Hi everyone i followed this tutorial
I've two Android phone.
1. Honor 8A (Android 9)
2. Meizu 5c (Android 6)
On the first everything works ok, on the second the detector for the codes is not creating... infact it does not pass this check
So.. it will never fire the sub that finds the qrcode/barcode
In the tutorial it is said that it should work for Android 5+
I'm a bit worried because i don't want that on some smartphones (even new) it will not work..
Thanks in advance
[B4X] [B4XPages] Barcode Reader
B4A + B4i barcode reader. Don't miss: - #PlistExtra in B4i. - Manifest code + #AdditionalJar in B4A Depends on BCToast: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-bctoast-cross-platform-custom-toast-message.111046/#content (BCToast will be an internal library in the near future) While the...

I've two Android phone.
1. Honor 8A (Android 9)
2. Meizu 5c (Android 6)
On the first everything works ok, on the second the detector for the codes is not creating... infact it does not pass this check
Dim operational As Boolean = detector.RunMethod("isOperational", Null)
If operational = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Error creating detector", False)
End If
In the tutorial it is said that it should work for Android 5+
I'm a bit worried because i don't want that on some smartphones (even new) it will not work..
Thanks in advance