firebase cloud messaging

  1. Share My Creation Implement notifications with images from firebase (source code for sale)

    ⚠️ Important: This product requires the latest version of the JdashboardUI library. JdashboardUI enhances the graphic interface of your desktop applications. ⚡️ Discover the App Design Revolution with JdashboardUI 🌟 Hello everyone! I'm thrilled to introduce my latest creation: a library that...
  2. Android Example Push messages with Firebase and B4A: Some additional hints and a working example

    Hi, I played around with push notifications based on Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). I followed the tutorial at, which is excellent. Still, there are some open questions which I'd...
  3. Android Question Firebase Messaging - RemoteMessage GetData is empty

    Not sure what I am doing wrong here. Message has both a subject and a body. Message was created in the Firebase console. Sub fm_MessageArrived (Message As RemoteMessage) Log("DEBUG") Log("Message arrived") Log("From: " & Message.From) Log("ID : " & Message.MessageId)...
  4. S

    iOS Question Firebase notifications don't arrived

    Faced with such an interesting problem. I use firebase for chat app on andoid and ios. When I send a message from android, everything works well (the notification will be sent to both ios and android), but when I send a message from ios, it will only be sent to android and sub...
  5. iOS Question How to deal with IOS push notification certificate renewal?

    My app's Apple Push Services Certificate is going to expire soon. - I went to Apple Developer "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" and created a new certificate and downloaded the aps.cer file. - Then, in the IDE, I chose Tools > Build Server > Create Push Store > Firebase Service and...
  6. D

    Android Question firebase notifications with time constraints

    Hello everybody :) I have a small question. I am using Firebase to send notifications, can I somehow limit them in time? For example send / receive message from 8 am to 8 pm? I will be glad to any answer best regards
  7. D

    Android Question Firebase messages arrived

    Hello Faced such a problem that by sending a message to a specific topic from one device, the message is displayed in any topics(which both devices are subscribed). The problem is in the function fm_MessageArrived I call the method in the function to display messages, how can I display them in...
  8. D

    Android Question Firebase notify click

    Hello everyone I want to do one thing when you click on a notification (sent to everyone in "general" topic), a new topic is created for 2 persons, i will send the name of the new topic with a notification (it works correctly). But in order to subscribe on it, only the first one who clicks on...
  9. M

    iOS Question Firebase Messages does not trigger _RemoteNotification

    Hi everyone, today i opened a project that i had finished some month ago. In this project Firebase Messages was used. It Works now, the problem is that the sub "Application_RemoteNotification" does not trigger anymore when the app is open, but it show the banner in overlay, like if it is closed...
  10. A

    Android Question Firebase Cloud Messaging Push Notifications

    Hi all. My question is - does it have any limitation for a number of characters? Like SMS for example? Thanks
  11. Android Question Topic sync or token retrieval failed on hard failure ( FCM )

    Hi.. can someone here tell me, why do I get an error like this : Topic sync or token retrieval failed on hard failure exceptions: PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR. Won't retry the operation. I have a test with a real device and an emulator, the FCM emulator works fine and gets a token. But on my...
  12. B4J Question Use of analytics_label with Firebase Messaging

    Hello, while using Firebase Messaging I noticed that messages I send using code from the sample B4J app posted at are delivered to my B4A mobile app but don't show up in the Firebase...
  13. M

    Android Question Firebase notification

    Hello everyone I want to handle notification click in firebase when the app is not running, i need to do some actions when the notification clicked. Can anyone help me?
  14. J

    Android Question Firebase messaging - not receiving messages

    I noticed that in one of the 2 devices in which I'm testing an app did not received the firebase messages, but both used to work fine, one day it stop receiving them. I read the tutorial again and googled this error but did not found anything that worked, I went back to an apk that I knew for...
  15. Android Tutorial FCM message workflow explained by Google

    See here: There are 3 types of messages you can send combined with your app's state (fore- or background). Android FCM services behave different depending on the message type: 1. Notifcation only As...
  16. Android Question Firebase Notifications error

    After I updated to FirebaseNotifications v1.21, I get the following error- *** Service (firebasemessaging) Create *** ** Service (firebasemessaging) Start ** firebasemessaging_subscribetotopics (java line: 193) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method...
  17. Spanish ¿Se puede hacer segmentación geográfica con Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)?

    Hola. He conocido recientemente que es posible hacer segmentación geográfica a la hora de enviar mensajes push. Es decir, decidir que un determinado mensaje push enviado solo lo reciban los clientes que se encuentren en determinada zona geográfica. He buscado en nuestros foros y en la info...
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