
  1. behnam_tr

    B4J Question Which method of connecting to the database is optimal?

    hi. Which method of connecting to the database is optimal? My focus is on memory usage. 1-Persistent connection Connects to the database from the start of the program and does not close until the end of the program. 'mainform public SQL1 as SQL sub start SQL1.InitializeSQLite(""...
  2. R

    Android Question B4XTable, attach memory DB to main SQLite (file based) DB

    Trying to run a query on the B4XTable memory DB and move the resulting data directly to a table in the main SQLite (file based) table. I trying to do this by attaching the B4XTable memory DB to the main DB and then running that query from the main DB. The reason for doing it like this is that...
  3. Luis_FY

    Spanish Consultar el nombre de las tablas en una base de datos

    Saludos amigos, estoy tratando de hacer una app usando SQL, hasta ahorita no hay problema para crear desde mi app una base de datos interna y crear n cantidad de tablas para manejar una por día por poner un ejemplo. El problema principal que tengo es que si nombro a una Tabla A1 y vuelvo a...
  4. abbas abedi

    Android Question How to Get dB and Hz from Buffer (AudioStreamer)

    Hi I used AudioStreamer for get stream voice as Live and how can I Get Buffer byte info ? for example like dB volume or Hz or dB of any Hz
  5. S

    B4J Question PHP file not parsing parameter string from Poststring

    Hello, i've a strange problem which costed me quite a bit of time to debug, still I don't know why my php file won't accept the string of parameters. Note that the php files are working well, I use them on other projects in combination with another development environment. So at a certain point...
  6. S

    B4J Question What type should the variable be, when importing Date from DB?

    Hello, it's looks that importing data from mariadb with jRDC is very very strict, causing errors which take a lot of time to understand. (no offence, no doubt I'm the biggest cause) If I import via Select a row from DB and a column has date like yyyy-mm-dd, should the variable where this data...
  7. Luca1967

    Italian Caricamento csv in una tabella DB

    Ciao a tutti. Devo caricare un csv composto da 140.000 righe in una tabella. Ci riesco ma il caricamento è molto lento. Ho provato con la libreria DBUTILS ma mi dà l'errore : Uncaught translation error: min-sdk-version >= 26) Esiste un metodo rapido e veloce per caricare tutti i dati? Al...
  8. amorosik

    Italian [B4J] Come realizzare classica DbGrid per visualizzare informazioni da database?

    Supponiamo di voler realizzare il classico 'rubrica telefonica' in B4J Dati su db server qualsiasi, select che tira su una ventina di campi, di tipo (char, integer, data, ..) e dimensioni diverse (char(20), char(2000),...) Esiste un metodo 'classico' per ottenere la classica visualizzazione alla...
  9. 3

    Italian connessione jdbc con host

    buongiorno a tutti, è da un po che tento di collegarmi al mio sqlserver ma non riesco in nessun modo. Public mysql As JdbcSQL Private driver As String = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" 'Private jdbcUrl As String = "jdbc:mysql://" Private jdbcUrl As String =...
  10. D

    Android Question How to initialize an encrypted sqlite db created by another app ?

    I have created a database sqlite in vb 2015 with that code: dim cmd as new sqlite.sqliconnection cmd=new sqlite.sqlite.rconnection("Data Source = vetesmart.db;Password = "abcd") Once the database file is on my android phone I would like to read it with my B4A app. How can i use...
  11. WebQuest

    Android Question Open and Save a PDF File In the Database with App.

    Hi I'm trying to select a pdf file in the device with the Chooser as it happens with the images, but without success. My intent is to select a pdf through my app and then save it in the db of the app. I'm using SqlLite for the db. I'm using the chooser specifying the type of file to be selected...
  12. K

    Android Question Copy DB from asset

    Hi expert I'm trying to copy file from asset folder it shows error java.io.FileNotFoundException: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.temp/files/temp1.db (No such file or directory) while Log(File.Exists(File.DirDefaultExternal,"temp1.db")) shows true my code : If File.ExternalWritable...
  13. Star-Dust

    B4A Library SD: BindingNavigator (Sqlite GUI Navigator)

    This is a first version of the BindingNavigator Library, which wants to somehow reproduce the corresponding BindingNavigator of VB.NET. What is needed? I want to get something similar to the tools available on VB.NET to link the views to the DB. As in the pictures. A DataSet Class is...