
  1. X

    Android Question Some Question on Google WebView...

    background:Android14 mobile phone with gms, using google webview seeing it in [Developer Options] When Using WebView with customized WebChromeClient and override function `public void onReceivedTitle(WebView view, String title)` load a HTML url link,and receive title the url without protocrol...
  2. abedcode

    Android Question WebView with address bar like ChromCustomTabs library?

    hello everyone, Is there any libraries for B4A so you could have a WebView but with address bar & authenticity of internally opened Chrome browser like the way Instagram & Telegram do it? the ChromCustomTabs library is not the answer because of two reasons: 1- you have no controls over it like...
  3. Hamedshafiee

    B4J Question JCEF "Chromium Embedded Framework" in B4J

    Hi I need To advanced Webview in my app how to embed JCEF "Chromium Embedded Framework" in my B4j Application JCEF Source thank you