
  1. I

    Android Question How to implement notification and lockscreen controls for ExoPlayer?

    ExoPlayer is a nice addition to B4A. It's built-in UI controls are nice enough to not bother with developing custom UI. It even supports background playback. But for a media player, users usually expect player controls on both notification and lockscreen when playing in the background. Popular...
  2. Android Question Exoplayer GestureDetector

    My issue is Exoplayer menu options no longer pop up when I tap the player. This happens when I added the following to the SimpleExoplayerView1. GD.SetOnGestureListener(SimpleExoPlayerView1, "Gesture") I need a way to tell ExoPlayer to show the menu.
  3. Android Question ExoPlayer problem

    I'm writing a program to play video files with Exoplayer. I want them to play full screen. But the only way I can stop the video playing, is to have a button named stop, that does it. But i don't want any button visible when I'm playing the video. I tried using the back navigate button, but it's...
  4. Android Question Exoplayer HTTPS

    How can i play https video in exoplayer? Because when i try to play in VLC PC, for example, It ask me to accept the certificate. Is there a way to do this in exoplayer? I get the following error Error: com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.HttpDataSource$HttpDataSourceException: Unable to...
  5. Android Question Hide User Agent ExoPlayer

    Hello community, I'm having a problem with FIDDLER, the program that intercept our data base. When i play a video in exo player, my USER AGENT will show in FIDDLER program. Is there a way to hide my USER AGENT?
  6. Android Question ExoPlayer setting the volume level

    Nice library but it needs a more detailed tutorial. I tried to set the volume like this: exoPlayer.Volume(.5) but I get an error telling me it expects an array. I have not used arrays yet so I found this example: Creates a single dimension array of the specified type. The syntax is: Array...
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