
  1. B4J Question ABMaterial Table RowuniqueId Empty

    Hi All, i need help figuring this out, i am trying to retrieve the RowUniqueId from a table when i click on any of the rows, for some reason the RowUniqueRowId always returns empty, here's my code: Sub tbl1_Clicked(PassedRowsAndColumns As List) ' is the root table...
  2. B4J Question [ABMaterial] ABMTable Sorting

    I have a simple ABMTable where i load some data, 20 for each ABMPagination page. Problem come when i try to sort a column. When i sort column data are sorted not in the order i've inserted these (In first load items are inserted in correct order). Some code to clarify my problem...
  3. B4J Question [ABMaterial] How to make a table header an icon/png?

    Hi there I'd like to use the built in icons for my header(s) or either a png. How can I achieve this in an ABMTable? Thanks..
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