
  1. Jack Cole

    Android Question finding custom views

    I have some code that iterates through all the loaded views and pulls the values from the views that users can enter data into (such as a spinner, edittext, etc...). The problem comes in with adding custom views or XUI views. Consider the following function: Sub get_field_data As Map...
  2. luciano deri

    Android Question Custom View: disable parameter in Designer

    Hi to everyone, i'm trying to add params to a customview but i have a problem... I have a param that when enabled, has to disable another one. I know how to do it in the code, but i don't know how to "Grey" it in the Designer. Any clues?
  3. K

    Android Question anotherdatepicker in customlayoutdialog

    Hii, Another datepicker in Dialog. I'm trying to add anotherdatepicker in CustomLayoutDialog. Its shows Log Error occurred on line: 150 (AnotherDatePicker) java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (B4XView). at...
  4. Peter Simpson

    At last, maybe...

    So after studying Klaus's xChart, Erels various examples and watching Star-Dust release example of what can be created using XUI, I decided to take a closer look at XUI. I've started learning about XUI and its advantages, yes it looking really good and way better than I first thought it was...