Android Question how to locate or init felusbserial in project (1MB/sec are possible ? )


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Hello. I'm sorry for this redundancy but I would like to connect a usb ft232 circuit, unfortunately b4a can't find the library or reference to compile the project. Also can the speed go up to 1Mb/sec? Thanks for reading.


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Thank you.
I read (learn) the booklet, browsed the forums, tried to configure several paths with several examples of programs and libraries for usb : nixie counter, usb-serial-for-android-master and also usbserial example, however B4A does not recognize not the library path. I also tried with zipped libraries, including the libraries in the B4Xlib/files folders, etc... but il wrong.
The installed version of B4A is version 10 on an old win10, 32 bit laptop with 2GB of ram.
Windows 10 is up to date, this computer seems to work correctly.
For using this computer with B4A i change MaxRamForDex to 1024
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Active Member
Licensed User
Thank you for your answer but the path configuration on my PC is empty. I directly put the libraries ( jar + xml ) at
C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\Libraries
After refreshing a new checkbox appears and everything works correctl
The problem is solved.
I'm sorry, thank you again.
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Longtime User
. I directly put the libraries ( jar + xml ) at C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\Libraries
You shouldn't do this. Only the official libraries supplied in the B4A installation should be there. You should keep a separate additional libraries folder in a non-protected location (Program Files is protected) for third party libraries to avoid future confusion.
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