This is the error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/apache/http/ProtocolVersion;
at dd.b([email protected] (120400-0):2)
at dc.a([email protected] (120400-0):1)
I'm trying to get the ABMaterial demo app running on my VPS via reverse proxy. Everytime I try to go to the URL, I get an "Internal Server Error" message. It works fine when I access it via IP
My vHost file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
Redirect /...
I made 7 examples how to exchange data between B4x apps and php. I use the POSTSTRING method as it is simple, secure (get-methods will be logged with the data autmatically on the server, post-methods not), strings can be formatted very easy (JSON) and en-/decrypted (not included but see my other...
Buenas a todos.
En este enlace!jKRDXCgT!3BgdgywykwpV4tXfR5A6s7lemuvj0Pl8DUnKajYkB0Q podran descargar un zip con ejemplos de modelo cliente servidor.
Veran que no es nada nuevo pero:
No fallan con las ñ y acentos.
Corren en las versiones ultimas de WAMP (mysql vs msqli)
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