download file

  1. J

    Android Question B4XPages download from https url with progress bar and wait for for it to finsh

    I'm using B4XPages to develop for Android using B4A. I want to download a SQLite database of just a few MB from a https url and wait for it to finish. I'm using the example code in old thread...
  2. T201016

    Android Question [SOLVED] Launching a TextEditor with a parameter on startup

    Hello everyone, here's how to run your own application (text editor) with the selected file. This example allows you to open the contents of a text file (.txt) and an encrypted file (.weo) in mine in the previous example, TextEditor. However, I would rather research the file type in terms of...
  3. KMatle

    B4R Tutorial ESP32: Simple OTA/Update via WebServer

    This example (adapted from the Arduino examples under Arduino->File->Examples) - downloads a file from a server (exactly: the update file) - store this file to the filesystem (SPIFFS) - starts an update with the downloaded file How to use: - Compile this app with "default" options from the...
  4. KMatle

    B4R Tutorial ESP32: Download huge file from a server and save it

    This example downloads a file from a server folder (here I use a folder in htdocs on my apache server) and saves it to a file on the file system. Tested with 700KB files. Set headers (browse the www how to set up headers or credentials). Note that the ESP32 filesystem is quite slow. Downloading...
  5. MAX_SV

    Italian [RISOLTO] FTP download non funziona più ...

    Ciao a tutti, sono un paio d'anni che ho un software che scarica un file txt da un ftp e lo elabora il codice è il seguente Dim nome, nome1 As String nome= txt_gara.Text &"_" & lst_discesa.SelectedItem & ".txt" nome1="/public_html/directory/" & txt_gara.Text &"_" & lst_discesa.SelectedItem &...
  6. T

    iOS Question How do I download a PDF file from Webview?

    I followed this thread And my code is: Sub WebView1_OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean If Url.EndsWith(".pdf") Then Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("pdf", Me)...
  7. A

    Android Question File not exist

    Hello, I tried to use OkHttpUtils2 to download a file from a link (trying to download file named "") Dim d As HttpJob d.Initialize("", Me) d.Download(link) Wait For (d) JobDone(d As HttpJob) If d.Success Then If...
  8. Sreepathy T L

    Android Question Upload Progress in notification area even after closing the app

    Hi, I have seen an app (frankly, its readwhere) which downloads the file in background even when the app is not activated. Also once you open the app, it shows the progress of download in the app. If you are initiating a download from the app, it continues showing the download progress in...
  9. V

    iOS Question Download file

    My iOS application requires downloading a sqlite file every time the user login. I do not know which is the best option: - Download the file from a remote server -or- - Use Firebase -or- - ¿are there other options? Thanks for your help.