Android Question Some Question on Google WebView...


New Member
background:Android14 mobile phone with gms, using google webview seeing it in [Developer Options]
When Using WebView with customized WebChromeClient and override function `public void onReceivedTitle(WebView view, String title)`
load a HTML url link,and receive title the url without protocrol, like this:
load ""
onReceivedTitle(WebView view, String title) is called --
title : ""
view.getUrl() : ""

Anyone can help? what happen on the url ?


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Anyone can help?
It's unlikely anyone can help you with such limited information. What do you want to do when the Post thread web page iOS loads and displays?

what happen on the url ?
If you request a URL and the content of the URL is displayed, it stops. What do you want to do with the requested information?

It helps enormously if you add a small example program to your question that makes it clear what you have done so far and what you would like answered.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
i get the title. must be something wrong with your webchromeclient...


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