android studio

  1. T

    Android Question LPA managing application

    Hi, I'm currently trying to develop an android application to manage eSIM profiles including functions to download, enable, disable, delete profile. However at the current stage, I'm unable to even hit the LPA code while attempting to download the profile from a hardcoded LPA string within the...
  2. Dhanen

    Android Question CreditsRoll Library in newer versions of Android Studio?

    Hi all, Hope this question is well posted here. I am new and I am not sure, please if doesn't, tell me where I should move it. And sorry if my english is not as good, but it's not my first language (even not my second one). I have been searching and asking here and there during some months...
  3. Razmehr

    Android Question search quwery

    I'm very new to android studio so forgive me in advance if my question is not smart. I'm trying to create a dictionary (Pahlavi language to English). When I run the app it works almost perfectly, the only issue is that I'm not able to search for some of Pahlavi alphabet e.g (ā, č, ē) it only...
  4. ziz

    Android Question Why Basic4 Android is fast and does not consume device resources ؟

    Hello you all I could not understand why Basic for Android is fast and does not consume device resources Unlike Android Studio, for example, it is slow in compiler and heavy, even though a company like Google is behind it Even by running the application on the phone, the Basic for Android...
  5. ibkme

    Android Question how to mute ads on my app using this code from google [MobileAds.setAppMuted(true);] ??

    Hello, I want a way to mute Admob ads, ((Video reward ads, and Interstitial ads...etc)) on my app. I read this topic from Google: , but I don't know how to integrate this code into my own application using Android Studio. Is there...
  6. sadeq.hitex

    Android Question desugar a library by android studio

    Hello there. in this post i want to desugar a jar file but ' the library is not compatible with the desugar tool ' Does anyone know how to do this with android studio?
  7. alis1200

    Java Question How to wrap Libs with java 8?

    Hi Is any way to wrap an android studio lib that syntaxed with java 8 to b4a lib? If it's impossible, say when java 8 syntax will be added to b4a? Thanx
  8. T

    Wish Android Studio features

    This might be too much to ask but can you add features like Android studio has? Previewing layouts on different locale/localization Github integration - version control system built-in localization tools resource shrinking - automatically remove unused resources from the packaged app and...
  9. M

    Convert a Java (Android Studio) App into an Android Service

    I need an Android Studio Service written (actually just converted) to do a very simple task. I have an Android Demo App (written in Java in Android Studio by the supplier) to demonstrate that their bitmap converter library we bought actually works. The library is there and it does work in App...
  10. C

    Android Question Convert android studio project to b4a

    Is it possible to convert an android studio project to b4a?
  11. Multiverse app

    Wish Android Studio like Activity Chooser

    Suggestion to add some default templates like Android Studio, in which developers can choose the desired Activities. Users can customize the designs from there on from the manifest. After choosing a template, appropriate libraries will automatically be added and an entry in the Manifest will...