android 6

  1. M

    Android Question [B4XPages][B4X] Barcode QrCode Reader not working

    Hi everyone i followed this tutorial I've two Android phone. 1. Honor 8A (Android 9) 2. Meizu 5c (Android 6) On the first everything works ok, on the second the detector for the codes is not creating...
  2. Daniel44

    Android Question SQLite db file doesn't copy in my android v6 sdcard device

    Hi Everyone! Well.. I developed an app and I'm testing it on leapdroid 18 (android 4.4) it works fine.. but when I install it on a real device with Android 5 or 6 my app crashes. It seems the database file is not copied to the sdcard. Im using DBUtils 2.06 and my db file is copied in the file...