple stupid single-header-file SVG parse. The output of the parser is a list of cubic bezier shapes. The library suits well for anything from rendering sca B4J Library Use SVG files like any other image : JavafxSVG - stevel05    Dec 19, 2021   (13 reactions) Even in the designer, you just have to override the file extension in the file open dialog.
As in the example app, the SVGImageLoaderFactory class should be declared and initialized as soon as possible, so right at the top of Appstart is a good place. And that is all that is needed.
Sub AppStart B4i Library iSVG (Scalable Vectors Graphics) - Erel (first post)    Nov 07, 2021   (2 reactions) SetBitmap(SVG.Export(ImageView1.Width, ImageView1.Height))
End Sub
Private Sub SVGFromString(s As String) As SVG
Dim svgimage As NativeObject
svgimage = svgimage.Initialize("SVGKImage").RunMethod("new", Null).RunMethod("initWithData:", Array(svgimage.ArrayToNSData(s.GetBytes("utf8"))))
B4J Code Snippet [B4X] Multi-platform SVG to B4XBitmap Conversion with a Hidden Webview - William Lancee    Mar 26, 2024   (9 reactions) I placed the Webview offscreen, so it is hidden. But not '.Visible = False', so it is possible to take a snapshot of the rendered SVG.
The output of the attached example is:
I have also attached my SVGPicker, feel free to use. B4A Question SVG - teddybear (first post)    May 12, 2022 Refer to this, it can help you B4A Library Animated SVG View - Johan Schoeman    Jun 20, 2016   (17 reactions) 5583,131.09 -55.5583,206.29 0,142.36 72.4373,267.95 182.5433,341.53 -67.262,-2.13 -130.535,-20.59 -185.8519,-51.32 -0.039,1.71 -0.039,3.42 -0.039,5.16 0,198.803 141.441,364.635 329.145,402.342 -34.426,9.375 -70.676,14.395 -108.098,14.395 -26.441,0 -52.145,-2.578 -77.203,-7.364 52.215,163.008 203.75, B4J Question With jQueryElement access SVG ? - billzhan (first post)    Mar 07, 2016   (2 reactions) getElementById("circle-svg");
var svgDoc = svg.contentDocument;
var circle = svgDoc.getElementById("my-circle");
circle.setAttributeNS(null, "c" + direction, value * 5);
var movexy = function(x,y) {
//var value = slider.value;
var svg = document.ge B4A Question SVG.CreateFromStream (istream As JavaObject.io.inputstream) - fernando.oliboni    Jul 13, 2020 I would like to understand what the SVG.CreateFromStream function is. I am using B4A and I intend to create SVG files from text sources. Can someone help me? B4J Question Avoid the knurling when import image into label programatically - Nuno Durães (first post)    Jan 27, 2023 Hi DonManfred,
The SVG edition is 3038,934 X 3022,373 px. I added printscreens of this edition, the properties in the designer and the frame of the app. B4A Question How do I achieve this look? - Ertan (first post)    Nov 04, 2021   (3 reactions) 84 23.13 C 107.21 34.19 117.48 45.36 128.00 56.27 L 128.00 57.76 C 116.32 71.13 103.73 83.71 92.28 97.28 C 84.97 105.16 75.47 111.16 64.97 113.67 C 57.45 114.82 49.69 114.84 42.18 113.56 C 30.18 110.46 19.22 103.11 12.17 92.86 C 6.67 86.03 3.76 77.56 2.04 69.06 C 0.99 63.79 -0.11 58.36 0.85 52.98 C Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |