Tool B4A Sdk Manager updates - Erel    Apr 12, 2020   (19 reactions) Download the jar and copy it to the installation folder.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android)
- V3.62 - AVD definitions file can now include multiple names. This solves an issue with Android Wear AVDs.
- V3.60 - Allows setting explicit versions in B4A Library Wearable DataLayer - barx    Jan 28, 2015   (17 reactions) What is it?
Not so recently a new branch of the Android platform was released for wearables (Watches and things) know simply as Android Wear. Wearables running Android Wear are made to be an extension for your existing mobile Android device. They bring notifications and app information / interaction B4A Library Notification Builder Library. - barx    Dec 12, 2017   (48 reactions) Choices() As String
Set a list of preset choices to show when requesting for voice input
<code>RemoteInput1.Choices = Array as String("Yes", "No", "Maybe")</code>
Label As String
Sets the label to show when requesting for voice input
CE B4A Library WatchFace Library - corwin42    Mar 05, 2020   (32 reactions) With this library you can create WatchFaces for Android Wear devices with B4A.
The example watchface should work well on round and square displays with or without "flat tire".
To use this library you should be familiar with creating wear apps with B4A. It will also help if you read the B4A Library CovidPass - the reader - drgottjr    Nov 10, 2021   (10 reactions) the resultant string comes back to you as a json string (or json-like). i didn't feed it to a json parser, but it certainly looked like json.
see further down regarding json. it's dealt with in version 0.02, found below. the eu uses json, but the decoder returns the result in a slightly different B4A Library [B4X] AS Views Overview - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Nov 15, 2024   (5 reactions) isSameYear, isSameWeek, isLastWeek Create Square Image/Thumbnail BCTextEngine - Create Named Link Fill a panel with diagonally drawn lines MeasureMultilineTextHeight GetNumberOfDaysInYear GetMonthFromDayOfYear GetMimeTypeByExtension Hide full phone number B4A TabStripViewPagerExtendet EdditText La B4A Library ABWearOS Library 1.0 - alwaysbusy (first post)    Oct 08, 2018   (2 reactions) Emphasis on finally... :D B4A Library SD: BT Printer Bluetooth - Star-Dust    Oct 16, 2024   (37 reactions) DeviceClass As Int)
ListPrinterAssociated (ListNameAndMac As Map)
SendingError (Mac As String)
Const_HEALTH As Int
Const_IMAGING As Int
Const_MISC As Int
Const_PERIPH B4A Library [Lib, Chargeable] Amir_RecyclerView - alimanam3386 (first post)    Dec 26, 2018   (7 reactions) 72648
Done! , Now you can use this lib ( ARV ) in Wear devices with version 1.0.2 :) B4A Library Detecting Round/Rectangular shape for Android Wear - Johan Schoeman    Jan 01, 2016   (6 reactions) I have posted a small wrapper here that detects the shape of an Android Wear device. Have tested it with the AVD Manager for both Rounded and Rectangular devices. It wraps this Github project.
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