

    Android Question Sqlite Database options

    Hello, I like to get a suggest of method, regarding best practices for my App : 1/ i have an SQLITE db that contain general setting strings and language strings for its operation, and independent of user data. I systematicaly copy that DB from asset dir to Internal, so even after app updating...

    Android Question Compare DirAssets and DirInternal db

    Hello, when i compare that 2 files : That is Because i regulary update the tables inside "strings.db" file from the "DB Brower SqlLite" tools 'LocalStrings *************************************************************** Dim FileName As String = "strings.db" Dim TargetDir As...
  3. E

    Android Question How to Add SQLite to Assets

    Can i add sqlite database to assets? im use database for read only, i will never insert,update or delete it. just use for select data. schema and record will make out of application.
  4. Marcus Araujo

    Android Example Solving "Font asset not found" from library

    I developed a class (compiled in library) that makes use of Typeface.MATERIALICONS, but when I tried using it there was this error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Font asset not found b4x_materialicons.ttf I could not find a thread summarizing this problem in this forum for a workout, but the...
  5. MarkusR

    Wish AssetsFolder in ide did not list my sub folders

    i have an issue (in B4A 7.80) , i put a three.js-master folder with one example in Files folder but at synchronize in ide it not appear and in ide/activity said file not found. i try to open the html file in web view, it was more or less a experiment if 3d view is possible. (323 files in 41...