B4A Code Snippet Upload files with WebView - Erel    Jun 09, 2022   (15 reactions) Code requires Android 5+
1. Set a custom WebViewChromeClient. It is implemented with inline Java code.
2. The ShowFile_Chooser event is raised when the user clicks on a "browse" button.
3. You need to get the file URI with FileProvider and call SendResult.
Example based on ContentChooser.
Sub Sh B4A Question webview file upload showFileChooser 09.2017 - Mike1970 (first post)    Jun 09, 2022   (1 reaction) https://www.b4x.-files-with-webview.98623/
Take a look at this
I tried it and it works, but with B4XPages not yet... i already published a post to talk about this issue B4A Question Webview Upload File with camera function - kohlenach    May 17, 2024 I have a site with a button to upload a file to a server. Android shows the option to pick the file from a gallery or from the camera.
When I click in the webview the upload button, nothing happens.
How I get the same upload dialog like in the android browser.
J. B4A Question WebViewExtras (File Upload to Php) - josejad (first post)    Apr 28, 2021   (2 reactions) Hi:
Where did you get the example? In order to test it.
When you start typing, you get the help with the parameters you need.
As you can see, addWebChromeClient needs two parameters.
It should be
WebViewExtras1.addWebChromeClient(WebView1, "WebView1") 'for example
112409 Wish Webview file upload / file chooser - Siam    Feb 18, 2016   (2 reactions) Hello,
since 2 years it is not possible to upload Files with a Webview:oops::( the FileChooser will not be opened if you press a upload button.
If someone can write a wrapper to bring back this function PLEASE do it! because my Java knowledge is very bad so i can't do it :oops:
If somenone write B4A Question webview multiple files upload - Erel (first post)    May 04, 2020 It is not simple to choose multiple images as different file browsers and pickers behave differently. You will not be able to use ContentChooser for this.
Relevant discussions: https://www.b4x./?query=Content+Chooser+multiple
The uploading code will also need some changes though they are simple. B4A Question WebView issue - drgottjr (first post)    Mar 21, 2023 refer to this link: https://www.b4x.-files-with-webview.98623/
there are some very specific steps required for uploading files with a webview.
in addition:
1) replace url in example with url you are using.
2) replace name of file ("TempFile") with "tempfile.png" or "tempfile.jpg" (according to forma B4A Question [B4XPages] Upload files with WebView - Mike1970    Jun 09, 2022 Hi everyone,
In my project I have a WebView that loads a webpage that has a "Choose File" button.
I took a look in the forum and i found this post: Upload files with WebView
However... the attached project works, but it's not b4xpages...
As soon as i take the code (and the manifest too) to put it i B4A Question Upload in webView (WORK)! - RobertoS    Sep 04, 2018 Hi all,
I found a way (in a somewhat accidental) to run the file upload in a WebView.
I have used WebViewExtras and WebViewExtras2, but in the .b4a project file I have declared FIRST WebViewExtras2 and THEN WebViewExtras .
When, the code are whis:
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be B4A Question Upload files with WebView - tiagovsilva    Jun 18, 2021 Hi,
Im trying to upload files with WebView using this example: https://www.b4x.-files-with-webview.98623/
Sub ShowFile_Chooser (FilePathCallback As Object, FileChooserParams As Object)
cc.Show("*/*", "Choose File")
Wait For CC_Result (Success As Boolean, Dir As Strin Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |