
  1. R

    B4J Question B4JVLCj Library - Exposing Video Properties

    I have just been playing with the excellent library B4JVLCj by @moster67 that allows you embed VLC media player within a B4J desktop application. Within certain limitations it all seems to work as advertised. In trying to push it a little further I would like to extract the Video Codec name or...
  2. Share My Creation (b4j) Local and Url Video player_With VLC

    hi thanks @moster67 for wrapping Vlcj i only add seekbar and convert to class for use in other projects and fullscreen mode sample and lib+jars atteched. Download Jars
  3. Android Question Can I get libvlc.jar to be use in b4a ?

    Please don't delete my post. I am already depressed and helpless. I didn't added any bad thing. And if added then please correct me.Thanks! As you know all that vlc isn't just a video player But also an open source framework shared across tons of platforms. They give you a lib called libvlc...
  4. B4J Question b4jvlcj user-agent

    hi all, i m using b4jvlcj library to play videos, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4jvlcj-embed-vlc-mediaplayer-in-your-program-app.77098/#content but i need to set a user agent for the lib so that i can play videos, for example this link...
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